Saturday 12 June 2021

Life Wisdom - Universal Laws of Success

(1) Law of LOVE - It says in essence - "LOVE ALL PEOPLE AS YOURSELF". All other rules are subordinate to this one Law - they must NOT conflict with it. It's biblical. It applies to everything we do - as individuals - families - business teams - organizations - countries. It is Global in its reach.

(2) Law of CAUSE & EFFECT - This is an orderly universe. There are no accidents. Everything happens for a reason. For every effect there's a cause or a set of causes.

(3) Law of MIND - Thoughts objectify themselves. We 'become' what we 'think about'.

(4) Law of MENTAL EQUIVALENCY - To achieve success in any area, we must have a 'clear image' of that success in our mind a mental picture of our idea of success - a vision.

(5) Law of CORRESPONDENCE - Our outer life will mirror our 'inner' life. There is a 'direct correspondence' between our experiences and our thoughts and attitudes.

(6) Law of BELIEF - Whatever we believe - deeply - becomes our reality (including our belief that we "deserve" Success).

(7) Law of VALUES - What we truly value and believe in is reflected in our 'actions', even though our 'words' may say otherwise.

(8) Law of MOTIVATION - Everything we do is triggered by our inner desires, urges and instincts - many are subconscious.

(9) Law of SUBCONSCIOUS ACTIVITY - Our subconscious mind 'alerts us to things around us' - consistent with our dominant desires and concerns.

(10) Law of EXPECTATIONS - What we 'expect with confidence' tends to materialize.

(11) Law of CONCENTRATION - Whatever we concentrate on - and think about repeatedly - becomes more a part of our inner life.

(12) Law of HABIT - Virtually all that we do is automatic - the result of habit. Habits that move us 'away' from our goals must be 'changed'.

(13) Law of ATTRACTION - We are 'living magnets'. We attract people, events and circumstances that 'harmonize with our own dominant thoughts'.

(14) Law of CHOICE - We are free to choose what we think about - and therefore 'free to choose all other parts of our life'.

(15) Law of OPTIMISM - A positive mental attitude 'goes' with success and happiness. Optimism makes us cheerful and pleasant - and more 'likely' to succeed.

(16) Law of CHANGE - All things are changing - nothing is fixed. If we don't take advantage' of change - we will be the victims of change!

(17) Law of CONTROL - We feel positive about ourselves to the extent that we feel we 'are in control' of our lives.

(18) Law of RESPONSIBILITY - WE are 'fully responsible' for everything we are - everything we have - everything we become - and everything we achieve.

(19) Law of COMPENSATION - Whatever we put IN - we will get OUT - 'we will always be compensated in full' for whatever we do.

(20) Law of SERVICE - Our rewards in this life will be in direct proportion to 'the value of our service to others' ("be a mentor with a servant's heart")

(21) Law of APPLIED EFFORT - All things are amenable to hard work - in fact, 'the harder we work, the luckier we get'.

(22) Law of OVER-COMPENSATION - We must always put in more than we take out - or we'll never take out more than we're getting now ('do more' than we're paid for - to 'get paid more' for what we do = the 'Give first - Get later' principle).

(23) Law of PREPARATION - 'Perfect performance comes from painstaking preparation'. Real pros take more time than others to prepare.

(24) Law of FORCED EFFICIENCY - The more we take on - the more efficient we'll be. While there's never enough time to do everything - 'there's always enough time to do the important things'.

(25) Law of DECISION - Every great leap forward springs from 'a clear decision to ACT'. And if we act boldly - unseen forces will come to our aid.

(26) Law of CREATIVITY - Every advance begins with an idea in one person's mind. Whatever 'our mind can conceive and truly believe, it CAN achieve'.

(27) Law of FLEXIBILITY - Success is best achieved when we are 'clear about the goal, but flexible' about how to get there. Inflexibility can lead us to missed opportunities.

(28) Law of PERSISTENCE - Our ability to persist - despite setbacks and disappointments - affirms our belief in ourselves. Persistence is the 'iron quality' of Success.
Written by Peter Arnold

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