Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Quote for the day

"To make money, you will have to take risks, even if it's just your time on the line. The key to risk-taking is knowledge." -  Stuart Wilde

27-Aug-2013 CSE Trade Summary

Crossings - 27/08/2013 - Top 10 Contributors to Change ASPI

Following Stocks Reached New High / Low on 27/08/2013

Quote for the day

"The key to trading success is emotional discipline. Making money has nothing to do with intelligence. To be a successful trader, you have to be able to admit mistakes. People who are very bright don't make very many mistakes. Besides trading, there is probably no other profession where you have to admit when you’re wrong. In trading, you can’t hide your failures." - Victor Sperandeo

26-Aug-2013 CSE Trade Summary

Crossings - 26/08/2013 - Top 10 Contributors to Change ASPI

Following Stocks Reached New High / Low on 26/08/2013