Wednesday, 3 September 2014

03-Sep-2014 CSE Trade Summary

Company Fact Sheet:Ceylon Printers PLC - CPRT.N0000

About the company:

Established: 1958                                      Quoted Date: 1974-01-01        Sector: Services

The Ceylon Printers PLC is engaged in printing and buying and selling of computers and computer accessories and servicing of computers and maintenance of software programmes. The Company is the holding Company that owns investments in International Computers (Ceylon) Ltd. whose principal activity is buying and selling of Computers, Computer Hardware , Computer Software, automated teller machine (ATM) Cards and Outsource Services.

Chairman & Managing Director: Mr W.N.S. Canagaratna 

Board of Directors:
Mr L.C.G. Ratnanather 
Mr J.P.S. Ratnanather 
Mr J.A.S. Ratnasabapathy (Alternative Director to Mr. J.P.S. Ratnanather)
Mr P.S.R. Casiechitty (Independent Director)
Mr M.M. Marzook  (Non-Executive / Independent Director)

52 Weeks Low: 1005.00                                                                    52 Weeks High: 1,999.90

Average Trading Volume: 9

Company Financial at a glance:

Total shares in Issue as at 30-06-2014: 35,010

Top 20 Shareholders as at 30/06/2014
The percentage of Shares held by the Public as at 30th June 2014 was 46.86%.

The percentage of Foreign Holding as at 31st August 2014 was 3.45%

Quote for the day

"In the long run the pessimist may be proved right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip."
- Daniel L Reardon