Tuesday, 2 September 2014

02-Sep-2014 CSE Trade Summary

Company Fact Sheet: Kalamazoo Systems PLC - KZOO:N0000

About the company:

Established: 1958                                      Quoted Date: 1958-01-01        Sector: Services

Kalamazoo Systems PLC is a holding Company. The Company is engaged in sale of Kalamazoo stationery, Kalamazoo equipment and printing. The principal activities of the Company were printing, publishing, manufacturing and sale stock sheets and ledger binders. The principle activities of the Subsidiaries were Hiring of machines to their related companies and Providing Loans to the Employees within the group.

Chairman & Managing Director: Mr W.N.S. Canagaratna 

Board of Directors:
Mr J.A.S. Ratnasabapathy (Alternative Director to Mr. J.P.S. Ratnanather)
Mr L.C.G. Ratnanather 
Mr J.P.S. Ratnanather 
Mr P.S.R. Casiechitty 
Mr M.M. Marzook  (Non-Executive / Independent Director)

52 Weeks Low: 860.50                                                                    52 Weeks High: 1,475.00

Average Trading Volume: 22

Company Financial at a glance:
Click Table to Enlarge

Total shares in Issue as at 31-03-2014: 50,000

Top 20 Shareholders as at 31/03/2014

The percentage of Shares held by the Public as at 31st March 2014 was 53.79%.

The percentage of Foreign Holding as at 31st August 2014 was 4.92%

Quote for the day

"Don't buy a stock simply because it has had a big decline from its high and is now a "better value;" wait for the market to recognize "value" first." - James P. Arthur Huprich