Friday, 7 February 2014

07-Feb-2014 CSE Trade Summary

Following Stocks Reached New High / Low on 07/02/2014

Crossings - 07/02/2014 & Top 10 Contributors to Change ASPI

Foreign Activity for the week ending 07/02/2014

Company Fact Sheet: People's Leasing & Finance PLC - PLC:N0000

About the company:

Established: 1995                                  Quoted Date: 2011-11-24             Sector: Banks, Finance & Insurance

People's Leasing & Finance PLC is engaged in providing finance leases, hire-purchase asset financing, term loans, margin trading, issuing of debt instruments and mobilization of deposits. The Company operates in three segments: Leasing and advances, Insurance business and other business. Leasing and advances segment includes Leasing, Hire Purchase, Ijarah, Murahba, Trading Murabha and Loan product offered to the customers. Insurance business segment includes general insurance. Other business segment includes all other business activities that the Company engages in other than two segments. The Company's customers range from individuals to Small and medium enterprises to blue chip companies. The Company's subsidiaries include People's Finance PLC, People's Leasing Fleet Management Limited, People's Leasing Property Development Limited, People's Leasing Havelock Properties Limited, People's Insurance Limited and People's Micro finance Limited. 

Chairman: Mr G.S. Senerath (Non-Executive, Non-Independent Director)

CEO: Mr D.P. Kumarage

Board of Directors:
Mr N.V. Kumar  (Non - Executive Director)  
Mr P.A.I.S. Perera  (Independent Non - Executive Director)
Mr P. Kudabalage  (Non-Independent Non-Executive Director)
Mr H.H.A. Chandrasiri  (Independent Non-Executive Director)

52 Weeks Low: 12.80                                                         52 Weeks High: 15.70

Average Trading Volume: 549,990

Company Financial at a glance:
Click Table to Enlarge

1. The Company's Ordinary Share quoted on the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) on 3rd November 2011.

2. Pursuant to the amalgamation of People's Finance PLC with the Company 19,862,322 number of shares of People's Leasing & Finance PLC (the Amalgamated Company) were issued on 05th April 2013 to the minority shareholders of People's Finance PLC in the proportion of three shares for every one share held in People's Finance PLC. Aforesaid shares were listed on the Main Board of the Colombo Stock Exchange on 10th April 2013

Total shares in Issue: 1,579,862,482

Top 20 Shareholders as at 31/12/2013
The percentage of Shares held by the Public as at 31st December 2013 was 24.91%.