Thursday, 23 January 2014

23-Jan-2014 CSE Trade Summary

Following Stocks Reached New High / Low on 23/01/2014

Crossings - 23/01/2014 & Top 10 Contributors to Change ASPI

Top 5 Gainer / Loser / Turnover / Volume for the day

Foreign Activity for the day

Company Fact Sheet: Lanka Walltiles PLC - LWL:N0000

About the company:

Established: 1975                    Quoted Date: 1994-06-13              Sector: Manufacturing

Lanka Walltiles PLC is a Sri Lanka-based company mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of glazed ceramic wall tiles for export and local markets and holding investments. Through its subsidiaries, the Company is engaged in the manufacture of floor tiles, the provision of management services to plantation industry, agricultural production business, operation of mini hydro power project, manufacture and sale of cartons and paper sacks for packing, manufacture and sale of tile grout and tile mortar and aluminium extrusions, among others. The Company operates in three main business segments, including tiles and associated items, which manufactures and sells wall tiles, floor tiles, and trades home improvement products; plantation products, which involved in the cultivation, processing and sale of tea and rubber, and packing materials, which involves in the manufacture and distribution of packing materials.

Chairman: Mr. W.D.N.H. Perera

Managing Director: Mr. J.A.P.M. Jayasekera

Board of Directors:
Ms. A.M.L. Page
Dr. S. Selliah (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Mr. C.L.V. Jayatilleke
Mr. Zoysa Tilk de
Mr. T.D.E. Jayanithie
Mr. S.R. De Silva
Mrs. Muttukumaru Cecilia
Mr. T.G. Thoradeniya  (Non-Executive Director)
Mr. K.D.G. Gunaratne
Mr. R.N. Somaratne (Non-Executive Director)

52 Weeks Low: 52.10                                                                52 Weeks High: 75.40

Average Trading Volume: 53,470

Company Financial at a glance:
Click Table to Enlarge

Total shares in Issue: 54,600,000

Top 20 Shareholders as at 30/09/2013

Percentage of public holding as at 30th September 2013 was 32.66%