Monday, 10 February 2014

10-Feb-2014 CSE Trade Summary

Following Stocks Reached New High / Low on 10/02/2014

Crossings - 10/02/2014 & Top 10 Contributors to Change ASPI

Top 5 Gainer / Loser / Turnover / Volume for the day

Foreign Activity for the day

Company Fact Sheet: Ceylon Tea Brokers PLC - CTBL.N0000

About the company:

Established: 1999                                               Quoted Date: 2010-03-16                 Sector: Services

Ceylon Tea Brokers PLC is a Sri Lanka-based company operated as an intermediary between tea sellers and buyers. The Company also provides warehousing services for storage of tea. The principal activity of the Company is tea brokering, warehousing and financing. As of March 31, 2012, the Company's parent company was Capital Alliance Holdings Limited.

Chairman: Mr C.P.R. Perera 

Managing Director: Mr W.A.T. Fernando

Board of Directors:
Mr W. De Silva
N.T.M.S. Cooray 
Mr C.P.R. Perera 
Mr B. R. L. Fernando  (Independent Director)
Mr S. Perera  (Executive Director)
Mr R. Pathirana  (Independent Director)

52 Weeks Low: 3.20                                                                            52 Weeks High: 5.80

Average Trading Volume: 20,820

Company Financial at a glance:
Click Table to Enlarge

Total shares in Issue: 114,000,000

At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of the Company held on 6th June 2013 it was resolved, by way of a Special Resolution, to set up an Employee Share Option Scheme and to grant not more than 5,700,000 options to the key management personnel. 

Pursuant thereto , the Board at its meeting held on 8th August 2013, decided to allocate 4,000,000 options to the said key management personnel, subject to the following :

Grant date : 8th August 2013
Vesting period : 
One third (1/3) of the options in the first year ending 7th August 2014
One third (1/3) of the options in the second year ending 7th August 2015
One third (1/3) of the options in the third year ending 7th August 2016
Exercise Period : 2 years from the date of the Vesting
Exercise Price : Rs. 4.21 per share

Top 20 Shareholders as at 30/09/2013

The percentage of Shares held by the Public as at 30th September 2013 was 15.19%.