Saturday, 24 September 2016

25 of Life’s Most Powerful Lessons

It’s important for you to believe in yourself, stand up for the principles that you hold dear, and see the world for what it really is, not what you want it to be. Don’t be afraid to embrace change, confront uncertainty, and face the unknown. For these things are ways of life. Make sure to be bold, follow your heart, and dream BIG. As Walt Disney once said, “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”

Here are 25 of Life’s Most Powerful Lessons excerpted from Follow Your Conscience:

  1. “Listen to your conscience. That’s why you have one.”
  2. “Happiness is not a matter of intensity, but of balance.”
  3. “Your reputation is like a shadow, following you wherever you go.”
  4. “You gain more by making others look good than by singing your own praises.”
  5. “Many people are actually poor because the only thing they have is money.”
  6. “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”
  7. “Life is the sum of all the choices that you make.”
  8. “Everything has a price, but not everything should be for sale.”
  9. “Tough times say a lot about us. Let’s hope that they say only good things about you!”
  10. “Respect is priceless. Earn it every day!”
  11. “While toxic food is bad for your health and well-being, so are negative and unethical people.”
  12. “Where you’ve come from is less important than where you’re going.”
  13. “Little footsteps in the sand usually follow larger ones, so watch where you step.”
  14. “The goal shouldn’t always be adding, but also subtracting from daily tasks.”
  15. “Trust takes a long time to develop, but can be lost in the blink of an eye.”
  16. “It takes many years to become an overnight success.”
  17. “Your promise should be as binding as a contract.”
  18. “When kids grow up, they hear their parent’s voice in their subconscious. Make sure it’s positive.”
  19. “Paradise is not a place, it’s a state of mind.”
  20. “Saying ‘no’ to one idea enables you to say ‘yes’ to another.”
  21. “While determination builds character, quitting is habit forming.”
  22. “Always tell the truth –– or the truth will tell on you.”
  23. “Don’t be satisfied to be a bystander in your life story.”
  24. “Real wealth is achieved by appreciating what you already have in life.”
  25. “Believe in the impossible. And then prove it CAN be done.”

Quote for the day

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle