By Kevin Peter
What is Intelligence?
The word “Intelligence” has got a number of definitions. But if simply said it is the ability to learn about, learn from, understand, and interact with one’s environment. The word environment here has got a wider meaning that includes a person’s immediate surroundings like the family, the workplace, or a classroom, including the people around him or her.
About twenty five years ago, Dr. Howard Gardner, a leading developmental psychologist of our times came up with a new theory about intelligence. According to him every one of us is strong in at least one kind of intelligence. He even proposed that human beings were much more complex than what could be revealed in an IQ test or any other standardized testing model. This theory put forward by him is called the theory of Multiple Intelligence.
According to the theory of multiple intelligence, all human beings have nine different kinds of intelligences. Eight among them are established and accepted by experts all over the world. Earlier it was believed that intelligence was a single entity that was inherited. But now it is believed that there exists a multitude of intelligences that are quite independent of each other.

Introduction to Types of Intelligences
The illustrations below will give you a complete idea of the nine types of intelligences. The ninth type is called ‘moral’ or ‘existential’ intelligence. Researchers are still to establish it as a type of intelligence.

1) Linguistic Intelligence
Linguistic intelligence is the capacity to learn and use languages. It allows us to understand the order and meaning of words and to express what's on your mind and to understand other people. It helps us to express ourselves verbally, to understand others and to read and write well. Those possessing this kind of intelligence enjoy writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles. Writers, poets, lawyers and public speakers include in this group.
2) Logical- mathematical intelligence
Logical- mathematical intelligence is the ability to use numbers and to think analytically and to reason. It helps us to solve problems and puzzles. A person strong in this area often enjoys solving mysteries, reading about scientific discoveries and figuring out how things work. They are generally good with computers and a variety of other gadgets. This type of intelligence is well developed in mathematicians, scientists, and detectives.
3) Spatial Intelligence
Spatial intelligence is the ability to understand visual stimuli. I.e. think in three dimensions. This helps in understanding and creating art. People who are strong in this type of intelligence are good at pictures and images or in science. They may be even good at putting puzzles together. This is exhibited by Sailors, pilots, sculptors, painters, and architects.
4) Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to use the body effectively in self expression as in dancing, sports and self-defense. It involves a sense of timing and the perfection of skills through mind–body union. People having this type of intelligence often talk with their hands, like to build things, have great balance and are good at a variety of sports.
5) Musical Intelligence
Musical intelligence is the ability to distinguish sounds, make melodies, respond to and create rhythms and beats. People who have strong musical intelligence, often read music, remember old songs, notice patterns, can naturally figure out how to play a tune on an instrument and are usually quite aware of sounds others may miss.
6) Interpersonal Intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to effectively communicate, understand, empathize with and deal with others. They have a special ability to understand other people, hate injustice and are good listeners. This type of ability is very necessary for teachers, clinicians, salespersons, politicians or anybody who deals with other people.
7) Intrapersonal Intelligence
Intrapersonal intelligence is the capacity for self awareness. I.e. they are good at analyzing things and are highly aware of their strengths, weaknesses, moods, intentions and desires. This type of intelligence is evident in psychologist, spiritual leaders, and philosophers. Those possessing this intelligence usually keep a journal and think deeply about life.
8) Naturalistic Intelligence
Naturalistic intelligence is the ability to recognize and classify plants, animals and things in nature and the capacity to feel connected to nature. The people who possess this intelligence are good at understanding nature, categorizing and collecting things and enjoy studying about nature. Such people love wilderness and also like to read a lot about nature.
9) Existential Intelligence
Existential intelligence is the ability to tackle deep questions about life, meaning of life, death and ultimate realities.
Now let’s discuss about another kind of intelligence that doesn't come under Howard’s list of multiple intelligence. It is “Business Intelligence”.
What is Business Intelligence?
The tools and systems that play an important role in the strategic planning process of a corporation are generally termed as business intelligence. The decision making process is aided through this system that allows gathering, storing, accessing and analyzing of corporate data. The traditional business intelligence systems were delivered through host terminals or paper reports. But the modern use of business intelligence application is over the web. Business intelligence applications that are well designed would help anyone in the company to make better decisions easily.
Most of the schools are set up to accommodate those students who learn easily by reading and listening, but they often ignore students who have other forms of intelligence and other learning styles. Students are not same and each one possesses different kind of intelligence. It does not mean that you lack intelligence, just because you don’t do well in one kind of intelligence. The educational system must provide the kind of instruction that work for the particular learning style of each individual.
Intelligence is divided into nine types and all of them are included in the hub . But finding out the strongest intelligence in each person can do a lot of benefits for the person. This knowledge will help a person to improve his or her abilities in school as well as career. The hub will help you find out the strongest intelligence in you.
What is Intelligence?
The word “Intelligence” has got a number of definitions. But if simply said it is the ability to learn about, learn from, understand, and interact with one’s environment. The word environment here has got a wider meaning that includes a person’s immediate surroundings like the family, the workplace, or a classroom, including the people around him or her.
About twenty five years ago, Dr. Howard Gardner, a leading developmental psychologist of our times came up with a new theory about intelligence. According to him every one of us is strong in at least one kind of intelligence. He even proposed that human beings were much more complex than what could be revealed in an IQ test or any other standardized testing model. This theory put forward by him is called the theory of Multiple Intelligence.
According to the theory of multiple intelligence, all human beings have nine different kinds of intelligences. Eight among them are established and accepted by experts all over the world. Earlier it was believed that intelligence was a single entity that was inherited. But now it is believed that there exists a multitude of intelligences that are quite independent of each other.

Introduction to Types of Intelligences
The illustrations below will give you a complete idea of the nine types of intelligences. The ninth type is called ‘moral’ or ‘existential’ intelligence. Researchers are still to establish it as a type of intelligence.
1) Linguistic Intelligence
Linguistic intelligence is the capacity to learn and use languages. It allows us to understand the order and meaning of words and to express what's on your mind and to understand other people. It helps us to express ourselves verbally, to understand others and to read and write well. Those possessing this kind of intelligence enjoy writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles. Writers, poets, lawyers and public speakers include in this group.
2) Logical- mathematical intelligence
Logical- mathematical intelligence is the ability to use numbers and to think analytically and to reason. It helps us to solve problems and puzzles. A person strong in this area often enjoys solving mysteries, reading about scientific discoveries and figuring out how things work. They are generally good with computers and a variety of other gadgets. This type of intelligence is well developed in mathematicians, scientists, and detectives.
3) Spatial Intelligence
Spatial intelligence is the ability to understand visual stimuli. I.e. think in three dimensions. This helps in understanding and creating art. People who are strong in this type of intelligence are good at pictures and images or in science. They may be even good at putting puzzles together. This is exhibited by Sailors, pilots, sculptors, painters, and architects.
4) Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to use the body effectively in self expression as in dancing, sports and self-defense. It involves a sense of timing and the perfection of skills through mind–body union. People having this type of intelligence often talk with their hands, like to build things, have great balance and are good at a variety of sports.
5) Musical Intelligence
Musical intelligence is the ability to distinguish sounds, make melodies, respond to and create rhythms and beats. People who have strong musical intelligence, often read music, remember old songs, notice patterns, can naturally figure out how to play a tune on an instrument and are usually quite aware of sounds others may miss.
6) Interpersonal Intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to effectively communicate, understand, empathize with and deal with others. They have a special ability to understand other people, hate injustice and are good listeners. This type of ability is very necessary for teachers, clinicians, salespersons, politicians or anybody who deals with other people.
7) Intrapersonal Intelligence
Intrapersonal intelligence is the capacity for self awareness. I.e. they are good at analyzing things and are highly aware of their strengths, weaknesses, moods, intentions and desires. This type of intelligence is evident in psychologist, spiritual leaders, and philosophers. Those possessing this intelligence usually keep a journal and think deeply about life.
8) Naturalistic Intelligence
Naturalistic intelligence is the ability to recognize and classify plants, animals and things in nature and the capacity to feel connected to nature. The people who possess this intelligence are good at understanding nature, categorizing and collecting things and enjoy studying about nature. Such people love wilderness and also like to read a lot about nature.
9) Existential Intelligence
Existential intelligence is the ability to tackle deep questions about life, meaning of life, death and ultimate realities.
Now let’s discuss about another kind of intelligence that doesn't come under Howard’s list of multiple intelligence. It is “Business Intelligence”.
The tools and systems that play an important role in the strategic planning process of a corporation are generally termed as business intelligence. The decision making process is aided through this system that allows gathering, storing, accessing and analyzing of corporate data. The traditional business intelligence systems were delivered through host terminals or paper reports. But the modern use of business intelligence application is over the web. Business intelligence applications that are well designed would help anyone in the company to make better decisions easily.
Most of the schools are set up to accommodate those students who learn easily by reading and listening, but they often ignore students who have other forms of intelligence and other learning styles. Students are not same and each one possesses different kind of intelligence. It does not mean that you lack intelligence, just because you don’t do well in one kind of intelligence. The educational system must provide the kind of instruction that work for the particular learning style of each individual.
Intelligence is divided into nine types and all of them are included in the hub . But finding out the strongest intelligence in each person can do a lot of benefits for the person. This knowledge will help a person to improve his or her abilities in school as well as career. The hub will help you find out the strongest intelligence in you.