Here at Srilanka Share Market, we’re on a mission to provide first hand information to those who are willing to invest or trade in Colombo Stock Exchange. Also heading into share market could be scary, but we SriLanka Share Market turn that fear into fun by providing educational, research materials from respectable sources.
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Company Fact Sheet: Capital Alliance Finance PLC - CALF:N0000
About the company:
Established: 1981 Quoted Date: 2011-10-04 Sector: Banks Finance Insurance
Capital Alliance Finance PLC originally Silvereen Finance Company Limited a Sri Lanka-based company engaged in the provision of financial services. The Company is engaged in the business of accepting deposits and also offers Leasing, Hire Purchase, Business Loans, Factoring, Cheque Discounting and Margin Trading facilities to customers. The Company's services include fixed deposists, factoring, leasing, business loan and margin trading.
Chairman: Mr M.J. Travis Waas (Independent Non-Executive)
Chief Executive Officer: Mr W.L.S. Fonseka Board of Directors:
Mr W.A.T. Fernando (Non-Executive Non-Independent Director)
Ms N.T.M. Shiroamal Cooray (Non - Executive Director / Alternate Director to Mr. R.J. Arasaratnam)
Mr R.J. Arasaratnam (Non - Executive Director)
Mr E.R.G.C. Gihan Hemachandra (Non - Executive Director)
Mr C.S.R. Sanjeewa Anthony (Independent Non - Executive Director)
52 Weeks Low: 12.20 52 Weeks High: 18.70
Average Trading Volume: 56,930
1. Company's 33,920,282 ordinary voting shares were listed by way of an introduction and permitted for trading from 04th November 2011.
2. The reference price of LKR. 15.00/= in respect of the ordinary voting shares has been decided upon by the Company.
History of Rights Issues:
1. Company's 33,920,282 ordinary voting shares were listed by way of an introduction and permitted for trading from 04th November 2011.
2. The reference price of LKR. 15.00/= in respect of the ordinary voting shares has been decided upon by the Company.
History of Rights Issues:
Quote for the day
"There is no such thing as a good or bad stock; there are only cheap stocks and expensive stocks. Even the best company becomes a "sell" when its stock price goes too high, while the worst company is worth buying if its stock goes low enough." - Jason Zweig
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Company Fact Sheet: Mahaweli Reach Hotels PLC - MRH:N0000
About the company:
Established: 1973 Quoted Date: 1982-01-01 Sector: Hotels & Travels
Mahaweli Reach Hotels PLC is a Sri Lanka-based hotelier. The Company's accommodation operations include deluxe rooms, executive suites and presidential suites. As of March 31, 2014, the Company's parent undertaking was Universal Enterprises Private Ltd., which held 69.44% of shares in it.
Chairman: Mr M.U. Maniku
Managing Director: Mr J.A. Panabokke
Mr A.N. Esufally
Mr R.T. Molligoda
Mr I.U. Maniku
Mr A.M. Didi
Mr W.P. Hettiaratchi
Mr A. Nooradeen
Mr M. Mahir
Mr J.C. Ratwatte
Mr J.C. Ratwatte
Mr R.T. Wijetilleke
Mr R. Seevaratnam (Non Executive Director)
Mr K.M. Panabokke (Non Executive Director)
Mr A.U. Maniku
52 Weeks Low: 14.10 52 Weeks High: 22.40
Average Trading Volume: 37,120
Quote for the day
"Patience is power. Patience is not an absence of action; rather, it is "timing"; it waits on the right time to act, for the right principles and in the right way." - Fulton J. Sheen
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
7 Frugal Habits Everyone Should Develop
One of the most direct way to change your life, you need to change your attitude.
No one else is responsible for what happens to you but you, so you can either complain about the things you don’t like in your life or you can set about changing them. Not surprisingly, this directly relates to the state of your finances.
If you’re tired of living paycheck to paycheck, having your phone regularly cut off, or making excuses to skip dinners with your friends, then you can use these seven habits to take control of your money situation and live a happier and more frugal lifestyle.
Habit One: Be Proactive
The first habit to develop is to take responsibility; if you fail, you have no one to blame but yourself. Regardless of how you were raised or how you were treated at school, you can choose your behaviour now. Being proactive means understanding that YOU are in control of your day-to-day interactions, and thereby, the direction your life takes. This is in stark comparison to a reactive person, who is often affected by their environment and will find external sources to blame for their behaviour. For example, if the weather is good, they’re in a good mood, but if the weather is bad, it affects them and they blame the weather for their bad mood.
What most people forget is that though you can’t control the stimulus, you can control your response. One of your most important choices is your words; the language you use is an effective indication of how you see yourself. If you use proactive language, such as “I can” or “I will,” you’re starting with a more positive attitude than someone who uses language like “I can’t” or “I have to” or “If only.”
How to be proactive for effective frugality:
- Take the first step. You cannot take control of your finances until you make the commitment to do so; the more you ignore the situation, the worse it will get. Instead, take a long hard look at your finances — your budget, debts, income, and expenses, and try to understand where your money is going and where you can budget better.
- Tell people. Using proactive language to vocalize your hope of being more financially responsible not only helps you crystallize your goal, but it can also help you avoid the peer pressure that makes budgeting and frugality hard. If you explain to your friends and family that you’re trying to live a more frugal lifestyle, they’ll be less likely to pressure you into one more round of drinks or another dinner out.
- Listen. Listen to yourself and to the reasons you give each time you make a purchase outside of your budget or decide not to put spare money into your savings account. Taking the time to stop and listen to the reasons you give yourself for spending more than you earn will give you the opportunity to hear just how shallow many of those reasons are. This can stop you from making purchases that impede your goal of effective frugality.
Habit Two: Begin with the End in Mind
Those who are effective in achieving their goals are able to envisage their desired end result in spite of the obstacles. Effective people adhere to this habit based on the principle that all things are created twice; there is first the mental creation, then the physical creation. The physical creation follows the mental creation the same way that a building follows its blueprints.
If you don’t visualize what you want, then you’re at risk of other people and external circumstances influencing your life – because you’re not influencing it yourself. Instead, begin every day and every task with a clear vision of where you want to go and how you’re going to get there. Make that vision a reality with your proactive skills from habit one.
How to visualize effective frugality:
- Define your goal. There are many ways to live a frugal lifestyle, and you need to decide how frugal you want to be. Do you want to be debt free, build a savings account of a certain value, or live on one income in a two-income household?
- Decide how you’re going to get there. This will again draw on your budget, but you need to be aware of the obstacles that are standing in your way. These may be literal obstacles, such as credit card debts, or they may be obstacles you've identified in your behaviour. An example of a behavioural obstacle would be spending $10 every day on junk food on your way home from work, because you’re starving. Instead, you could be packing an inexpensive granola bar to keep you going until dinner. Or, do you find that when you go shopping with your sister, she always helps you justify a frivolous purchase, when you could leave your credit card at home?
Habit Three: Put First Things First
Knowing WHY you’re doing something is an incredible motivator in helping you transform a mental creation into an actual physical creation of your goal. Ask yourself what the things are that you find most valuable and worthy to you. When you put these things first, you’ll be organizing and managing your time around your personal priorities to make them a reality.
For many people, it’s hard to say no, but this is exactly the skill you have to learn to keep your goals as your first priority. While we are constantly told we can have it all, in reality, having it all is really about prioritizing what is most important to YOU to have, and then focusing on that.
How to put effective frugality first:
- Recognize the effects of your finances. You may not dedicate as much time as you should to managing your finances and practising frugal principles because you feel there’s always something more important to be doing — whether it’s work, taking the kids to soccer practice, or getting ready for dinner with the girls. If your finances aren't under control, however, and you’re regularly spending more than you earn, then they’re having a negative impact on every other aspect of your life, from your work to your family and friends. You need to recognize that being frugal is your first priority.
- Just say no. It's easy to spend more than your budgeted amount each month when you’re worried about missing out on a dinner with friends, feel as though you have to cater a birthday party for your son and 50 of his closest friends, or don't want to wear the same suit to a work conference two years in a row. If you recognize that you don't have to take on everything and that it's okay to say no, then you’ll find you’re more in control of your spending and your budget.
Habit Four: Think Win-Win
Most of us are taught to base our self-worth on comparisons to others and competition against our peers. We think we can only succeed if someone else has failed. We’re also taught that there’s only so much pie to go around, so if you get a big piece, then someone else is missing out. When you think like this, you’re going to feel like nothing is ever fair. As a result, many of us retaliate and take the pie before someone else can take it from us.
Thinking in a win-win mindset allows you to see mutual benefits from all of your interactions. By doing this, you’ll see that the pie tastes even better when it’s shared. If you can approach conflicts and problems with a win-win attitude, you’ll be able to express your ideas and feelings with courage, while still maintaining consideration for the feelings and ideas of others. When you have an abundance mentality, you’re able to see that there is enough for everyone, and that by balancing your confidence with empathy, you can achieve your goals while helping others achieve theirs.
How to create frugal win-win situations:
- Recognize that you don’t always know the full story. As you aim to implement frugal principles and stick to a budget, you may often find yourself thinking “it’s not fair.” It’s not fair that they get to go out to dinner. It’s not fair that they get a new car. It’s not fair that they get to go on vacation, and I don’t. Take the time to realize, however, that you’re only seeing a small part of the finances of your friends and family who seem to “have it all.” And though it’s hard to watch your best friend take a dream European holiday, or your brother buy the car you covet, you’ll get there, too — if you manage your finances frugally. And the best part? There will still be plenty of holiday destinations and fast cars when that time rolls around.
- Understand the difference between possessions and net worth. While your friends and family may seem to have a fuller lifestyle because their house is bigger or their car is newer, you need to consider that it could just be a facade covering their mountains of debt. True wealth is not measured in possessions, but in assets. When the value of your assets is greater than the amount you owe on mortgages, car loans, and credit card debts, then you have a strong net worth and are truly wealthy. By trying to live a more effectively frugal lifestyle, you’ll be able to achieve true wealth, rather than just a life full of stuff.
MoneyNing Tip: When building wealth, remember to look at the big picture, too.
Habit Five: Communication
At its base, communication is the desire to be heard and understood. Most people will listen with the intention to reply to what you’re saying, rather than to understand what you've said. To effectively communicate, you need to first understand. If you communicate with the sole intention of being understood, you may ignore what others are saying and miss their meaning entirely. Don’t just wait for your turn to talk; pay attention to what people are trying to tell you.
How listening can help you be effectively frugal:
- You are not the only person in your life. Chances are you’re married or in a relationship, have friends or children, or all of the above. As a result, you’re not the only person being affected by your decision to live a more frugal lifestyle. To be effective in your goal of frugality, you need to be able to listen to and understand the goals and behaviours of the other people in your life, too. Consider how effective your frugality would be if you were taking packed lunches to work and avoiding the afternoon coffee run, while your partner was going on shopping sprees during their lunch break. Instead of living a more frugal lifestyle, you’d really be saving on one end and spending on the other.
- Understand the goals and needs of others. While it’s important to explain your desire to live more frugally, it’s also important that you understand the goals and needs of those around you. This way, you can find a way to be more frugal without them having to give up all of the things that are most important to them. You can’t know what those things are unless you listen.
Habit Six: Synergize
Interactions and teamwork are some of the most important ways you can learn new skills and more effective behaviours. Synergizing is the habit of creative cooperation — working as a team to find new solutions to existing problems. Synergy is not something that just happens. It’s a process where you bring all of your personal experience and expertise to the table, enabling more effective results than those you would have been able to achieve individually. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
When you have genuine interactions with people, you’re able to gain new insights and see new approaches to your problems — ones you might not have thought of before.
How to synergize for effective frugality:
- Look for new ways. In a society that excels at consumerism, you've probably already realized that you need to find new ways of doing just about everything to be frugal. It's easy to buy your lunch every day, but it's more frugal to pack it. It's easy to drive to work, but it's more frugal to take the train. It's easy to buy a new cocktail dress, but it's more frugal to make one.
- Surround yourself with other frugal people. To be successful in your quest for frugality, surround yourself with like-minded people. Find people who are where you want to be by joining online frugal-living forums, striking up a friendship with a fellow coupon-cutter, or starting a sewing club. When you’re around people with the same goals as you, you’ll be able to share ideas and learn from each other.
MoneyNing Tip: Learn to embrace the positive influence of saving money.
Habit Seven: Sharpen the Saw
You’re the greatest asset you have on your journey to achieving the lifestyle you want, so you need to look after yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Taking the time to renew yourself in these areas of your life will give you strength to maintain the previous six habits, which are essential for your success.
How to frugally renew yourself:
- Physically. By eating better, you’ll feel better. Take it another step further and start your own vegetable patch, which will save you money at the supermarket and be healthier for you. Exercising keeps you fit and healthy, and it doesn't cost you anything to go for a walk, ride a bike, or skip rope in the backyard. To rest your body, you don’t need to go to a day spa; you can simply relax in the tub at home.
- Emotionally. Interacting socially with others allows you to make meaningful connections, and it makes you feel good. This can be achieved by chatting with the woman at the coffee shop or by calling your mum once a week.
- Mentally. Exercising and expanding your mind through learning, reading, writing, and teaching can be done frugally. Visit your local library, or volunteer at a school or retirement home to teach others a skill you may be taking for granted.
- Spiritually. Spend time close to nature and expand your spiritual self through meditation, music, art, or prayer. Take a quiet moment to centre yourself and empty your mind before going to bed. Or, go for a hike and be grateful for the beauty of nature surrounding you.
Frugality doesn't mean having to give up all the luxuries and things which make you happy. Don’t get burned out by developing habits one through six without taking the time to renew yourself. Frugality is something you want to develop and maintain for the long-term. Follow these seven habits, and you’ll be on your way to becoming a highly frugal person.
Do you consider yourself a highly frugal person? How did you get there?
This post was originally written by Alban, and a parody of the amazing book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. He’s a personal finance writer for
Quote for the day
"Success is not about how hard you can hit but how hard you can GET hit and still keep moving forward" - Rocky Balboa
Monday, 28 July 2014
Company Fact Sheet: C.W.Mackie PLC - CWM:N0000
About the company:
Established: 1922 Quoted Date: 1995-01-09 Sector: Trading
C. W. Mackie PLC is engaged in a range of activities, such as export of natural rubber and desiccated coconut; rubber-based products for export and sale locally; import, manufacture and distribution of branded consumer products; import and distribution of sugar; import and resale of branded marine paints and protective coatings, welding equipment and consumables, refrigeration and air conditioning components and light engineering products, and motor car rentals to Group Companies. The Company operates in five segments: commodity trading, rubber-based products manufacturing, industrial products, consumer goods and others. The Company is a subsidiary of Lankem Ceylon PLC, whilst its ultimate holding company is The Colombo Fort Land & Building PLC. In March 2014, C W Mackie PLC purchased 88.23% interest in Kelani Valley Canneries Limited from CIC Agri Businesses (Private) Limited.
Chairman / CEO: Mr W.T. Ellawala
Board of Directors:
Ms C.R. Ranasinghe
Mr A.M.De S. Jayarathne
Mr R.C. Peries
Mr Anushman Rajaratnam
Mr Anushman Rajaratnam
Mr S.D.R. Arudpragasam
Mr T. Senthilverl
Mr H.D.S. Amarasuriya (Non-Executive / Independent Director)
Mr K.T.A.M. Perera (Executive Director)
Mr Alagarajah Rajaratnam
Mr Alagarajah Rajaratnam
Voting Ordinary Shares:
52 Weeks Low: 51.10
52 Weeks High: 72.50
Average Trading Volume: 25,160
1. On 01st February 1999 1,384,175 ordinary voting shares @ Rs. 15.00 per were indexed by way of Private placement.
History of Rights Issues:
1. On 01st February 1999 1,384,175 ordinary voting shares @ Rs. 15.00 per were indexed by way of Private placement.
History of Rights Issues:
Quote for the day
“Doing easily what others find difficult is talent; doing what is impossible for talent is genius.” - Henri-Fréderic Amiel
Sunday, 27 July 2014
The World’s Top 10 One-Person Startups
One person with a vision and the tech skills to make it happen is the winning formula used to create some of the world's best Internet Startups. The following tech-savvy minds began by working alone to solve a problem, fill a need, or simply ran with what they believed was a bright idea. All are achieving what their founders wanted: making an impact!
Top Down vs Bottom Up Approach Which Make More Money For You
Top Down vs Bottom Up
How It Works And How Experts Manage Them
When it comes to selecting good companies to invest in, there has been much debate on the top down and bottom up approaches.
Most fund management companies use the top down approach and recommend that investors examine the economic and industry outlooks first beforedeciding on which stock to purchase.
However, investing gurus like Benjamin Graham, Phillip Fisher, Warren Buffet and Peter Lynch favour the bottom up approach.
They say that macroeconomics forecast is actually major distractions for investors as the projections might turn out to be wrong. Instead, investor’s efforts should be placed more on detecting the quality of earnings and asset value of the company.
Both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, but they share a common goal; of identifying good fundamental companies to invest in. Let’s take a look at the difference between the two.
Top Down Approach
With the top down approach, investors study the economic trends, and the determine the industries and companies that are likely to benefit most of them.
Take, for example, if the US dollar appreciate against UK Pound Sterling. The resulting reduction in prices of imported paper will contribute to lower operating costs for media companies and enhance their earnings. Investors will then search the more efficient and cheaply-priced media company.
Top-down investors will first look at the entire forest instead of specific trees and try to identify the main market theme ahead of the market in general. They believe that picking individual companies comes second because if the economic conditions are not right for the industry that that a company operates in, it will be difficult for the company to generates profits, regardless of how efficient it is. Nevertheless, such investors may sometimes miss good companies that are still performing well, even in depressed sector.
Bottom Up Approach
Bottom up investors conduct extensive research on individual companies. As long as the company’s prospect look strong, the economic, market orindustry cycles are of no concern. In fact, the downturn in the stock market may provide investors with a good margin of safety to buy stocks at depressed levels and ride them up to big gains.
Thus, bottom up managers will buy stocks even though the macroeconomic and industry outlooks look uncertain. When the industry may be out of favour and most investors are ignoring the true earning of companies, bottom-up managers ca detect good and well-managed ones selling at prices that are far lower than their intrinsic worth.
However, to top down managers, bottom up managers may be attempting to catch a “falling knife” (a stock whose price has fallen significantly in a short period of time) in a down market. Unless bottom up managers have plenty of bullets to average down on their purchase prices, they may run out of cash if the stock prices continue to go lower. In addition, they may sometimes fail to see the wood for the trees – they may identify certain companies but miss the overall industry trend.
Combination Approach
The top down and bottom up approaches are two distinct and fundamentally very different approaches to investing. Investors can combine the two approaches by applying top-down analysis on asset allocation decisions while using a bottom-up approach to select the individual securities in the portfolio.
As there is prediction and practice of major market crashes occurring every 10 to 15 years, the top-down approach may be more appropriate. You could avoid incurring huge losses that might result from averaging down on a lot of good fundamental stock.
You should wait for a clearer economic picture before investing. You may miss fishing stocks at the market bottom but at least you know where the bottom is.
How It Works And How Experts Manage Them
When it comes to selecting good companies to invest in, there has been much debate on the top down and bottom up approaches.
Most fund management companies use the top down approach and recommend that investors examine the economic and industry outlooks first beforedeciding on which stock to purchase.
However, investing gurus like Benjamin Graham, Phillip Fisher, Warren Buffet and Peter Lynch favour the bottom up approach.
They say that macroeconomics forecast is actually major distractions for investors as the projections might turn out to be wrong. Instead, investor’s efforts should be placed more on detecting the quality of earnings and asset value of the company.
Both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, but they share a common goal; of identifying good fundamental companies to invest in. Let’s take a look at the difference between the two.
Top Down Approach
With the top down approach, investors study the economic trends, and the determine the industries and companies that are likely to benefit most of them.
Take, for example, if the US dollar appreciate against UK Pound Sterling. The resulting reduction in prices of imported paper will contribute to lower operating costs for media companies and enhance their earnings. Investors will then search the more efficient and cheaply-priced media company.
Top-down investors will first look at the entire forest instead of specific trees and try to identify the main market theme ahead of the market in general. They believe that picking individual companies comes second because if the economic conditions are not right for the industry that that a company operates in, it will be difficult for the company to generates profits, regardless of how efficient it is. Nevertheless, such investors may sometimes miss good companies that are still performing well, even in depressed sector.
Bottom Up Approach
Bottom up investors conduct extensive research on individual companies. As long as the company’s prospect look strong, the economic, market orindustry cycles are of no concern. In fact, the downturn in the stock market may provide investors with a good margin of safety to buy stocks at depressed levels and ride them up to big gains.
Thus, bottom up managers will buy stocks even though the macroeconomic and industry outlooks look uncertain. When the industry may be out of favour and most investors are ignoring the true earning of companies, bottom-up managers ca detect good and well-managed ones selling at prices that are far lower than their intrinsic worth.
However, to top down managers, bottom up managers may be attempting to catch a “falling knife” (a stock whose price has fallen significantly in a short period of time) in a down market. Unless bottom up managers have plenty of bullets to average down on their purchase prices, they may run out of cash if the stock prices continue to go lower. In addition, they may sometimes fail to see the wood for the trees – they may identify certain companies but miss the overall industry trend.
Combination Approach
The top down and bottom up approaches are two distinct and fundamentally very different approaches to investing. Investors can combine the two approaches by applying top-down analysis on asset allocation decisions while using a bottom-up approach to select the individual securities in the portfolio.
As there is prediction and practice of major market crashes occurring every 10 to 15 years, the top-down approach may be more appropriate. You could avoid incurring huge losses that might result from averaging down on a lot of good fundamental stock.
You should wait for a clearer economic picture before investing. You may miss fishing stocks at the market bottom but at least you know where the bottom is.
Quote for the day
"Your strategy has to be flexible enough to change when the environment changes. The mistake most people make is they keep the same strategy all the time. They say, “Damn, the market didn't behave the way I thought it would.” Why should it? Life and the markets just don’t work that way." - Mark Weinstein
Saturday, 26 July 2014
What Is Cash Flow?
How to measure a company's life blood.
The cash flowing in and out of a company is a great indicator of its health. Companies need liquidity to be able to pay their bills and keep their bankers at bay.
But there's a confusing panoply of metrics: cash from operations, free cash flow, cash profits. If cash flow is the life blood of a business, how do you measure a company's blood pressure?
Cash flow statement
The starting point is the cash flow statement. International Accounting Standards require a business to split its cash flows into three categories: those associated with its operations, investing activities and financing activities.
Most commonly, you'll see this in a company's accounts looking something like this (which I've simplified by stripping out and combining lines):

The three categories of operations, investing and financing are clearly separated, and at the bottom there is a reconciliation of the cash flows to opening and closing cash balances.
Alice in Wonderland
The first thing to note is the Alice in Wonderland-like distinction between 'cash generated from operations' and 'net cash generated from operating activities'. "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean," as Humpty Dumpty said in the book.
Cash generated from operations is operating profit with depreciation added back, adjusted for changes in working capital. It is usually reconciled to profit in a note, making it one of the most important notes to look at in a company's accounts. It looks something like this:

Cash generated from operations indicates how much cash a company is making from its basic activities. Depreciation is added back because it's just an accounting entry. Profits with depreciation added back are sometimes called cash profits. Start-up companies that have invested heavily may make cash profits while they are still loss-making, because of high levels of depreciation.
Increases in inventory or receivables are also deducted in calculating cash generated from operations, because these absorb cash. A growing company might be increasing sales, but spending all its cash building up stock.
Most companies regard interest and tax as integral to their operations, so put them in the first segment of the cash flow. That produces net cash generated from operating activities. It's a mouthful, but a useful subtotal. Not all do: Rolls Royce (LSE: RR), for example, puts interest into the financing category. It also puts the reconciliation of cash to profit on the face of the cashflow statement, so at first sight it looks a very different statement.
Cash conversion refers to how efficiently a company is turning profits into cash. I prefer to measure it by comparing net cash generated from operating activities with operating profit. Remember operating profit has depreciation taken off, so the cash flow figure may be greater. If the ratio is much different from one, it's reason to look more closely.
The next section of the cash flow statement is more straightforward. Typically, companies invest cash in capital expenditure and acquiring new businesses. If the figures are large, you need to look at how they have been financed: from operations, or from new financing?
Some capital expenditure is necessary just to maintain a company's current activities, rather than to expand. That's usually called maintenance capex. It's an important concept as, long term, a company should generate enough cash from its operations to cover maintenance capex, otherwise it's running its plant into the ground.
The accounting standard encourages, but doesn't require, a company to disclose how much of its capex is maintenance capex. Usually, you can get a decent idea from the narrative in the accounts.
It's a useful number to estimate, and allows you to calculate a figure for an important concept: free cash flow. For our purposes, that's generally defined as net cash flow from operating activities less maintenance capex.
Free cash flow measures the cash that a firm is producing for its shareholders. For that reason it's often used a valuation metric, by calculating price to free cash flow (i.e. market cap divided by free cash flow). But beware, there is a multitude of variants for calculating free cash flow(including those used in discounted cash flow analysis which deduct tax-shielded interest charges).
The final, financing, segment of the cash flow statement would be clear cut, but for the inclusion of dividends. For most listed companies, dividends are not a discretionary expenditure, at least not without the share price collapsing. So it often makes sense to treat dividends as a fixed charge, like interest and tax.
Probably the easiest way to capture this is to compare net cash generated from operating activities to the dividend, a form of cash dividend cover. If the dividend is not covered, then it is being financed by property sales, lenders, or the shareholders themselves.
In summary
To recap, three useful measures are:
Cash conversion: net cash generated from operating activities ÷operating profit.
Price: free cash flow, where free cash flow = net cash generated from operating activities – maintenance capex.
Cash dividend cover = net cash generated from operating activities ÷ dividends paid.
BY Tony Reading
Published in Investing on 24 April 2012
The cash flowing in and out of a company is a great indicator of its health. Companies need liquidity to be able to pay their bills and keep their bankers at bay.
But there's a confusing panoply of metrics: cash from operations, free cash flow, cash profits. If cash flow is the life blood of a business, how do you measure a company's blood pressure?
Cash flow statement
The starting point is the cash flow statement. International Accounting Standards require a business to split its cash flows into three categories: those associated with its operations, investing activities and financing activities.
Most commonly, you'll see this in a company's accounts looking something like this (which I've simplified by stripping out and combining lines):
The three categories of operations, investing and financing are clearly separated, and at the bottom there is a reconciliation of the cash flows to opening and closing cash balances.
Alice in Wonderland
The first thing to note is the Alice in Wonderland-like distinction between 'cash generated from operations' and 'net cash generated from operating activities'. "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean," as Humpty Dumpty said in the book.
Cash generated from operations is operating profit with depreciation added back, adjusted for changes in working capital. It is usually reconciled to profit in a note, making it one of the most important notes to look at in a company's accounts. It looks something like this:
Cash generated from operations indicates how much cash a company is making from its basic activities. Depreciation is added back because it's just an accounting entry. Profits with depreciation added back are sometimes called cash profits. Start-up companies that have invested heavily may make cash profits while they are still loss-making, because of high levels of depreciation.
Increases in inventory or receivables are also deducted in calculating cash generated from operations, because these absorb cash. A growing company might be increasing sales, but spending all its cash building up stock.
Most companies regard interest and tax as integral to their operations, so put them in the first segment of the cash flow. That produces net cash generated from operating activities. It's a mouthful, but a useful subtotal. Not all do: Rolls Royce (LSE: RR), for example, puts interest into the financing category. It also puts the reconciliation of cash to profit on the face of the cashflow statement, so at first sight it looks a very different statement.
Cash conversion refers to how efficiently a company is turning profits into cash. I prefer to measure it by comparing net cash generated from operating activities with operating profit. Remember operating profit has depreciation taken off, so the cash flow figure may be greater. If the ratio is much different from one, it's reason to look more closely.
The next section of the cash flow statement is more straightforward. Typically, companies invest cash in capital expenditure and acquiring new businesses. If the figures are large, you need to look at how they have been financed: from operations, or from new financing?
Some capital expenditure is necessary just to maintain a company's current activities, rather than to expand. That's usually called maintenance capex. It's an important concept as, long term, a company should generate enough cash from its operations to cover maintenance capex, otherwise it's running its plant into the ground.
The accounting standard encourages, but doesn't require, a company to disclose how much of its capex is maintenance capex. Usually, you can get a decent idea from the narrative in the accounts.
It's a useful number to estimate, and allows you to calculate a figure for an important concept: free cash flow. For our purposes, that's generally defined as net cash flow from operating activities less maintenance capex.
Free cash flow measures the cash that a firm is producing for its shareholders. For that reason it's often used a valuation metric, by calculating price to free cash flow (i.e. market cap divided by free cash flow). But beware, there is a multitude of variants for calculating free cash flow(including those used in discounted cash flow analysis which deduct tax-shielded interest charges).
The final, financing, segment of the cash flow statement would be clear cut, but for the inclusion of dividends. For most listed companies, dividends are not a discretionary expenditure, at least not without the share price collapsing. So it often makes sense to treat dividends as a fixed charge, like interest and tax.
Probably the easiest way to capture this is to compare net cash generated from operating activities to the dividend, a form of cash dividend cover. If the dividend is not covered, then it is being financed by property sales, lenders, or the shareholders themselves.
In summary
To recap, three useful measures are:
Cash conversion: net cash generated from operating activities ÷operating profit.
Price: free cash flow, where free cash flow = net cash generated from operating activities – maintenance capex.
Cash dividend cover = net cash generated from operating activities ÷ dividends paid.
BY Tony Reading
Published in Investing on 24 April 2012
Quote for the day
“Remember the two benefits of failure. First, if you do fail, you learn what doesn't work; and second, the failure gives you the opportunity to try a new approach.” - Roger Von Oech
Friday, 25 July 2014
Company Fact Sheet: Namunukula Plantations PLC - NAMU:N0000
About the company:
Established: 1992 Quoted Date: 1999-03-10 Sector: Plantations
Namunukula Plantations PLC is engaged in the cultivation and processing of tea, rubber, oil palm, coconut and other crops. The Company has produced 16.505 Million kilogram of oil palm, harvested 846,972 nuts of coconut and cropped 12,499 kilogram of cinnamon, produced 1.474 Million kilogram of rubber, processed over 9.458 Million kilogram/green leaf, and produced 2.28 Million kilogram of tea. The Company's parent undertaking was RPC Plantation Management Services (Pvt) Ltd., and its ultimate parent undertaking and controlling party was Richard Pieris and Company PLC.
Chairman: Mr Sena Yaddehige
Mr J.H.P Ratnayeke
Mr S. Poholiyadde
Mr A.K. Perera
Mr H.J. De Costa (Independent Non Executive Director)
52 Weeks Low: 64.00 52 Weeks High: 99.00
Quote for the day
"Never get into the market because you are anxious from waiting, and never get out of the market just because you have lost your patience." - WD Gann
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Quote for the day
"Markets often rise higher than you think is possible, and fall lower than you can possibly imagine." - Jim Rogers
Company Fact Sheet: Multi Finance PLC - MFL:N0000
About the company:
Established: 1974 Quoted Date: 2011-05-30 Sector: Banks Finance Insurance
Multi Finance PLC is a Sri Lanka-based finance company. The Company is engaged in acceptance of deposits, maintenance of savings accounts, granting lease and hire purchase facilities, micro finance facilities, gold loans, vehicle loans, mortgage loans, factoring, margin trading, and value added services. The Company's product portfolio includes granting business loans and mortgage facilities on a selective basis together with pawn broking activities. In addition the Company mobilizes funds by way of fixed deposits and savings accounts. Entrust Limited is the parent company of Multi Finance PLC as at 31st March 2014.
Chairman: Mr E.K.I. De Zoysa
Deputy Chairman: Mr R.M.M.J. Ratnayake Chief Executive Officer: Mr P. Jayasundera
Board of Directors:
Mrs C.J. Atapattu (General Manager)
Mr K.P.N.S. Dayaratne (Non - Executive Director)
Mr B.N.R. Mendis (Non - Executive Director)
Mr R.M.S. Tillakawardana (Independent / Non - Executive Director)
Mr R.D. Senerath (Executive Director)
Mr I.D.B. Dassanayake (Executive Director)
Mr C.U. Ratwatte (Executive Director)
52 Weeks Low: 12.90 52 Weeks High: 21.50
Average Trading Volume: 17,140
1. Company's 17,976,325 ordinary voting shares were listed by way of an introduction and permitted for trading from 30th May 2011.
2. The reference price of LKR. 14.80/= in respect of the ordinary voting shares has been decided upon by the Company.
3. In July 2011 Company's 4,485,714 ordinary voting shares were listed by way of private placement.
1. Company's 17,976,325 ordinary voting shares were listed by way of an introduction and permitted for trading from 30th May 2011.
2. The reference price of LKR. 14.80/= in respect of the ordinary voting shares has been decided upon by the Company.
3. In July 2011 Company's 4,485,714 ordinary voting shares were listed by way of private placement.
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Company Fact Sheet: Tess Agro PLC - TESS:N0000
About the company:
Established: 1992 Quoted Date: 2002-12-31 Sector: Trading
Tess Agro PLC is a Sri Lanka-based company. The Company is engaged in the provision of cold chain facility for perishables and exports fruits, vegetables and marine products. As of March 31, 2014, Tess (Private) Limited held 37.78% stakes in the Company.
Chairperson: Mrs S.F. Fernando
Board of Directors:
Mr Shiran Fernando
Mr Roshan Fernando
Mr Dilshan Fernando
Prof. Arthur H.De.O. Bamunuarachchi
Mr Roshan Fernando
Mr Dilshan Fernando
Prof. Arthur H.De.O. Bamunuarachchi
Voting Ordinary Shares:
52 Weeks Low: 1.10
52 Weeks High: 1.70
Average Trading Volume: 890,540
Preference Non Voting Shares:
52 Weeks Low: 0.90
52 Weeks High: 1.40
Average Trading Volume: 500,050
Preference Non Voting Shares:
52 Weeks Low: 0.90
52 Weeks High: 1.40
Average Trading Volume: 500,050
1. In 2005 existing ordinary shares were subdivided into 10 ordinary voting shares.
2. No consolidated accounts have been prepared since 2010, the company has lost the control over Tropic Fishery (Pvt) Ltd in accordance with Sri Lanka Accounting Standard No 26.
History of Rights Issues:
History of Bonus Issues & Capitalization of Reserves:
1. In 2005 existing ordinary shares were subdivided into 10 ordinary voting shares.
2. No consolidated accounts have been prepared since 2010, the company has lost the control over Tropic Fishery (Pvt) Ltd in accordance with Sri Lanka Accounting Standard No 26.
History of Rights Issues:
Total Voting shares in Issue as at 31-03-2014: 280,000,000
The percentage of Voting Shares held by the Public as at 31st March 2014 was 49.00%.
The percentage of Foreign Holding as at 30th June 2014 was 3.21%
Total Non Voting shares in Issue as at 31-03-2014: 40,000,000
Top 20 Non Voting Shareholders as at 31/03/2014
Top 20 Non Voting Shareholders as at 31/03/2014
The percentage of Non Voting Shares held by the Public as at 31st March 2014 was 64.31%.
The percentage of Foreign Holding as at 30th June 2014 was 29.29%
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