Here at Srilanka Share Market, we’re on a mission to provide first hand information to those who are willing to invest or trade in Colombo Stock Exchange. Also heading into share market could be scary, but we SriLanka Share Market turn that fear into fun by providing educational, research materials from respectable sources.
Thursday, 31 December 2015
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Quote for the day
"Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs." - Farrah Gray
Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Quote for the day
“Man is extremely uncomfortable with uncertainty. To deal with his discomfort, man tends to create a false sense of security by substituting certainty for uncertainty. It becomes the herd instinct." - Bennett W. Goodspeed
Monday, 28 December 2015
Quote for the day
“I'm only rich because I know when I'm wrong... I basically have survived by recognizing my mistakes.” - George Soros
Sunday, 27 December 2015
Top 50 New Year Resolutions
Some take it seriously. Some bid it farewell just after the clock strikes twelve. Some call it a Second Chance to Dream with Eyes Open. New Year Resolution — no one can deny having made some.
People change with time, so do their aspirations. Seriously taken, Happy New Year Resolution is an opportunity to gauge our goals. For the adventurous souls, it is the opportunity to tickle a funny bone or to try something bold.
123NewYear offers Fifty amazing New Year Resolution 2016 ideas. Some are simple, some are exotic – but each is unique in its own way – there is surely a one that would appeal to you!
1. Look Where You Stand – Made loads of resolutions last New Year’s Eve? Accessed how far you have stood by them? If not, it is time you did!
2. Accomplish the Incomplete – If you still feel that the resolutions you made last year and abandoned midway are worth a second shot, give it another chance!
3. Realistic Resolutions – Instead of weaving dreams in the air, make a resolution that would have significance in and add a meaning to your life.
4. Monitor Progress – Resolve this year to monitor how far you are holding on to your commitment – it will help you to hang on.
5. Quit an Addiction – It will not take you anywhere good, trust us. If it does you no good, why stick to it? If needed, seek help of support groups or professionals. If you have the will, you shall find the way.
6. Back to School – Learning has no age. Pick up where you left off.
7. Fit in Fitness – Secure a future with fewer trips to the doctor – exercise. Select a regime you can stick to. A group activity may add the element of fun to the routine. Lose some flab. But don’t set any strict target, for then the chances are you may get de-motivated and quit.
8. Soak up New Skills – Learning something new and interesting is always fun and a value addition too.
9. Healthy Hogging – Think before you put any morsel in your mouth. Occasional indulgence should be there.
10. Lose the Loan – Pay off any debt you may have and feel light at heart.
11. Sack Stress – This sounds easier than it actually is, and there is no magic tip. You have to find your own haven.
12. Contribute for a Cause – Giving back to the society is the least we can do to make the world a better place to live in.
13. Treasure your Treasures – Splurge is fun, but saving should be the way of living. Plan with your future in mind. Relax the grip once in a while for that blissful indulgence. But should be just one or two annual affair.
14. Liven up Your Lifestyle – Professional growth is okay, but your personal life requires attention too. Strike a balance.
15. Organized – This is the key to make life easy, manage time and live stress free. Make a proper To-Do list, and you are half way there already.
16. Fun With Family – Bonding with the family will add a treasure trove of memories for you to cherish all your life.
17. Wowed By Wanderlust – If new places interest you, plan to reach out to them. You may consider including a fund for your trotting in your annual budget.
18. Adopt a Pet – The devotion, love and loyalty of a pet can never be matched. Feel the bliss by giving one a home.
19. Wreck a Record – This does not necessarily have to be a world record. It could be your own set standards — getting better grades in school, saving more than last year – anything.
20. Relive your childhood – Bring back the simplicity in life – dance in the rain, jump in a puddle, lick a Popsicle – just be carefree.
21. Spice up the Mundane – Bring some sizzle to your daily life. Plan a candlelight dinner. Bring some fresh flowers to your bedroom. This will make life seem more beautiful.
22. Unleash the Angel in You – Nothing feels better than seeing a smile on someone. Do your bit to stand by people who need support. Every little help matters.
23. Get Struck by Cupid – Falling in love is the most beautiful thing to happen in a New Year. And if you are rosy eyed enough, you could even ring the wedding bells.
24. Snooze away to Slumber-Land – Catch up on the sleep you lost and see a beautiful glow back on you – bid farewell to those dark circles for good!
25. Pep up your habitat – Beautifying where you live is the easiest way to beautify your life with a feel good factor.
26. De-clutter the accumulated junk – Life will be more organized with the unnecessary extras gone — donate the unnecessary stuff to charity. If you want, organize a garage sale – the incoming cash may motivate you to de-clutter.
27. Get a Gadget – Has there been a gadget you have been longing for? An expensive one? Save up to make it your own!
28. Step up or Step Down Social Media Activity – If you have been out of touch with your pals and peers, social media would help you get back to the grove. But if your virtual life is affecting your personal life, it is time you remedied that.
29. Tame the Mane – A brand new makeover will be a great way to discover a new you.
30. From Vocation to Profession – When your hobby becomes your profession it not only brings in money but also makes working a fun experience.
31. Positive approach to life – Vow to always view the glass to be half full. This will help you solve any obstacle you may face in life.
32. Speak Your Mind – Chuck the niceties. It is mandatory to say No at times. However remember, politeness pays too. Judiciously decide according to situation.
33. Get Pictured at the Wonders of the World – This is for the travel bugs. This would be an experience of a lifetime, but needs advanced planning.
34. Learn Language – Language skills are always an added plus.
35. Chuck the Couch – Whether we use a slang to call it being a Couch Potato or an ornamental term like Sedentary Lifestyle, if you belong to the category, you need to break out of the vicious cycle.
36. Present to hand make tokens or cards with every gift – Add a personal touch to every gift with a handmade note card or a greeting card.
37. Go for a Blind Date – For the adventurous souls, a blind date may be fun. But take care to consider the risk factors and take adequate precautions.
38. Wake up to World News – Newspaper may seem boring, but not staying abreast with current affairs will make you a bore in a crowd. Stay informed.
39. Groom Your Green Thumb – A patch of greenery is a solace in the concrete jungle we live in – well if a garden seems too much, even a few potted plants would liven up your living space.
40. Patron the Prints – E-books and softcopies are all great and convenient, but nothing compares to the luxury of snuggling up with a nice read. Hit the library and feel it.
41. Waste Not, Want Not – If there is something you don’t want – food, extra medicine, etc — hand it down to those who do.
42. Terminate the Tantrums – Being opinionated is okay. But having your fuse blown off at the slightest pretext is not. Neither are mood swings. They make you out of bounds for friends even if they do not want that.
43. Pep up your parents – Doing something nice for your parents will bring you guaranteed bliss – you are the best to know what will light up their face with a smile.
44. Give up on a bad habit – Old habits die hard – some really need to – like, biting nails, biting your lips etc.
45. Endear a Diary – Letter writing is a dead art. But expressing feelings is not. And nothing pleases a literary mind more than a few solitary moments with pen and paper. Pour your heart out in a diary.
46. Remember the Important Dates – Remembering birthdays, anniversaries etc will make your loved ones feel special, wanted and cared for. If your memory doesn’t help, take the help of technology!
47. Pamper yourself once in a while – You deserve it – do whatever your heart desires – but remember not to go overboard.
48. Enrich your vocabulary – Communication is vital in any sphere of life – enrich your vocabulary to master the art of reaching out.
49. Overcome a fear or mental block – This will make you feel liberated – it will free your mind of shackles.
50. Be sincere about punctuality and commitments – This is a resolution, if followed, would help you succeed in life and be respected too.
People change with time, so do their aspirations. Seriously taken, Happy New Year Resolution is an opportunity to gauge our goals. For the adventurous souls, it is the opportunity to tickle a funny bone or to try something bold.
123NewYear offers Fifty amazing New Year Resolution 2016 ideas. Some are simple, some are exotic – but each is unique in its own way – there is surely a one that would appeal to you!
1. Look Where You Stand – Made loads of resolutions last New Year’s Eve? Accessed how far you have stood by them? If not, it is time you did!
2. Accomplish the Incomplete – If you still feel that the resolutions you made last year and abandoned midway are worth a second shot, give it another chance!
3. Realistic Resolutions – Instead of weaving dreams in the air, make a resolution that would have significance in and add a meaning to your life.
4. Monitor Progress – Resolve this year to monitor how far you are holding on to your commitment – it will help you to hang on.
5. Quit an Addiction – It will not take you anywhere good, trust us. If it does you no good, why stick to it? If needed, seek help of support groups or professionals. If you have the will, you shall find the way.
6. Back to School – Learning has no age. Pick up where you left off.
7. Fit in Fitness – Secure a future with fewer trips to the doctor – exercise. Select a regime you can stick to. A group activity may add the element of fun to the routine. Lose some flab. But don’t set any strict target, for then the chances are you may get de-motivated and quit.
8. Soak up New Skills – Learning something new and interesting is always fun and a value addition too.
9. Healthy Hogging – Think before you put any morsel in your mouth. Occasional indulgence should be there.
10. Lose the Loan – Pay off any debt you may have and feel light at heart.
11. Sack Stress – This sounds easier than it actually is, and there is no magic tip. You have to find your own haven.
12. Contribute for a Cause – Giving back to the society is the least we can do to make the world a better place to live in.
13. Treasure your Treasures – Splurge is fun, but saving should be the way of living. Plan with your future in mind. Relax the grip once in a while for that blissful indulgence. But should be just one or two annual affair.
14. Liven up Your Lifestyle – Professional growth is okay, but your personal life requires attention too. Strike a balance.
15. Organized – This is the key to make life easy, manage time and live stress free. Make a proper To-Do list, and you are half way there already.
16. Fun With Family – Bonding with the family will add a treasure trove of memories for you to cherish all your life.
17. Wowed By Wanderlust – If new places interest you, plan to reach out to them. You may consider including a fund for your trotting in your annual budget.
18. Adopt a Pet – The devotion, love and loyalty of a pet can never be matched. Feel the bliss by giving one a home.
19. Wreck a Record – This does not necessarily have to be a world record. It could be your own set standards — getting better grades in school, saving more than last year – anything.
20. Relive your childhood – Bring back the simplicity in life – dance in the rain, jump in a puddle, lick a Popsicle – just be carefree.
21. Spice up the Mundane – Bring some sizzle to your daily life. Plan a candlelight dinner. Bring some fresh flowers to your bedroom. This will make life seem more beautiful.
22. Unleash the Angel in You – Nothing feels better than seeing a smile on someone. Do your bit to stand by people who need support. Every little help matters.
23. Get Struck by Cupid – Falling in love is the most beautiful thing to happen in a New Year. And if you are rosy eyed enough, you could even ring the wedding bells.
24. Snooze away to Slumber-Land – Catch up on the sleep you lost and see a beautiful glow back on you – bid farewell to those dark circles for good!
25. Pep up your habitat – Beautifying where you live is the easiest way to beautify your life with a feel good factor.
26. De-clutter the accumulated junk – Life will be more organized with the unnecessary extras gone — donate the unnecessary stuff to charity. If you want, organize a garage sale – the incoming cash may motivate you to de-clutter.
27. Get a Gadget – Has there been a gadget you have been longing for? An expensive one? Save up to make it your own!
28. Step up or Step Down Social Media Activity – If you have been out of touch with your pals and peers, social media would help you get back to the grove. But if your virtual life is affecting your personal life, it is time you remedied that.
29. Tame the Mane – A brand new makeover will be a great way to discover a new you.
30. From Vocation to Profession – When your hobby becomes your profession it not only brings in money but also makes working a fun experience.
31. Positive approach to life – Vow to always view the glass to be half full. This will help you solve any obstacle you may face in life.
32. Speak Your Mind – Chuck the niceties. It is mandatory to say No at times. However remember, politeness pays too. Judiciously decide according to situation.
33. Get Pictured at the Wonders of the World – This is for the travel bugs. This would be an experience of a lifetime, but needs advanced planning.
34. Learn Language – Language skills are always an added plus.
35. Chuck the Couch – Whether we use a slang to call it being a Couch Potato or an ornamental term like Sedentary Lifestyle, if you belong to the category, you need to break out of the vicious cycle.
36. Present to hand make tokens or cards with every gift – Add a personal touch to every gift with a handmade note card or a greeting card.
37. Go for a Blind Date – For the adventurous souls, a blind date may be fun. But take care to consider the risk factors and take adequate precautions.
38. Wake up to World News – Newspaper may seem boring, but not staying abreast with current affairs will make you a bore in a crowd. Stay informed.
39. Groom Your Green Thumb – A patch of greenery is a solace in the concrete jungle we live in – well if a garden seems too much, even a few potted plants would liven up your living space.
40. Patron the Prints – E-books and softcopies are all great and convenient, but nothing compares to the luxury of snuggling up with a nice read. Hit the library and feel it.
41. Waste Not, Want Not – If there is something you don’t want – food, extra medicine, etc — hand it down to those who do.
42. Terminate the Tantrums – Being opinionated is okay. But having your fuse blown off at the slightest pretext is not. Neither are mood swings. They make you out of bounds for friends even if they do not want that.
43. Pep up your parents – Doing something nice for your parents will bring you guaranteed bliss – you are the best to know what will light up their face with a smile.
44. Give up on a bad habit – Old habits die hard – some really need to – like, biting nails, biting your lips etc.
45. Endear a Diary – Letter writing is a dead art. But expressing feelings is not. And nothing pleases a literary mind more than a few solitary moments with pen and paper. Pour your heart out in a diary.
46. Remember the Important Dates – Remembering birthdays, anniversaries etc will make your loved ones feel special, wanted and cared for. If your memory doesn’t help, take the help of technology!
47. Pamper yourself once in a while – You deserve it – do whatever your heart desires – but remember not to go overboard.
48. Enrich your vocabulary – Communication is vital in any sphere of life – enrich your vocabulary to master the art of reaching out.
49. Overcome a fear or mental block – This will make you feel liberated – it will free your mind of shackles.
50. Be sincere about punctuality and commitments – This is a resolution, if followed, would help you succeed in life and be respected too.
Quote for the day
“Man is an animal suspended in webs of significance that he himself has spun.” - Clifford Geertz
Saturday, 26 December 2015
What is Forex Market?
The Forex Market is a network of buyers and sellers operating without a centralized exchange where one currency is transferred for another currency between participants at agreed upon prices.


Quote for the day
"People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. ... The leader works in the open, and the boss in covert. The leader leads, and the boss drives." - Theodore Roosevelt
Friday, 25 December 2015
Ten Rules for Successful Trading
Advice from the Professional Traders at T3 Live
Being a profitable trader is all about developing a healthy state of mind. Most traders never end up making consistent money because they cannot achieve self awareness. In sports, it's called “the zone,” knowing when you should be aggressive or when you should take a step back. Most traders blow up their accounts once (if not multiple times) before becoming consistently profitable.
To get into the professional “zone,” we abide by trading rules. These rules are not meant to make you conservative or hesitant by any means. The best traders are confident types of people who discipline themselves by following steadfast rules. Having rules should help increase your confidence when you get into a trade. If you have a plan, you will never sit idly by as your capital dries up or withers away. The only way to become consistent and achieve longevity is to abide strictly by a set of rules that will help shape your trading to meet your personal goals and objectives.
These rules are guidelines and should be used to help you with your own trading business:
1. Trading is simple, but it's not easy. If you want to be a trader, leave blind hope at the door. Focus on specific set ups and stick to your stops. Trading is a business and you will have to work hard for every dollar you make.
2. Trading should be boring. Thrill seekers and impulse traders ultimately will fail. While they may see some big days, failure is a matter of when, not if.
3. Be extremely in touch with your emotions. Always be brutally honest with yourself. Note when you are acting based on primitive emotions rather than rational thought. If you find yourself yelling at your computer screen, ask yourself, "is this rational?"
4. Be cautious when you feel yourself getting too excited. Excitement is an emotion, and can greatly increase your risk because it can cloud your judgement.
5. Be patient and wait for trades to come to you. Chasing prices only increases risk and diminishes possible reward. Don't beat yourself up over a missed opportunity if you cannot get a price you like. Remember, the markets will be open tomorrow and there are always going to be more opportunities.
6. Manage your expectations. If you come into trading with the idea of making big money, you are already doomed. A greedy mentality is responsible for almost every trader blow up.
7. Don't focus only on the money. Focus on executing trades well. If you are getting in and out of trades according to your game plan, the money will take care of itself.
8. Never let a day trade turn into an overnight trade. An overnight trade should be planned as an overnight trade before the trade is even entered. Know the difference between your time frames in which you are operating.
9. Professionals, those who stay in the business the longest, always take small losses. Not admitting you are wrong and taking a massive loss can damage your psyche and confidence as much as your account balance. Trust in your stops.
10. Poor traders always think, “how much money can I make on this trade?” The best traders always think, “how much money can I lose on this trade?” Traders who control and manage their risk take money from the traders who are thinking about the Ferrari they are going to buy when in the trade.
Quote for the day
“Whenever your mind is totally absorbed in whatever activities you are performing, your mind will remain calm and content.” - Chin-Ning Chu
Thursday, 24 December 2015
30 Small Habits To Lead A More Peaceful Life
By Charlene Decesare
In today’s world, true peace must come from within us and our own actions. Here are 30 small things you can do on a regular basis to increase your overall sense of harmony, peace, and well-being:
1. Don’t go to every fight you’re invited to
Particularly when you’re around those who thrive on chaos, be willing to decline the invitation to join in on the drama.
2. Focus on your breath
Throughout the day, stop to take a few deep breaths. Keep stress at bay with techniques such as “square breathing.” Breathe in for four counts, hold for four counts, then out for four counts, and hold again for four counts. Repeat this cycle four times.
3. Get organized and purge old items
A cluttered space often creates a cluttered spirit. Take the time to get rid of anything you haven't used in a year and invest in organizational systems that help you sustain a level of neatness.
4. Stop yourself from being judgemental
Whenever you are tempted to have an opinion about someone else’s life, check your intentions. Judging others creates and promotes negative energy.
6. Smile more
Even if you have to “fake it until you make it,” there are many scientific benefits of smiling and laughing. Also, pay attention to your facial expression when you are doing neutral activities such as driving and walking. Turn that frown upside down!
7. Don't worry about the future
As difficult as this sounds, there is a direct connection between staying in the present and living a more peaceful life. You cannot control the future. As the old proverb goes, “Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it won’t get you anywhere.” Practice gently bringing your thoughts back to the present.
8. Eat real food
The closer the food is to the state from which it came from the earth, the better you will feel in eating it. Choose foods that grew from a plant over food that was made in a plant.
9. Choose being happy over being right
Too often, we sacrifice inner peace in order to make a point. It’s rarely worth it.
10. Keep technology out of the bedroom
Many studies, such as one conducted by Brigham and Women’s Hospital, have connected blue light of electronic devices before bed to adverse sleep and overall health. To make matters worse, many people report that they cannot resist checking email and social media when their cell phone is in reach of their bed, regardless of the time.
11. Make use of filtering features on social media
You may not want to “unfriend” someone completely, however you canchoose whether you want to follow their posts and/or the sources of information that they share.
12. Get comfortable with silence
When you picture someone who is the ultimate state of peace, typically they aren’t talking.
14. Put your troubles in a bubble
Whenever you start to feel anxious, visualize the situation being wrapped in a bubble and then picture that sphere floating away.
15. Speak more slowly
Often a lack of peace manifests itself in fast or clipped speech. Take a breath, slow down, and let your thoughtful consideration drive your words.
17. Buy a colouring book
Mandala colouring books for adults are becoming more popular because of their connection to creating inner peace.
18. Prioritize yourself
You are the only person who you are guaranteed to live with 24 hours a day for the rest of your life.
19. Forgive others
Holding a grudge is hurting you exponentially more than anyone else. Let it go.
20. Check your expectations
Presumption often leads to drama. Remember the old saying, “Expectations are premeditated resentments.”
21. Engage in active play
Let your inner child come out and have some fun. Jump, dance, play, and pretend!
22. Stop criticizing yourself
The world is a hard enough place with more than enough critics. Your life is not served well by being one of them.
24. Assign yourself “complaint free” days.
Make a conscious decision not to complain about anything for a whole day. It might be harder than you think and the awareness will stick with you.
26. Manage your money
Financial concerns rank top on the list of what causes people stress. Take the time each month to do a budget, calculate what you actually spend and sanity check that against the money you have coming in.
27. Stop trying to control everything
Not only is your inner control freak sabotaging your sense of peace, it is also likely getting in the way of external relationships as well.
28. Practice affirmations
Repeat positive phrases that depict the life and qualities you want to attract. It may not come naturally to you, but it works.
29. Get up before sunrise
Personally witnessing the dawn brings a unique sense of awe and appreciation for life.
30. Be yourself
Nothing creates more inner discord than trying to be something other than who we really are. Authenticity breeds happiness.
In today’s world, true peace must come from within us and our own actions. Here are 30 small things you can do on a regular basis to increase your overall sense of harmony, peace, and well-being:
1. Don’t go to every fight you’re invited to
Particularly when you’re around those who thrive on chaos, be willing to decline the invitation to join in on the drama.
2. Focus on your breath
Throughout the day, stop to take a few deep breaths. Keep stress at bay with techniques such as “square breathing.” Breathe in for four counts, hold for four counts, then out for four counts, and hold again for four counts. Repeat this cycle four times.
3. Get organized and purge old items
A cluttered space often creates a cluttered spirit. Take the time to get rid of anything you haven't used in a year and invest in organizational systems that help you sustain a level of neatness.
4. Stop yourself from being judgemental
Whenever you are tempted to have an opinion about someone else’s life, check your intentions. Judging others creates and promotes negative energy.
5. Say ‘thank you’ early and often
Start and end each day with an attitude of gratitude. Look for opportunities in your daily routine and interactions to express appreciation.
Start and end each day with an attitude of gratitude. Look for opportunities in your daily routine and interactions to express appreciation.
6. Smile more
Even if you have to “fake it until you make it,” there are many scientific benefits of smiling and laughing. Also, pay attention to your facial expression when you are doing neutral activities such as driving and walking. Turn that frown upside down!
7. Don't worry about the future
As difficult as this sounds, there is a direct connection between staying in the present and living a more peaceful life. You cannot control the future. As the old proverb goes, “Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it won’t get you anywhere.” Practice gently bringing your thoughts back to the present.
8. Eat real food
The closer the food is to the state from which it came from the earth, the better you will feel in eating it. Choose foods that grew from a plant over food that was made in a plant.
9. Choose being happy over being right
Too often, we sacrifice inner peace in order to make a point. It’s rarely worth it.
10. Keep technology out of the bedroom
Many studies, such as one conducted by Brigham and Women’s Hospital, have connected blue light of electronic devices before bed to adverse sleep and overall health. To make matters worse, many people report that they cannot resist checking email and social media when their cell phone is in reach of their bed, regardless of the time.
11. Make use of filtering features on social media
You may not want to “unfriend” someone completely, however you canchoose whether you want to follow their posts and/or the sources of information that they share.
12. Get comfortable with silence
When you picture someone who is the ultimate state of peace, typically they aren’t talking.
13. Listen to understand, not to respond
So often in conversations, we use our ears to give us cues about when it is our turn to say what we want to say. Practice active listening, ask questions, process, then speak.
So often in conversations, we use our ears to give us cues about when it is our turn to say what we want to say. Practice active listening, ask questions, process, then speak.
14. Put your troubles in a bubble
Whenever you start to feel anxious, visualize the situation being wrapped in a bubble and then picture that sphere floating away.
15. Speak more slowly
Often a lack of peace manifests itself in fast or clipped speech. Take a breath, slow down, and let your thoughtful consideration drive your words.
16. Don't procrastinate
Nothing adds stress to our lives like waiting until the last minute.
Nothing adds stress to our lives like waiting until the last minute.
17. Buy a colouring book
Mandala colouring books for adults are becoming more popular because of their connection to creating inner peace.
18. Prioritize yourself
You are the only person who you are guaranteed to live with 24 hours a day for the rest of your life.
19. Forgive others
Holding a grudge is hurting you exponentially more than anyone else. Let it go.
20. Check your expectations
Presumption often leads to drama. Remember the old saying, “Expectations are premeditated resentments.”
21. Engage in active play
Let your inner child come out and have some fun. Jump, dance, play, and pretend!
22. Stop criticizing yourself
The world is a hard enough place with more than enough critics. Your life is not served well by being one of them.
23. Focus your energy and attention on what you want
Thoughts, words, and actions all create energy. Energy attracts like energy. Put out what you want to get back.
Thoughts, words, and actions all create energy. Energy attracts like energy. Put out what you want to get back.
24. Assign yourself “complaint free” days.
Make a conscious decision not to complain about anything for a whole day. It might be harder than you think and the awareness will stick with you.
25. Surround yourself with people you truly enjoy being in the company of
Personalities tend to be contagious, and not everyone’s is worth catching. Be judicious in your choices.
Personalities tend to be contagious, and not everyone’s is worth catching. Be judicious in your choices.
26. Manage your money
Financial concerns rank top on the list of what causes people stress. Take the time each month to do a budget, calculate what you actually spend and sanity check that against the money you have coming in.
27. Stop trying to control everything
Not only is your inner control freak sabotaging your sense of peace, it is also likely getting in the way of external relationships as well.
28. Practice affirmations
Repeat positive phrases that depict the life and qualities you want to attract. It may not come naturally to you, but it works.
29. Get up before sunrise
Personally witnessing the dawn brings a unique sense of awe and appreciation for life.
30. Be yourself
Nothing creates more inner discord than trying to be something other than who we really are. Authenticity breeds happiness.
Quote for the day
“Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.” - Gautama Buddha
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Quote for the day
"Nothing worthwhile comes easily. Half effort does not produce half results, it produces no results. Work, continuous work and hard work, it the only way to accomplish results that last." - Hamilton Holt
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Quote for the day
"The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react." - George Bernard Shaw
Monday, 21 December 2015
Quote for the day
“One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power.” - Tony Robbins
Sunday, 20 December 2015
Volatility: The dearest friend of Mr. Value
By Vikas Gupta
True value investor treats volatility as a stepping stone and not as an obstacle in his investment activity. For him volatility in stock markets opens door to opportunities.
True value investor treats volatility as a stepping stone and not as an obstacle in his investment activity. For him volatility in stock markets opens door to opportunities.
In Ben Graham’s par able of Mr. Market, he describes a very volatile fellow who is sometimes exuberant and is willing to buy stocks at any price and who is sometimes depressed and is willing to sell at any price. In contrast to this highly volatile fellow, Mr. Market, who buys high and sells low we can imagine a cool, calm and collected fellow Mr. Value. Mr. Value is willing to help Mr. Market when he needs it the most, especially at the extremes. When Mr. Market is desperate to sell at any price, typically very low, Mr. Value is happy to help him by buying them off him and when Mr. Market is desperate to buy at any price, typically very high, Mr. Value is happy to help him by selling them to him.
This way there is a very good partnership and complementary friendship between Mr. Market and Mr. Value. Majority of the traders, i.e. market participants who aim to make money from short-term trading positions in the market, can be classified as Mr. Market.
This way there is a very good partnership and complementary friendship between Mr. Market and Mr. Value. Majority of the traders, i.e. market participants who aim to make money from short-term trading positions in the market, can be classified as Mr. Market.
The investors, i.e. market participants who expect to make money from long-term investments in the markets, can be classified as Mr. Value. Traders want stocks that will move quickly in their anticipated direction and investors want stocks that are available significantly below their intrinsic value.
In a clear bull market trend the traders tend to make quick money by using techniques such as, technical analysis, trend analysis, momentum etc. combined with leverage, i.e. buying on margin, using futures and options etc. All of these seem to work as long as a stable trend continues. When volatility strikes, i.e. the trend is not clear and markets keep going up and down with high unpredictability, the leveraged portfolios start making huge losses. This induces panic in the traders, it seems to them that the world is coming to an end, and they want to close out their positions; at any price.
This is when Mr. Value is at the happiest. Volatility is the friend of Mr. Value. Under such conditions a large number of companies are mis-priced and available below their intrinsic value. He can pick and choose the best companies based on various fundamental criteria and buy them at a discount to intrinsic value.
In a clear bull market trend the traders tend to make quick money by using techniques such as, technical analysis, trend analysis, momentum etc. combined with leverage, i.e. buying on margin, using futures and options etc. All of these seem to work as long as a stable trend continues. When volatility strikes, i.e. the trend is not clear and markets keep going up and down with high unpredictability, the leveraged portfolios start making huge losses. This induces panic in the traders, it seems to them that the world is coming to an end, and they want to close out their positions; at any price.
This is when Mr. Value is at the happiest. Volatility is the friend of Mr. Value. Under such conditions a large number of companies are mis-priced and available below their intrinsic value. He can pick and choose the best companies based on various fundamental criteria and buy them at a discount to intrinsic value.
So what does Mr. Value look for?
He reminds himself that the value of the business lies in its fundamentals. He starts looking at companies with large sales and earnings. These are companies which hold an important position in the economy due to their sheer size. They are likely to be there even in difficult economic situations.
Next he looks for companies with strong balance sheets. Strong balance sheets give the stability to survive difficult financial conditions. The fact that a company has low debt makes it less vulnerable to bankruptcy. Also if it has spare cash and debt capacity it allows it to take advantage of gaining further importance in the economy by gaining market share and possibly engaging in merger and acquisitions activity on favourable terms. It allows the company flexibility to add value on both the asset side and the liability side in favour of the shareholders.
Next Mr. Value looks at companies that have shown strong management capability in terms of proper capital allocation. Companies that have strong capital allocation capabilities are able to enjoy the famous “economic moat” of Warren Buffett.
Under times of volatility companies with above characteristics have a higher likelihood of being available at fair prices or below fair prices. However, Mr. Value is extremely cautious and evaluates these companies conservatively before deciding that they are cheap.
If they are cheap in a realistic-conservative model then he does not hesitate to make large purchases and build a long-term position in a diversified portfolio of such companies selected on the basis of their strong fundamental economic and financial position and availability at a discount to intrinsic value.
What Mr. Value does not do is start speculating on the chances of a further fall in the markets and specific stocks. He does not worry about the possibility that he makes a purchase and the market could fall further by 10 or 20% or more as long as the price he is paying is significantly below his conservative estimate of intrinsic value. He does not use margin or use leveraged short-term derivatives instruments to take his positions. He does not continue watching the market price of his stocks daily after purchasing and fret about the fact that he could have bought it at a lower price. If he has more money to allocate then he might add more to his position considering his overall asset allocation and near and long-term financial requirements.
He might decide apriori to stagger his purchases over next few days or weeks or months and then he sticks to that plan whether markets show an upward or downward trend. Of course, if the stock prices have gone above their intrinsic values then he needs to search for new stocks which are at a discount or come up with a new plan.
That, in sum, is how Mr. Value falls in love and tangoes with volatility and demonstrates his friendship to Mr. Market by helping him.
He reminds himself that the value of the business lies in its fundamentals. He starts looking at companies with large sales and earnings. These are companies which hold an important position in the economy due to their sheer size. They are likely to be there even in difficult economic situations.
Next he looks for companies with strong balance sheets. Strong balance sheets give the stability to survive difficult financial conditions. The fact that a company has low debt makes it less vulnerable to bankruptcy. Also if it has spare cash and debt capacity it allows it to take advantage of gaining further importance in the economy by gaining market share and possibly engaging in merger and acquisitions activity on favourable terms. It allows the company flexibility to add value on both the asset side and the liability side in favour of the shareholders.
Next Mr. Value looks at companies that have shown strong management capability in terms of proper capital allocation. Companies that have strong capital allocation capabilities are able to enjoy the famous “economic moat” of Warren Buffett.
Under times of volatility companies with above characteristics have a higher likelihood of being available at fair prices or below fair prices. However, Mr. Value is extremely cautious and evaluates these companies conservatively before deciding that they are cheap.
If they are cheap in a realistic-conservative model then he does not hesitate to make large purchases and build a long-term position in a diversified portfolio of such companies selected on the basis of their strong fundamental economic and financial position and availability at a discount to intrinsic value.
What Mr. Value does not do is start speculating on the chances of a further fall in the markets and specific stocks. He does not worry about the possibility that he makes a purchase and the market could fall further by 10 or 20% or more as long as the price he is paying is significantly below his conservative estimate of intrinsic value. He does not use margin or use leveraged short-term derivatives instruments to take his positions. He does not continue watching the market price of his stocks daily after purchasing and fret about the fact that he could have bought it at a lower price. If he has more money to allocate then he might add more to his position considering his overall asset allocation and near and long-term financial requirements.
He might decide apriori to stagger his purchases over next few days or weeks or months and then he sticks to that plan whether markets show an upward or downward trend. Of course, if the stock prices have gone above their intrinsic values then he needs to search for new stocks which are at a discount or come up with a new plan.
That, in sum, is how Mr. Value falls in love and tangoes with volatility and demonstrates his friendship to Mr. Market by helping him.
Quote for the day
"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Saturday, 19 December 2015
Brendon Burchard’s 10 Keys for Success
Brendon Burchard is one of the most-watched personal development trainers and motivational speaker of our time and best selling author of "The Motivation Manifesto", "The Charge", "The Millionaire Messenger", and "Life’s Golden Ticket".
Here are Brendon Burchard's 10 rules for success in the words of Brendon Burchard:
1. Don't Listen to The Little Man
No matter where you are or where you started from, don't let your small beginnings make you small minded. It's easy to say “that's impossible”. We hear a lot of people telling us we can't do this and can't do that. Don't let their words hold you back from believing you can. No matter where you are, believe in yourself. Keep adding, keep working, keep going.
Some days may be hard and may be a struggle but it's through that struggle, through that dream, effort and desire that you will eventually get there.
2. You Need to Take Action Every Day
You have to actually show up every day and inch yourself forward towards these dreams. You have to take an action that moves you forward. Not just research or thinking because without the initiative, the action is dead. It has to be daily, otherwise it will never be actualized.
Keep the momentum going every single day.
3. You Must Define Your Mission
You need to have a mission for what you're doing today. You need to have an intention for the next task.
People tend to show up without any intention of what they need to do, and end up doing too many things which gets them no where.
Ask yourself: What is the mission?
Work out what your desire in life is, figure out the steps, create a plan to get there and minimize everything else. Get clear on the mission!
Don’t take on too many projects, make your mission the ultimate focus, it's easy to take your eye off of the ball if you don't know what the ball is.
Respond to your own desires and not others. Focus goes out the window when we don't have progress. The more focus, the more progress.
4. Facing Your Doubts
Doubt is one of the greatest enemies to success. It's so easy to overcome, but most people won't practice the discipline of overcoming it. Negative recurring emotions hold us back from being mature and realizing we need to fix the problem.
If you've been plagued with doubt your whole life, then face it. Where there is doubt, there is faith.
With more faith comes more competence, more competence results in more confidence.
5. Setting The Boundaries
Be more explicit in communicating your boundaries and time. If you have 45 minutes in a meeting, don't let it go a second over, let people know “Don't go over on the set time!”
Bleed time takes away from your balance by going over time on things you don't need to go over on. “I'll just have one drink” turns into 16, “Just one hour of lunch” turns into 4 hours, “Just one episode” turns into the entire series in one sitting.
Don't let time be wasted because you didn't stick to your mark. So set your boundary, communicate it clearly with people, and don't go over.
If you stick to the intention, you'll have better balance.
6. Study Your Craft
If you want to get ahead, you need to study your craft deeply. But do it for your passion, look at the great artists in history who studied and mastered their abilities. What is your area?
Study, pay attention, learn from the best, model the most intelligent, successful people you can. Then develop confidence by doing it over and over again. Don't do it once in a while.
7. Get Constructive Feedback
You need to get into a community that can give you feedback. Whether it be a coach, friends or family members. Practice with a group before the meeting so you are able to receive feedback to grow in confidence and competency.
It's the willingness to get feedback that will keep your dream alive. If it's just in your mind and you're just doing it by yourself, but you never get a positive community giving you constructive feedback, it will never be in the social realm where you gain that social awareness so that you can contribute and create at another level.
8. Think BIGGER
What is it that you're really after? Are you after enough for yourself? Are you limiting yourself based on your current competencies? Never limit your ambitions based on current competencies, never limit yourself today based on your current inadequacies because those could be irrelevant tomorrow.
The main thing is to have aim in life, to have your own aim, and your own ambitions. Don't let others tell you your aims and ambitions.
The highest forms of ambition usually come down to creative expression, your contribution, and your connection with others.
What is it that you want for yourself? is it big enough? Remember, whatever you come up with, 10x it. Challenge your brain to break the bounds.
9. Be Generous
What makes someone extraordinary? The ability to be generous, not only with gifts, but with your time, attention, mentor ship, care, love, patience, forgiveness, spirit, energy.
People vibrate with generosity, they feel it and sense it. They tend to be surprised by that. Give as much of your heart, your spirit, your life and your voice to this world because we only get one shot at this life.
10. Become Your Best Self
Take your current limitation and put it on your agenda as a job to do, as a thing to figure out and make it happen. Don't wait for circumstances to change otherwise you will never change. If you want to change, something new has to change.
Here are Brendon Burchard's 10 rules for success in the words of Brendon Burchard:
1. Don't Listen to The Little Man
No matter where you are or where you started from, don't let your small beginnings make you small minded. It's easy to say “that's impossible”. We hear a lot of people telling us we can't do this and can't do that. Don't let their words hold you back from believing you can. No matter where you are, believe in yourself. Keep adding, keep working, keep going.
Some days may be hard and may be a struggle but it's through that struggle, through that dream, effort and desire that you will eventually get there.
2. You Need to Take Action Every Day
You have to actually show up every day and inch yourself forward towards these dreams. You have to take an action that moves you forward. Not just research or thinking because without the initiative, the action is dead. It has to be daily, otherwise it will never be actualized.
Keep the momentum going every single day.
3. You Must Define Your Mission
You need to have a mission for what you're doing today. You need to have an intention for the next task.
People tend to show up without any intention of what they need to do, and end up doing too many things which gets them no where.
Ask yourself: What is the mission?
Work out what your desire in life is, figure out the steps, create a plan to get there and minimize everything else. Get clear on the mission!
Don’t take on too many projects, make your mission the ultimate focus, it's easy to take your eye off of the ball if you don't know what the ball is.
Respond to your own desires and not others. Focus goes out the window when we don't have progress. The more focus, the more progress.
4. Facing Your Doubts
Doubt is one of the greatest enemies to success. It's so easy to overcome, but most people won't practice the discipline of overcoming it. Negative recurring emotions hold us back from being mature and realizing we need to fix the problem.
If you've been plagued with doubt your whole life, then face it. Where there is doubt, there is faith.
With more faith comes more competence, more competence results in more confidence.
5. Setting The Boundaries
Be more explicit in communicating your boundaries and time. If you have 45 minutes in a meeting, don't let it go a second over, let people know “Don't go over on the set time!”
Bleed time takes away from your balance by going over time on things you don't need to go over on. “I'll just have one drink” turns into 16, “Just one hour of lunch” turns into 4 hours, “Just one episode” turns into the entire series in one sitting.
Don't let time be wasted because you didn't stick to your mark. So set your boundary, communicate it clearly with people, and don't go over.
If you stick to the intention, you'll have better balance.
6. Study Your Craft
If you want to get ahead, you need to study your craft deeply. But do it for your passion, look at the great artists in history who studied and mastered their abilities. What is your area?
Study, pay attention, learn from the best, model the most intelligent, successful people you can. Then develop confidence by doing it over and over again. Don't do it once in a while.
7. Get Constructive Feedback
You need to get into a community that can give you feedback. Whether it be a coach, friends or family members. Practice with a group before the meeting so you are able to receive feedback to grow in confidence and competency.
It's the willingness to get feedback that will keep your dream alive. If it's just in your mind and you're just doing it by yourself, but you never get a positive community giving you constructive feedback, it will never be in the social realm where you gain that social awareness so that you can contribute and create at another level.
8. Think BIGGER
What is it that you're really after? Are you after enough for yourself? Are you limiting yourself based on your current competencies? Never limit your ambitions based on current competencies, never limit yourself today based on your current inadequacies because those could be irrelevant tomorrow.
The main thing is to have aim in life, to have your own aim, and your own ambitions. Don't let others tell you your aims and ambitions.
The highest forms of ambition usually come down to creative expression, your contribution, and your connection with others.
What is it that you want for yourself? is it big enough? Remember, whatever you come up with, 10x it. Challenge your brain to break the bounds.
9. Be Generous
What makes someone extraordinary? The ability to be generous, not only with gifts, but with your time, attention, mentor ship, care, love, patience, forgiveness, spirit, energy.
People vibrate with generosity, they feel it and sense it. They tend to be surprised by that. Give as much of your heart, your spirit, your life and your voice to this world because we only get one shot at this life.
10. Become Your Best Self
Take your current limitation and put it on your agenda as a job to do, as a thing to figure out and make it happen. Don't wait for circumstances to change otherwise you will never change. If you want to change, something new has to change.
Friday, 18 December 2015
Quote for the day
"Modern man thinks he loses something - time - when he does not do things quickly. Yet he does not know what to do with the time he gains - except kill it." - Erich Fromm
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Quote for the day
“If the market gets negative news and the market shrugs it off and it continues to go up, this is a bullish reaction because it means the market has already discounted the news. On the other hand, a sign of a fully priced market is one that reacts poorly to good news.”
- Marty Schwartz
- Marty Schwartz
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Quote for the day
“Nothing matters in life quite as much as you think it does when you are thinking about it.” - Daniel Kahneman
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Quote for the day
"Strategic planning is worthless - unless there is first a strategic vision." - John Naisbitt
Monday, 14 December 2015
Quote for the day
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." - Reinhold Niebuhr
Sunday, 13 December 2015
10 major differences between rich and poor people, from someone who's been both
By Daniel Ally, Entrepreneur
I've been rich and I've been poor. I know both sides very well.
Growing up poor, I knew that I wanted to be rich. At the age of 24, I earned my first million dollars. I came a long way and studied the subject all of my life. Over time, I have discovered that if you're not living in prosperity, you're living in poverty.
Wealth is a choice that we must all make. Bill Gates once said, "It's not your fault if you were born poor, but it's your fault if you die poor." There's no reason why you should live in poverty. Wealth is waiting for you, but you have to make up your mind if you want it in your life.
For a long time, I struggled to believe that I could eventually become rich. It wasn't until I observed the differences in thoughts and actions between the "haves" and the "have-nots."
Here are 10 major differences between rich and poor people:
1a. Poor people are skeptical
I distinctly remember a former coworker of mine saying, "Those mechanics are a rip-off! They're always looking for the weak people. They'll charge you when you're not looking!!" He thought that everyone unjustly wanted his money and that everyone is out there to get him.
1b. Rich people are trusting
Surprisingly, a great deal of rich people leave their car and house doors open. Conversely, in areas of poverty, you'll find that this behavior is highly unlikely to happen. Rich people have the tendency to trust those they meet (within reason) and give others the opportunity to be themselves.
2a. Poor people find fault
People who are poor are always looking for the problems instead of the solutions. They end up blaming their environment, circumstances, jobs, weather, government, and will make an extensive list of excuses as to why they cannot be successful.
2b. Rich people find success
Rich people understand that everything happens for a reason. Rather than letting life happen to them, they take direct action and make big things happen. They put aside all the excuses and eradicate their blame lists because they have to do what must be done.
3a. Poor people make assumptions
When it comes to knowing the truth, poor people often make assumptions. If they want to reach out to a celebrity, they might say, "They probably don't have time to talk to me." Instead of checking the facts or asking questions, they never make a true attempt when it comes to getting what they want.
3b. Rich people ask questions
Many rich people ask the question, "What if?" For instance, "What if I wrote an email to the president and he or she answers?" If you begin to ask questions, you will save yourself a lot of hassle. The power is in the hands of those who ask the right questions. They don't answer your questions, question your answers.
4a. Poor people say, "They" and "Them"
In the grocery store, the woman at the register said, "They never have enough cashiers. I don't know what's wrong with them." Obviously, this woman did not take any ownership and responsibility over her job. She certainly did separate herself from the job that was paying her.
4b. Rich people say, "We"
At one of my favorite restaurants, the server said, "We take great delight in cooking our steaks in real fire." His sense of pride and ownership stimulated me, which allowed me to give him an honorable tip. Surely, you will be rich when you invest more into what you believe in.
5a. Poor people want the cheapest way
I was once shopping with a friend who only wanted to buy if they could find the cheapest clothing. They would rush to the clearance rack and pick up clothes that they didn't even want, but ended up buying because of a "deal." Unfortunately, they ended up never wearing it since they only bought the price.
5b. Rich people want the best way
Rich people will go the extra mile to find quality material. They don't limit themselves to price and often seek service while they shop. Rich people want organized services and will never settle with items that are worthless and unusable.
6a. Poor people think money is more important than time
Millions of people all over the world are trading their precious time for money. You can always get $500 back, but you can't get 50 hours again. Nonetheless, the majority of people trade time for money and never realize their true potential because of it.
6b. Rich people know that time is more important than money
Rich people never trade time for money. Moreover, they seek fulfilling experiences that dramatically alter their lives. Their careers are more focused on doing what they love and helping others, instead of merely clocking in for a meager paycheck.
7a. Poor people compete
When a poor person sees an opportunity, they find out how others are doing it and emulates them. Most often, they never consider another way of doing it. Instead, they settle in the belief that doing what others are doing is the best thing they can do for themselves.
7b. Rich people create
My rich neighbors were disgruntled when they found that their Porsche did not come in a specific shade of green, which they deeply wanted. Because of this, they decided to custom build their green Porsche with unprecedented specifications. I've never seen such a thing!
8a. Poor people complain, condemn, and criticize
Most poor people have learned how to be poor from their predecessors. Their family members have conditioned them to believe that everything is "wrong" instead of right. If you're ever heard someone ask, "What's wrong?" you'll know what I mean.
8b. Rich people praise and enjoy their blessings
Rich people know that they have many privileges and they don't take it for granted. Because of their appreciation of gifts, love, and circumstances, they are able to generate more. Many times, what gets praised gets prospered.
9a. Poor people seek amateur advice
They often listen to the opinions of others and seek approval from acquaintances. They believe almost everything they hear without questioning authority. They accept opinions as facts and prohibit themselves from doing research once satisfied with an answer.
9b. Rich people seek expert advice
Those who are rich have learned to think for themselves. If they cannot figure out something, they seek expert advice. Usually, they pay for the advice and are given a wide variety of options. They learn the experts only make suggestions, which means that they aren't particularly confined to a specific action.
10a. Poor people have big television sets
Poor people take a lot of time to drift off to sporadic images of which they often have little to no control over. They use their free time to avoid the art of thinking (which is the most challenging task) and zone out to what many have conformed to believe is "entertainment."
10b. Rich people have big libraries
Wealthy people are educated and read a lot of books. They use their knowledge in a way that benefits them. Instead of drifting off in random activities, they seek to get within their minds to understand themselves, others, and the world in which they live. In fact, as your personal library increase over the years, so will your home. I can attest to this!
To get a true perspective on how to become rich, you must study rich people. After all, you become what you study. If you're currently surrounded by people who aren't yet rich, just do the opposite of what they do. Soon enough, you'll be able to reach your financial dreams!
I've been rich and I've been poor. I know both sides very well.
Growing up poor, I knew that I wanted to be rich. At the age of 24, I earned my first million dollars. I came a long way and studied the subject all of my life. Over time, I have discovered that if you're not living in prosperity, you're living in poverty.
Wealth is a choice that we must all make. Bill Gates once said, "It's not your fault if you were born poor, but it's your fault if you die poor." There's no reason why you should live in poverty. Wealth is waiting for you, but you have to make up your mind if you want it in your life.
For a long time, I struggled to believe that I could eventually become rich. It wasn't until I observed the differences in thoughts and actions between the "haves" and the "have-nots."
Here are 10 major differences between rich and poor people:
1a. Poor people are skeptical
I distinctly remember a former coworker of mine saying, "Those mechanics are a rip-off! They're always looking for the weak people. They'll charge you when you're not looking!!" He thought that everyone unjustly wanted his money and that everyone is out there to get him.
1b. Rich people are trusting
Surprisingly, a great deal of rich people leave their car and house doors open. Conversely, in areas of poverty, you'll find that this behavior is highly unlikely to happen. Rich people have the tendency to trust those they meet (within reason) and give others the opportunity to be themselves.
2a. Poor people find fault
People who are poor are always looking for the problems instead of the solutions. They end up blaming their environment, circumstances, jobs, weather, government, and will make an extensive list of excuses as to why they cannot be successful.
2b. Rich people find success
Rich people understand that everything happens for a reason. Rather than letting life happen to them, they take direct action and make big things happen. They put aside all the excuses and eradicate their blame lists because they have to do what must be done.
3a. Poor people make assumptions
When it comes to knowing the truth, poor people often make assumptions. If they want to reach out to a celebrity, they might say, "They probably don't have time to talk to me." Instead of checking the facts or asking questions, they never make a true attempt when it comes to getting what they want.
3b. Rich people ask questions
Many rich people ask the question, "What if?" For instance, "What if I wrote an email to the president and he or she answers?" If you begin to ask questions, you will save yourself a lot of hassle. The power is in the hands of those who ask the right questions. They don't answer your questions, question your answers.
4a. Poor people say, "They" and "Them"
In the grocery store, the woman at the register said, "They never have enough cashiers. I don't know what's wrong with them." Obviously, this woman did not take any ownership and responsibility over her job. She certainly did separate herself from the job that was paying her.
4b. Rich people say, "We"
At one of my favorite restaurants, the server said, "We take great delight in cooking our steaks in real fire." His sense of pride and ownership stimulated me, which allowed me to give him an honorable tip. Surely, you will be rich when you invest more into what you believe in.
5a. Poor people want the cheapest way
I was once shopping with a friend who only wanted to buy if they could find the cheapest clothing. They would rush to the clearance rack and pick up clothes that they didn't even want, but ended up buying because of a "deal." Unfortunately, they ended up never wearing it since they only bought the price.
5b. Rich people want the best way
Rich people will go the extra mile to find quality material. They don't limit themselves to price and often seek service while they shop. Rich people want organized services and will never settle with items that are worthless and unusable.
6a. Poor people think money is more important than time
Millions of people all over the world are trading their precious time for money. You can always get $500 back, but you can't get 50 hours again. Nonetheless, the majority of people trade time for money and never realize their true potential because of it.
6b. Rich people know that time is more important than money
Rich people never trade time for money. Moreover, they seek fulfilling experiences that dramatically alter their lives. Their careers are more focused on doing what they love and helping others, instead of merely clocking in for a meager paycheck.
7a. Poor people compete
When a poor person sees an opportunity, they find out how others are doing it and emulates them. Most often, they never consider another way of doing it. Instead, they settle in the belief that doing what others are doing is the best thing they can do for themselves.
7b. Rich people create
My rich neighbors were disgruntled when they found that their Porsche did not come in a specific shade of green, which they deeply wanted. Because of this, they decided to custom build their green Porsche with unprecedented specifications. I've never seen such a thing!
8a. Poor people complain, condemn, and criticize
Most poor people have learned how to be poor from their predecessors. Their family members have conditioned them to believe that everything is "wrong" instead of right. If you're ever heard someone ask, "What's wrong?" you'll know what I mean.
8b. Rich people praise and enjoy their blessings
Rich people know that they have many privileges and they don't take it for granted. Because of their appreciation of gifts, love, and circumstances, they are able to generate more. Many times, what gets praised gets prospered.
9a. Poor people seek amateur advice
They often listen to the opinions of others and seek approval from acquaintances. They believe almost everything they hear without questioning authority. They accept opinions as facts and prohibit themselves from doing research once satisfied with an answer.
9b. Rich people seek expert advice
Those who are rich have learned to think for themselves. If they cannot figure out something, they seek expert advice. Usually, they pay for the advice and are given a wide variety of options. They learn the experts only make suggestions, which means that they aren't particularly confined to a specific action.
10a. Poor people have big television sets
Poor people take a lot of time to drift off to sporadic images of which they often have little to no control over. They use their free time to avoid the art of thinking (which is the most challenging task) and zone out to what many have conformed to believe is "entertainment."
10b. Rich people have big libraries
Wealthy people are educated and read a lot of books. They use their knowledge in a way that benefits them. Instead of drifting off in random activities, they seek to get within their minds to understand themselves, others, and the world in which they live. In fact, as your personal library increase over the years, so will your home. I can attest to this!
To get a true perspective on how to become rich, you must study rich people. After all, you become what you study. If you're currently surrounded by people who aren't yet rich, just do the opposite of what they do. Soon enough, you'll be able to reach your financial dreams!
Quote for the day
"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." - Socrates
Saturday, 12 December 2015
Quote for the day
"A single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives." - Henry David Thoreau
Friday, 11 December 2015
Quote for the day
"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." - Maya Angelou
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Quote for the day
“What you can't afford to do is throw away your capital on suboptimal trades. If you do, you will be too debilitated to trade when the right position comes along. Even if you put the trade on, it will be relatively small because your capital will have been depleted by the other trades.” - Richard Dennis
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Quote for the day
“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” - Albert Einstein
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Quote for the day
“The bottom line is if you are buying something you don't understand based on a narrative that is half myth pushed by people with an incentive to bring in more buyers, well then, you are setting yourself up for a disaster.” - Barry Ritholtz
Monday, 7 December 2015
Quote for the day
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." - Albert Einstein
Sunday, 6 December 2015
9 Inventions that changed the way we shop
We all want to make our lives as easy as they get. Who would want to suffer through something if they have the other choice? And luckily, we are smart and determined enough to discover an easier way to do something whenever we can.
During the history people have invented so many different great things that make our lives easier.
What would we do if some great scientists haven't invented all these medicines, electricity, computers and even the clothing materials?
Our world is full of these incredible inventions and we are thankful for each one of them. But when thinking about inventions most of us forget about those simpler ones that have transformed our lives and we haven't even realized it.
For example, there are so many inventions that have transformed the way we do our shopping, that get ignored too often. Change that with the help of this interesting infographic and discover which inventions have changed the way we shop.
During the history people have invented so many different great things that make our lives easier.
What would we do if some great scientists haven't invented all these medicines, electricity, computers and even the clothing materials?
Our world is full of these incredible inventions and we are thankful for each one of them. But when thinking about inventions most of us forget about those simpler ones that have transformed our lives and we haven't even realized it.
For example, there are so many inventions that have transformed the way we do our shopping, that get ignored too often. Change that with the help of this interesting infographic and discover which inventions have changed the way we shop.

Two major trading styles - Day-Trading and Swing-Trading.
In the following we separate between day-trading and swing-trading. Of course, there are a few more trading styles but those two types build the foundation for most trading styles.
Day-trading describes a trading style where the trader actively trades for several hours, usually on the lower time-frames and makes several trades in a day.
Swing-trading is the opposite, where the trader follows the higher time-frames, only has a few trades every week or month, rarely more than one a day and does not sit in front of the charts for several hours at a time.
The table below shows the differences between the two trading styles with regards to different characteristics and emotional concepts.
Day-trading describes a trading style where the trader actively trades for several hours, usually on the lower time-frames and makes several trades in a day.
Swing-trading is the opposite, where the trader follows the higher time-frames, only has a few trades every week or month, rarely more than one a day and does not sit in front of the charts for several hours at a time.
The table below shows the differences between the two trading styles with regards to different characteristics and emotional concepts.
Saturday, 5 December 2015
45 Ways To Live Life To The Fullest
Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present;
the result being that he does not live in the present or the future;
he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived." – The 14th Dalai Lama
Do you feel like you're “sleep-walking” through life?
Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present;
the result being that he does not live in the present or the future;
he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived." – The 14th Dalai Lama
Do you feel like you're “sleep-walking” through life?
Do you wish you had more freedom?
Do you wish you had more adventure?
Do you wish you had more time?
Do you wish you had more love?
Do you dread Monday mornings?
Are you still trying to figure out how to live life to the fullest?
Are you still trying to figure out how to live life to the fullest?
If so, you're far from alone. the sad thing is that most people go through life having never really experienced what life has to offer.
What you need to understand is that everything holding you to a life you don't want to live is a prison created by your own mind. That doesn't mean you can just wish yourself into a new life, but it does mean that you can actively work towards living life to the fullest.
Reading this article, you'll find ideas you can put into practice to make your life better.
Some of these ideas you’ll have heard before, some of them you'll dismiss. Some of these ideas you'll be able to put into practice right away, some of these might plant the seed for ideas you'll put into practice for the future. Still others you’ll spend your lifetime working towards.
Without further ado, here are 45 ways to live life to the fullest:
1. Create a bucket list and start checking things off. You will die one day, but before you do, experience as much of this world as you can.
2. Set goals and write them down. Set goals by month, year, 5 year, and 10 year periods. Know what you want to achieve for each stretch of your life, and make sure to look back and see if you actually made the progress you wanted. This list will constantly evolve and you won't reach every one of your goals, but writing your goals down will make it more likely that you will achieve them.
3. Don't live for others. Don't choose your path in life based on the expectations set on you by others, whether its your parents, friends, or society in general.
4. Live for others. Don't let others choose your path for you, but don't choose a path that will hurt those around you. Its easy to get caught up in your own life, but if you don't take care of those you love, what is it all for in the end?
5. Maintain an internal locus of control. There are 2 kinds of people, those who focus on what they can control, and those that focus on what they can't. Don't blame others for your own failure – there's always someone out there who was dealt a worst hand that made more of it than you did.
6. Don't complain. If you're not happy with something in your life, you can complain about it, or you can actively work to change it. Which one will you choose?
7. Don't be jealous. Not because its morally wrong, but because jealousy is a destructive emotion. Its also a symptom that you're not living your life to the fullest – people who are fulfilled can celebrate other people’s success. People who aren't fulfilled fill up their emotional void through negative emotions.
8. Don't be a crab in the bucket. You've heard the expression “crabs in the bucket” – its the tendency crabs have for pulling other crabs back down, right when they're about to climb out. When you break from the norm, you'll get push back from your loved ones. Its not jealousy – they genuinely care for us. But people living the life society tells them to live get scared when they see others going for it. Even if they do it subconsciously, and even if it's out of genuine concern – its still harmful. It creates a culture of conformity, mediocrity, and quiet desperation. Don't be a crab in the bucket.
9. It's OK to fail. The only way to avoid failure is to not try anything. Don’t be afraid to fail…that’s how you succeed. Besides, it’s only really a failure if you stop trying.
10. Overcome fear of failure by visualizing the worst case scenario. A great way to overcome fear of failure is to confront your worst possible nightmare. If you try it and fail, what is the worst thing that will happen? Write it down, then write down what it would take to get back to where you are now. 99.9% of the time, you'll find that the worst case scenario isn't nearly as scary as you thought it would be and the only thing holding you back is your own mindset. The .1% of the time where failure will push you past a point of no return (so basically, death or life altering physical harm) – those are you may want to reconsider.
11. Don't gossip. Sure it might make you feel better about yourself, for the moment. But it can have negative ramifications, both internally and externally.
12. Ignore the things you can't (or won't) change. Ever notice how insanely emotional you tube comments are? People cling to their opinions like they're a lifeline. Yet these are almost always opinions about things that have absolutely no effect on their daily lives.
What you need to understand is that everything holding you to a life you don't want to live is a prison created by your own mind. That doesn't mean you can just wish yourself into a new life, but it does mean that you can actively work towards living life to the fullest.
Reading this article, you'll find ideas you can put into practice to make your life better.
Some of these ideas you’ll have heard before, some of them you'll dismiss. Some of these ideas you'll be able to put into practice right away, some of these might plant the seed for ideas you'll put into practice for the future. Still others you’ll spend your lifetime working towards.
Without further ado, here are 45 ways to live life to the fullest:
1. Create a bucket list and start checking things off. You will die one day, but before you do, experience as much of this world as you can.
2. Set goals and write them down. Set goals by month, year, 5 year, and 10 year periods. Know what you want to achieve for each stretch of your life, and make sure to look back and see if you actually made the progress you wanted. This list will constantly evolve and you won't reach every one of your goals, but writing your goals down will make it more likely that you will achieve them.
3. Don't live for others. Don't choose your path in life based on the expectations set on you by others, whether its your parents, friends, or society in general.
4. Live for others. Don't let others choose your path for you, but don't choose a path that will hurt those around you. Its easy to get caught up in your own life, but if you don't take care of those you love, what is it all for in the end?
5. Maintain an internal locus of control. There are 2 kinds of people, those who focus on what they can control, and those that focus on what they can't. Don't blame others for your own failure – there's always someone out there who was dealt a worst hand that made more of it than you did.
6. Don't complain. If you're not happy with something in your life, you can complain about it, or you can actively work to change it. Which one will you choose?
7. Don't be jealous. Not because its morally wrong, but because jealousy is a destructive emotion. Its also a symptom that you're not living your life to the fullest – people who are fulfilled can celebrate other people’s success. People who aren't fulfilled fill up their emotional void through negative emotions.
8. Don't be a crab in the bucket. You've heard the expression “crabs in the bucket” – its the tendency crabs have for pulling other crabs back down, right when they're about to climb out. When you break from the norm, you'll get push back from your loved ones. Its not jealousy – they genuinely care for us. But people living the life society tells them to live get scared when they see others going for it. Even if they do it subconsciously, and even if it's out of genuine concern – its still harmful. It creates a culture of conformity, mediocrity, and quiet desperation. Don't be a crab in the bucket.
9. It's OK to fail. The only way to avoid failure is to not try anything. Don’t be afraid to fail…that’s how you succeed. Besides, it’s only really a failure if you stop trying.
10. Overcome fear of failure by visualizing the worst case scenario. A great way to overcome fear of failure is to confront your worst possible nightmare. If you try it and fail, what is the worst thing that will happen? Write it down, then write down what it would take to get back to where you are now. 99.9% of the time, you'll find that the worst case scenario isn't nearly as scary as you thought it would be and the only thing holding you back is your own mindset. The .1% of the time where failure will push you past a point of no return (so basically, death or life altering physical harm) – those are you may want to reconsider.
11. Don't gossip. Sure it might make you feel better about yourself, for the moment. But it can have negative ramifications, both internally and externally.
12. Ignore the things you can't (or won't) change. Ever notice how insanely emotional you tube comments are? People cling to their opinions like they're a lifeline. Yet these are almost always opinions about things that have absolutely no effect on their daily lives.
Yes, there are shitty things going on in the world. Unless you’re planning to do something about it, ignore it and focus on the things in your life that you can change.
13. Change things. You can make a difference – once you stop dismissing yourself. Approach challenges with the mindset of “how am I going to accomplish this?” instead of “what can I possibly do?”. But if you’re not actually going to work to to change something, then see the point above. Time to put up or shut up.
14. Take care of your body. Eat healthy when you can, get a good night’s sleep, and exercise. Your only connection with this world is through this fleshy meat vehicle we call our bodies. Take good care of it.
15. Take care of your mind. Stop feeding it a constant stream of junk. A little downtime is alright, but don’t dedicate every free hour you have to watching reality TV, watching gossip blogs, checking sports scores, and doing other stuff that requires little mental energy. Even the news can rot your brain with its constant barrage of negativity and biased sensationalism.
16. Plan for the future, but live in the present. A 25 year mortgage, retirement with full pension at 65, working hard for the bonus and putting off the big vacation until next year – while planning for the future is important, don’t sacrifice all of the present. Find a way to enjoy life as you work towards bigger and better things.
17. Live consciously. We all get into ruts and routines we use to get through the day, but we only have a limited number of days on this earth. Don’t put life on auto-pilot – live consciously. Always ask yourself – why am I doing this? If you wake up too many mornings in a row without a good answer, then its time to make a change.
18. Overcome your fears. We all have things in our lives, whether its our circumstances or personal flaws that are holding us back from doing thing we truly want to do. You can either accept it, rationalize it away, or face your fears. Which one will you choose?
19. Improve your social skills. Some people are natural social butterflies. For those of us who aren't, make an effort to improve your social skills. There's nothing wrong with being an introvert and enjoying time alone, but don't poor social skills hold you back when you need them. Improving your social skills will also help you in whatever line of work or business you choose.
20. Do work you love. Not everyone gets to play football or in a rock band for a living, but that doesn't mean you can't find something you love waking up in the morning for. Keep looking for it, and don't give up until you find it. Life is too short to fear Sunday evenings.
21. Follow your effort. One of Marc Cuban's keys to success is to follow your effort, not your passion. If you don't have a passion for anything in particular, pick something and do it as best you can. Passion often comes from doing something well.
22. Prepare to win. Another of Marc Cuban's keys to success is that everyone has the desire to win, but very few are willing to do the work to prepare to win. If you care about winning, do the work.
23. You don’t always have to win. On the other hand, life isn't always about winning. No matter how strong you are, no matter how rich, no matter how beautiful, no matter how smart, no matter how talented, no matter how loveable, there will always be someone better than you. In the end, we all end up in the same place – wherever that place may be.
24. Love your parents and cherish them. If they're still around, give them all the love you've got. If you've been lucky enough to have loving parents, its easy to take them for granted because they've always been their for you. That won’t always be the case.
25. Don't confuse pleasure with happiness. Pleasure comes from the quick-fixes that give us joy – shopping, alcohol, sex, listening to great music, seeing great beauty.
13. Change things. You can make a difference – once you stop dismissing yourself. Approach challenges with the mindset of “how am I going to accomplish this?” instead of “what can I possibly do?”. But if you’re not actually going to work to to change something, then see the point above. Time to put up or shut up.
14. Take care of your body. Eat healthy when you can, get a good night’s sleep, and exercise. Your only connection with this world is through this fleshy meat vehicle we call our bodies. Take good care of it.
15. Take care of your mind. Stop feeding it a constant stream of junk. A little downtime is alright, but don’t dedicate every free hour you have to watching reality TV, watching gossip blogs, checking sports scores, and doing other stuff that requires little mental energy. Even the news can rot your brain with its constant barrage of negativity and biased sensationalism.
16. Plan for the future, but live in the present. A 25 year mortgage, retirement with full pension at 65, working hard for the bonus and putting off the big vacation until next year – while planning for the future is important, don’t sacrifice all of the present. Find a way to enjoy life as you work towards bigger and better things.
17. Live consciously. We all get into ruts and routines we use to get through the day, but we only have a limited number of days on this earth. Don’t put life on auto-pilot – live consciously. Always ask yourself – why am I doing this? If you wake up too many mornings in a row without a good answer, then its time to make a change.
18. Overcome your fears. We all have things in our lives, whether its our circumstances or personal flaws that are holding us back from doing thing we truly want to do. You can either accept it, rationalize it away, or face your fears. Which one will you choose?
19. Improve your social skills. Some people are natural social butterflies. For those of us who aren't, make an effort to improve your social skills. There's nothing wrong with being an introvert and enjoying time alone, but don't poor social skills hold you back when you need them. Improving your social skills will also help you in whatever line of work or business you choose.
20. Do work you love. Not everyone gets to play football or in a rock band for a living, but that doesn't mean you can't find something you love waking up in the morning for. Keep looking for it, and don't give up until you find it. Life is too short to fear Sunday evenings.
21. Follow your effort. One of Marc Cuban's keys to success is to follow your effort, not your passion. If you don't have a passion for anything in particular, pick something and do it as best you can. Passion often comes from doing something well.
22. Prepare to win. Another of Marc Cuban's keys to success is that everyone has the desire to win, but very few are willing to do the work to prepare to win. If you care about winning, do the work.
23. You don’t always have to win. On the other hand, life isn't always about winning. No matter how strong you are, no matter how rich, no matter how beautiful, no matter how smart, no matter how talented, no matter how loveable, there will always be someone better than you. In the end, we all end up in the same place – wherever that place may be.
24. Love your parents and cherish them. If they're still around, give them all the love you've got. If you've been lucky enough to have loving parents, its easy to take them for granted because they've always been their for you. That won’t always be the case.
25. Don't confuse pleasure with happiness. Pleasure comes from the quick-fixes that give us joy – shopping, alcohol, sex, listening to great music, seeing great beauty.
Happiness comes from self-actualization and meaning. Pleasure is important to a happy life, but pleasure alone is not sufficient.
26. Smile. If you smile, you will be happier.
27. Improve your posture. Did you know that your posture and body language not only shapes how people see you, but it also shapes how you feel about yourself?
28. Find the time for what you want to do. A lot of us constantly complain about not having enough time, or being too busy to do things we want to do/accomplish. What we need to realize is that we're the ones putting ourselves in those situations in the first place. If you feel trapped in a job, are you actively taking steps to extricate yourself from the situation? If you are, then you shouldn't waste time complaining. If you're not, what are you complaining about?
29. Don't chase money for the sake of money. Having money is important in life, but only because it gives us the freedom to chase what we really want in life. You only get one life, and money is no good when you're 6 feet in the ground.
30. Overcome laziness. Do you have big goals and dreams? Do you stop short of taking steps to make changes because you'd rather watch TV? Do you quit after a few tries? A little procrastination here and there is natural, but if you look back year after year and don't see any changes, you probably need to work on overcoming your laziness.
31. Analyse your weaknesses. One of the hardest things for people to do is to be objective when it comes to their own weaknesses. We’re naturally inclined to rationalize away things we're not good at, or believing that we’re better than we are. Once you can recognize your weaknesses and understand how they’re holding you back, you can take active steps to work on yourself.
32. Constantly work on improving yourself. If you're not doing something to improve yourself everyday, then you're not going to reach your goals.
33. Master the art of persuasion. Not to manipulate others, but so that you control your destiny
34. Stop trying to please everyone. Trying to please everyone is a great way to ensure you never do anything remarkable.
35. Understand that personality traits aren't static. While we all might have some natural inclinations and gifts based on genetics and the environment we were raised, everything is changeable. If you're being held back by aspects of your personality, whether its laziness, social awkwardness, mediocre intelligence, know that these are all things that can be improved if you're willing to work on them, instead of accepting them as immutable personality traits.
36. Simplify. The less you need to be happy, the happier you'll be.
37. Surround yourself with the type of people you'd want to be. There’s a saying that you're the average of your 5 closest friends. While this may not be a scientific fact, its a useful thought exercise. If you constantly spend time with negative people, you’ll become negative as well. If you spend time around people with no ambition, you’ll find your own dreams slipping away as well. On the other hand, surrounding yourself with awesome people who want the same things you want in life will set you up for success.
38. Design your ideal life. Its easy to go through life on auto-pilot if you don't know what you want. Your first step is to figure out what you want from life. Read the 4 hour work week by Tim Ferriss if you want a great framework for accomplishing this.
39. Make a plan to attain your ideal life and execute. Nothing will be handed to you. If you wait around to “find your direction” in life, you’ll end up finding yourself on track for your exciting career at Mega Corp moving paper from one account to another. There’s no good reason to wander aimlessly through life once you’re out of college.
40. Stop giving up. Have you ever heard the story (urban myth?) of the man who was lost in the desert? He was found half a mile from a large oasis city. The point of this story is to illustrate the danger of quitting. Things are always hard until they get better, but you’ll never know how close you came to achieving your goals if you quit before you see them all the way through.
41. Block out haters. Constructive criticism is one thing, but know that if you’re out there trying to accomplish great things, you will attract haters who want to criticize for the sake of criticism. You'll find haters frequently trolling message boards and You tube comments. Don't take their comments personally and don’t get sucked into flame wars.
42. Accept constructive criticism. At the same times, haters can be good because sometimes they can be right. Haters show us our weakness. You'll likely recognize a legitimate criticisms when you feel the sting of cognitive dissonance – you want to dismiss the thought because it comes from someone critical of you, but you can't help but shake that pit in your stomach. Instead of burying that feeling, accept that you might be in the wrong, and work to improve yourself so you don't make the same mistake in the future.
43. Be the hero of your own movie. Does life feel shitty, joyless, hopeless? Do you feel like you're stuck in a rut with no way out? You already know how to get out – be the hero of your own movie. Pretend you're the hero character in a hollywood blockbuster. There's a point in every movie where the hero is down and out, with seemingly no way out, yet he always finds a way to overcome the odds. Pretend you're that hero, you're in a tough spot, and its your job now to overcome the odds and come out on top – because its in the script. Pretend there's a documentary crew following you around, and one day your kids will see what you've been doing. Do you want them to see a hero who overcomes the odds, or a loser who plays the victim? Last time I checked, the hero doesn't overcome the odds by watching TV 5 hours a day. Do what needs to be done, no matter how hard it is.
44. Eat, drink, and be merry. Incredible food, great company, and engrossing conversation – it doesn't get much better than that, at least not in this lifetime. Cherish those moments of bliss and make them happen as frequently as possible.
45. Remember that you’re going to die one day. Steve jobs talks about this in his now famous commencement speech at Stanford in 2005. To quote the Dalai Lamai. Do we live as though we will never die; then die never having lived?
26. Smile. If you smile, you will be happier.
27. Improve your posture. Did you know that your posture and body language not only shapes how people see you, but it also shapes how you feel about yourself?
28. Find the time for what you want to do. A lot of us constantly complain about not having enough time, or being too busy to do things we want to do/accomplish. What we need to realize is that we're the ones putting ourselves in those situations in the first place. If you feel trapped in a job, are you actively taking steps to extricate yourself from the situation? If you are, then you shouldn't waste time complaining. If you're not, what are you complaining about?
29. Don't chase money for the sake of money. Having money is important in life, but only because it gives us the freedom to chase what we really want in life. You only get one life, and money is no good when you're 6 feet in the ground.
30. Overcome laziness. Do you have big goals and dreams? Do you stop short of taking steps to make changes because you'd rather watch TV? Do you quit after a few tries? A little procrastination here and there is natural, but if you look back year after year and don't see any changes, you probably need to work on overcoming your laziness.
31. Analyse your weaknesses. One of the hardest things for people to do is to be objective when it comes to their own weaknesses. We’re naturally inclined to rationalize away things we're not good at, or believing that we’re better than we are. Once you can recognize your weaknesses and understand how they’re holding you back, you can take active steps to work on yourself.
32. Constantly work on improving yourself. If you're not doing something to improve yourself everyday, then you're not going to reach your goals.
33. Master the art of persuasion. Not to manipulate others, but so that you control your destiny
34. Stop trying to please everyone. Trying to please everyone is a great way to ensure you never do anything remarkable.
35. Understand that personality traits aren't static. While we all might have some natural inclinations and gifts based on genetics and the environment we were raised, everything is changeable. If you're being held back by aspects of your personality, whether its laziness, social awkwardness, mediocre intelligence, know that these are all things that can be improved if you're willing to work on them, instead of accepting them as immutable personality traits.
36. Simplify. The less you need to be happy, the happier you'll be.
37. Surround yourself with the type of people you'd want to be. There’s a saying that you're the average of your 5 closest friends. While this may not be a scientific fact, its a useful thought exercise. If you constantly spend time with negative people, you’ll become negative as well. If you spend time around people with no ambition, you’ll find your own dreams slipping away as well. On the other hand, surrounding yourself with awesome people who want the same things you want in life will set you up for success.
38. Design your ideal life. Its easy to go through life on auto-pilot if you don't know what you want. Your first step is to figure out what you want from life. Read the 4 hour work week by Tim Ferriss if you want a great framework for accomplishing this.
39. Make a plan to attain your ideal life and execute. Nothing will be handed to you. If you wait around to “find your direction” in life, you’ll end up finding yourself on track for your exciting career at Mega Corp moving paper from one account to another. There’s no good reason to wander aimlessly through life once you’re out of college.
40. Stop giving up. Have you ever heard the story (urban myth?) of the man who was lost in the desert? He was found half a mile from a large oasis city. The point of this story is to illustrate the danger of quitting. Things are always hard until they get better, but you’ll never know how close you came to achieving your goals if you quit before you see them all the way through.
41. Block out haters. Constructive criticism is one thing, but know that if you’re out there trying to accomplish great things, you will attract haters who want to criticize for the sake of criticism. You'll find haters frequently trolling message boards and You tube comments. Don't take their comments personally and don’t get sucked into flame wars.
42. Accept constructive criticism. At the same times, haters can be good because sometimes they can be right. Haters show us our weakness. You'll likely recognize a legitimate criticisms when you feel the sting of cognitive dissonance – you want to dismiss the thought because it comes from someone critical of you, but you can't help but shake that pit in your stomach. Instead of burying that feeling, accept that you might be in the wrong, and work to improve yourself so you don't make the same mistake in the future.
43. Be the hero of your own movie. Does life feel shitty, joyless, hopeless? Do you feel like you're stuck in a rut with no way out? You already know how to get out – be the hero of your own movie. Pretend you're the hero character in a hollywood blockbuster. There's a point in every movie where the hero is down and out, with seemingly no way out, yet he always finds a way to overcome the odds. Pretend you're that hero, you're in a tough spot, and its your job now to overcome the odds and come out on top – because its in the script. Pretend there's a documentary crew following you around, and one day your kids will see what you've been doing. Do you want them to see a hero who overcomes the odds, or a loser who plays the victim? Last time I checked, the hero doesn't overcome the odds by watching TV 5 hours a day. Do what needs to be done, no matter how hard it is.
44. Eat, drink, and be merry. Incredible food, great company, and engrossing conversation – it doesn't get much better than that, at least not in this lifetime. Cherish those moments of bliss and make them happen as frequently as possible.
45. Remember that you’re going to die one day. Steve jobs talks about this in his now famous commencement speech at Stanford in 2005. To quote the Dalai Lamai. Do we live as though we will never die; then die never having lived?
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