Here at Srilanka Share Market, we’re on a mission to provide first hand information to those who are willing to invest or trade in Colombo Stock Exchange. Also heading into share market could be scary, but we SriLanka Share Market turn that fear into fun by providing educational, research materials from respectable sources.
Thursday, 30 June 2016
Quote for the day
“The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it.” - Debbi Fields
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Quote for the day
"Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action." - Benjamin Disraeli
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Quote for the day
"Investing isn't about beating others at their game. It's about controlling yourself at your own game." - Benjamin Graham
Monday, 27 June 2016
Quote for the day
"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." - Francis of Assisi
Sunday, 26 June 2016
7 Things Really Successful People Never Do
We each create our own opportunities.
By Lolly Daskal
What differentiates those who are successful from those who are not? There are lots of ways to approach that question, but one of the most powerful is also one of the most simple.
It's a matter of habits. In business and in life, if you truly want to succeed, there are some habits that work and there are other habits that never should be repeated.
If you're not as successful as you want to be and you know you can do better, copy the habits of those who are successful.
Just as important, eliminate any of your own habits that are holding you back. Here are seven top candidates--habits that successful people never allow:
1. Believing you can please everyone. Once you truly understand that it's impossible to please everyone, you learn not to even bother trying. It's nothing but a recipe for disaster, misery and frustration--and one of the biggest keys to failure.
2. Repeating what didn't work the first time. Whether it's in business, a job, or a relationship, successful people do not repeat the same mistakes. If it didn't work the first time, they don't try again expecting a different result. Successful people know that mistakes are for learning, not for repeating.
3. Accepting short-term contentment over long-term value. Successful people know that things take time, and it's the daily grind that in the end will get them to their dreams. It's the small painful steps you go through day by day that will benefit you in the future. If you can make it through the pain you will get to the gain.
4. Compromising themselves to fit in. Successful people never try to adjust themselves to fit in to the crowd. They understand that who they are is what they are, and they don't try to change themselves for others. The bad news is that if you want to succeed, you are not going to fit in with everyone. The good news is that the great ones never do.
5. Trusting something that looks too good to be true. No matter how great something looks on the surface, successful people do their due diligence and make sure that what they are looking at has actual value and is worthy of their time. They know that when something looks too good to be true, it probably is.
6. Taking their eyes off their vision. One trait virtually all successful people share is focus. They never take their eyes off their visions, dreams and goals; they do what they need to do and they do it with meticulous determination. People who are successful know where they are going, and because they do, they succeed. It's as simple as that.
7. Disconnecting appearances and reality. Who you are on the inside should be what is reflected on the outside. The moment there is a disconnect between the two, there is dis-ease within yourself. Success requires that you bring all parts of who you are--inside and out--and that you keep everything in sync. It isn't easy, but the people who are most successful never fragment themselves to be successful.
Start today to examine your own habits, determine what's leading you toward success and what's in the way, and make the changes you need to--for the sake of your future.
By Lolly Daskal
What differentiates those who are successful from those who are not? There are lots of ways to approach that question, but one of the most powerful is also one of the most simple.
It's a matter of habits. In business and in life, if you truly want to succeed, there are some habits that work and there are other habits that never should be repeated.
If you're not as successful as you want to be and you know you can do better, copy the habits of those who are successful.
Just as important, eliminate any of your own habits that are holding you back. Here are seven top candidates--habits that successful people never allow:
1. Believing you can please everyone. Once you truly understand that it's impossible to please everyone, you learn not to even bother trying. It's nothing but a recipe for disaster, misery and frustration--and one of the biggest keys to failure.
2. Repeating what didn't work the first time. Whether it's in business, a job, or a relationship, successful people do not repeat the same mistakes. If it didn't work the first time, they don't try again expecting a different result. Successful people know that mistakes are for learning, not for repeating.
3. Accepting short-term contentment over long-term value. Successful people know that things take time, and it's the daily grind that in the end will get them to their dreams. It's the small painful steps you go through day by day that will benefit you in the future. If you can make it through the pain you will get to the gain.
4. Compromising themselves to fit in. Successful people never try to adjust themselves to fit in to the crowd. They understand that who they are is what they are, and they don't try to change themselves for others. The bad news is that if you want to succeed, you are not going to fit in with everyone. The good news is that the great ones never do.
5. Trusting something that looks too good to be true. No matter how great something looks on the surface, successful people do their due diligence and make sure that what they are looking at has actual value and is worthy of their time. They know that when something looks too good to be true, it probably is.
6. Taking their eyes off their vision. One trait virtually all successful people share is focus. They never take their eyes off their visions, dreams and goals; they do what they need to do and they do it with meticulous determination. People who are successful know where they are going, and because they do, they succeed. It's as simple as that.
7. Disconnecting appearances and reality. Who you are on the inside should be what is reflected on the outside. The moment there is a disconnect between the two, there is dis-ease within yourself. Success requires that you bring all parts of who you are--inside and out--and that you keep everything in sync. It isn't easy, but the people who are most successful never fragment themselves to be successful.
Start today to examine your own habits, determine what's leading you toward success and what's in the way, and make the changes you need to--for the sake of your future.
Quote for the day
"The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you're in control of your life. If you don't, life controls you." - Tony Robbins
Saturday, 25 June 2016
12 Irrational Thoughts Even the Smartest People Have
Rational people sometimes have irrational thoughts that sabotage their success.
We all have irrational thoughts, often without even being aware of them. But these irrational thoughts keep us from the success we deserve and the happiness we want.
Once you've identified an irrational thought, the next step is to break it down and replace it with a positive rational belief. Here are 12 of the most common irrational thoughts, which can victimise even smart, rational people. If even one of them sounds like you, do whatever it takes to find a better way to think..
1. I must be competent in everything or I will never succeed. If you think you have to be competent in everything to succeed, you are setting yourself up for failure. You don't have to be an expert in everything. Your strength lies in what you know, not in what you don't.
2. My emotions are outside of my control. If you think have no power over your emotions, try to think in terms of educating yourself about those emotions. It's possible to learn to manage your feelings--and in the meantime, however you feel, you can always control how you act and respond.
3. I can never make a mistake or I'll be seen as a failure. If you think mistakes are not an option, think again. Mistakes happen and they happen often--and our mistakes have the power to turn us into something better than we were before. So instead of thinking you can never afford to make a mistake, know that mistakes are not only useful but necessary.
4. I must please others to feel good about myself. This belief is a certain way to set yourself up for failure, because no one can please everybody all the time. The only person you can please is yourself--and if you are happy and confident in yourself, that is where everything will begin to work for you. It's nice to have other people like you, but it shouldn't be at the top of your list.
5. If someone criticizes me, there must be something wrong with me. When you're the object of criticism, always ask "Is this about me or is it about the person speaking?" Criticism may mean that you see things differently or have different opinions. The secret is not to take it personally and allow them to be what it is: just someone's opinion.
6. I will never measure up to others so I should give up trying. If you think you're not measuring up, remember it's a feeling and doesn't necessarily reflect reality. We sometimes struggle with insecurities because we fear being judged--but if you spend your time focusing on your strengths and building your confidence, you'll be better able to hold your own.
7. If I do things for myself I'll be considered selfish. If you pride yourself on always helping, enabling, fixing others, it may feel like you're doing something wrong if you spend time and effort on yourself. But sometimes you have to focus on yourself to be selfless, because if you lose yourself you will only become a reflection of what everyone else wants you to be.
8. I must never take risks to make sure I don't fail. if you think not taking risks will protect you, think again. The biggest risk you can take is never taking risks. In the world of business and leadership, everything changes quickly and the only strategy that leads to success involves taking risks. You don't have to risk everything, but you do have to risk. If you win you'll be happy; if you lose you'll be wise.
9. If everything is going right, something will go wrong. When times are good, we tend to wait for the other shoe to fall. Nothing will ever be 100 percent right or 100 percent wrong; there will always be an ebb and flow between the two. It's finding the balance to know that everything will be all right, but that doesn't mean perfect and it doesn't mean that things will always be the same.
10. I don't deserve success. Thinking of yourself is unworthy is as irrational a thought as you can have. You must believe that you are worthy and you deserve the success you're working for--no matter what you've done or haven't done. Learn to accept yourself and allow yourself to feel deserving.
11. It's easier to avoid problems then to deal with them. Unfortunately, failing to deal with problems doesn't actually let you avoid them. The more you try, the more they persist. There's no point in trying to run or avoid or deny or evade them. Remember, a problem is a chance to do better the second time around.
12. My past controls my future. Only if you let it. The past is there to teach you, and once you've learned its lessons you can apply them to the future--but that doesn't mean they have to take residency there. Learn to let go so you can move on to the next chapter of your life.
Stay in touch with your inner voice so you can root out your own irrational thoughts and replace them with positivity and growth.
We all have irrational thoughts, often without even being aware of them. But these irrational thoughts keep us from the success we deserve and the happiness we want.
Once you've identified an irrational thought, the next step is to break it down and replace it with a positive rational belief. Here are 12 of the most common irrational thoughts, which can victimise even smart, rational people. If even one of them sounds like you, do whatever it takes to find a better way to think..
1. I must be competent in everything or I will never succeed. If you think you have to be competent in everything to succeed, you are setting yourself up for failure. You don't have to be an expert in everything. Your strength lies in what you know, not in what you don't.
2. My emotions are outside of my control. If you think have no power over your emotions, try to think in terms of educating yourself about those emotions. It's possible to learn to manage your feelings--and in the meantime, however you feel, you can always control how you act and respond.
3. I can never make a mistake or I'll be seen as a failure. If you think mistakes are not an option, think again. Mistakes happen and they happen often--and our mistakes have the power to turn us into something better than we were before. So instead of thinking you can never afford to make a mistake, know that mistakes are not only useful but necessary.
4. I must please others to feel good about myself. This belief is a certain way to set yourself up for failure, because no one can please everybody all the time. The only person you can please is yourself--and if you are happy and confident in yourself, that is where everything will begin to work for you. It's nice to have other people like you, but it shouldn't be at the top of your list.
5. If someone criticizes me, there must be something wrong with me. When you're the object of criticism, always ask "Is this about me or is it about the person speaking?" Criticism may mean that you see things differently or have different opinions. The secret is not to take it personally and allow them to be what it is: just someone's opinion.
6. I will never measure up to others so I should give up trying. If you think you're not measuring up, remember it's a feeling and doesn't necessarily reflect reality. We sometimes struggle with insecurities because we fear being judged--but if you spend your time focusing on your strengths and building your confidence, you'll be better able to hold your own.
7. If I do things for myself I'll be considered selfish. If you pride yourself on always helping, enabling, fixing others, it may feel like you're doing something wrong if you spend time and effort on yourself. But sometimes you have to focus on yourself to be selfless, because if you lose yourself you will only become a reflection of what everyone else wants you to be.
8. I must never take risks to make sure I don't fail. if you think not taking risks will protect you, think again. The biggest risk you can take is never taking risks. In the world of business and leadership, everything changes quickly and the only strategy that leads to success involves taking risks. You don't have to risk everything, but you do have to risk. If you win you'll be happy; if you lose you'll be wise.
9. If everything is going right, something will go wrong. When times are good, we tend to wait for the other shoe to fall. Nothing will ever be 100 percent right or 100 percent wrong; there will always be an ebb and flow between the two. It's finding the balance to know that everything will be all right, but that doesn't mean perfect and it doesn't mean that things will always be the same.
10. I don't deserve success. Thinking of yourself is unworthy is as irrational a thought as you can have. You must believe that you are worthy and you deserve the success you're working for--no matter what you've done or haven't done. Learn to accept yourself and allow yourself to feel deserving.
11. It's easier to avoid problems then to deal with them. Unfortunately, failing to deal with problems doesn't actually let you avoid them. The more you try, the more they persist. There's no point in trying to run or avoid or deny or evade them. Remember, a problem is a chance to do better the second time around.
12. My past controls my future. Only if you let it. The past is there to teach you, and once you've learned its lessons you can apply them to the future--but that doesn't mean they have to take residency there. Learn to let go so you can move on to the next chapter of your life.
Stay in touch with your inner voice so you can root out your own irrational thoughts and replace them with positivity and growth.
Quote for the day
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” - Helen Keller
Friday, 24 June 2016
Quote for the day
"The essence of risk management lies in maximizing the areas where we have some control over the outcome while minimizing the areas where we have absolutely no control over the outcome." - Peter L. Bernstein
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Quote for the day
"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." - Bill Cosby
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Quote for the day
"There is a great difference between knowing and understanding: you can know a lot about something and not really understand it." - Charles Kettering
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Monday, 20 June 2016
Quote for the day
"The whole secret to winning and losing in the stock market is to lose the least amount possible when you're not right." - William O'Neil
Sunday, 19 June 2016
Investing and Stock Market Risks: Defining Risk
"Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes the furthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The 'sure thing' boat never gets far from shore." - Dale Carnegie (1888 - 1955)
In 1998 Economics Professor and Nobel Prize winner Paul Samuelson (1915 - 2009) noted that: "Many people now believe that if they simply hold stocks long enough they will not, lose money for statistics have shown that since 1926 the U.S. equity market has not suffered a loss in any given 15 year."
He called it a fallacy, and conceded that it is truly likely that if you hold stocks over long periods of time that they would tend to produce returns higher than other assets. But to believe that it is a God given statement... Is simply not correct!
Investing and stock market risks do not go to zero over long periods, but there are many articles that reflect how risk goes down the longer the time period. What is seldom introduced is the fact that if there is a significant onetime loss, it can be monumentally overwhelming.
In any case, Samuelson noted that: "The problem is that when stock prices do turn down (as inevitably happens even in the strongest of bull markets!) your optimistic equity exposure can overwhelm your gut level risk tolerance, leading to poor short-term judgements and even outright panic!"
Risk is a complex, multidimensional concept that manifests itself in various ways. Risk is omnipresent and includes stock market crashes, corporate bankruptcies, currency devaluations, changes in sentiment, in inflation and interest rates, and even major changes in the tax code.
Risk is generally defined as return volatility, or the degree of ups and downs of returns. But there's more to risk than volatility. Risk and long-term reward are generally related. Risk is the chance that your actual return will be less than you expected.
People sometimes think that a good return can be achieved with little or no risk. Unfortunately, that's impossible. To achieve your objectives, you need to assume certain risks and avoid others.
Your ability to handle risk is related closely to your individual circumstances, including your age, time horizon, liquidity needs, portfolio size, income, investment knowledge, and attitude toward price fluctuations.
What's highly risky to one individual may be no problem to another!
Short-term fluctuations are not that relevant for long-term investors who have the discipline, patience, and understanding to deal with them. Stock funds are actually less risky than money market funds for those with long time horizons.
Well-informed investors are far less likely to let risk get the best of them!
Those who understand the various elements of risk are better equipped to enjoy a profitable long-term investment journey.
In 1998 Economics Professor and Nobel Prize winner Paul Samuelson (1915 - 2009) noted that: "Many people now believe that if they simply hold stocks long enough they will not, lose money for statistics have shown that since 1926 the U.S. equity market has not suffered a loss in any given 15 year."
He called it a fallacy, and conceded that it is truly likely that if you hold stocks over long periods of time that they would tend to produce returns higher than other assets. But to believe that it is a God given statement... Is simply not correct!
Investing and stock market risks do not go to zero over long periods, but there are many articles that reflect how risk goes down the longer the time period. What is seldom introduced is the fact that if there is a significant onetime loss, it can be monumentally overwhelming.
In any case, Samuelson noted that: "The problem is that when stock prices do turn down (as inevitably happens even in the strongest of bull markets!) your optimistic equity exposure can overwhelm your gut level risk tolerance, leading to poor short-term judgements and even outright panic!"
Risk is a complex, multidimensional concept that manifests itself in various ways. Risk is omnipresent and includes stock market crashes, corporate bankruptcies, currency devaluations, changes in sentiment, in inflation and interest rates, and even major changes in the tax code.
Risk is generally defined as return volatility, or the degree of ups and downs of returns. But there's more to risk than volatility. Risk and long-term reward are generally related. Risk is the chance that your actual return will be less than you expected.
People sometimes think that a good return can be achieved with little or no risk. Unfortunately, that's impossible. To achieve your objectives, you need to assume certain risks and avoid others.
Your ability to handle risk is related closely to your individual circumstances, including your age, time horizon, liquidity needs, portfolio size, income, investment knowledge, and attitude toward price fluctuations.
What's highly risky to one individual may be no problem to another!
Short-term fluctuations are not that relevant for long-term investors who have the discipline, patience, and understanding to deal with them. Stock funds are actually less risky than money market funds for those with long time horizons.
Well-informed investors are far less likely to let risk get the best of them!
Those who understand the various elements of risk are better equipped to enjoy a profitable long-term investment journey.
Quote for the day
"Some investments do have higher expected returns than others. Which ones? Well, by and large they're the ones that will do the worst in bad times." - William Forsyth Sharpe
Saturday, 18 June 2016
6 Money Mindsets For A Healthy Financial Future
By Jonathan Wiggins
Your mindset towards money can greatly impact whether you succeed or fail financially. What role do you see money playing in your life over the next few years? How will you balance investing, spending, and saving? The answers to important questions like these greatly depend on your mindset. In this article, you will find some tips that may help you refine your views on money and its role in your life.
Your mindset towards money can greatly impact whether you succeed or fail financially. What role do you see money playing in your life over the next few years? How will you balance investing, spending, and saving? The answers to important questions like these greatly depend on your mindset. In this article, you will find some tips that may help you refine your views on money and its role in your life.
Below are 6 money mindsets that you can adopt in order to set yourself up for financial success.
1. Money Is A Tool, Not A Goal
Think of money as the vehicle that will take you to your financial destination. It can be tough to consistently save and sacrifice simply to have more money in the bank. But, when you formulate clear goals for your life, it will be easier to see how your savings can propel you toward those goals.
What could you do with a couple more zeros in your bank account? You could be better prepared for an emergency or job loss. You could take that vacation you have been dreaming about. You could help a person in need without a second thought.
2. Experiences Trump Things
As you accumulate savings, increase your income, and decrease debt, you will find yourself with more and more disposable income to use any way you please. While it is okay to purchase a few “toys” every now and then, remember that experiences will ultimately bring you more pleasure than things.
Use money to create memories and strengthen relationships with friends and loved ones. This will lead to a more satisfying financial future than simply gathering more possessions. Travel to a new country. Learn a different skill. Pick up a new instrument.
4. Investing Is For Everyone
Today, technology has made it possible for anyone to become an investor and put their money to work. Even if you are a beginner, there are plenty of resources available online to teach you the basics of investing. The key to successful investing is starting early. The earlier you begin, the more compounding interest will work in your favor. As you create your financial plan, be sure to consider how you can make money on your investments in addition to your salary.
5. Money Must Be Actively Managed
Although there are many automated tools available to help us save, invest, and pay bills, you still want to take a hands-on approach to managing your money. You cannot “set it and forget it.” Check all your accounts regularly to make sure everything is working as planned. Did the utility bill go up a little this month? Are your automatic bill payments still being processed properly? Is there room in the budget to add a little more money to the savings account?
6. Money Ultimately Comes From Value Creation
Throughout your financial life, make sure you equate money and income with value creation. In order to earn more money, you need to constantly be searching for more ways to create value in the world. You can do this by taking on new responsibilities at work, finding a job that is more valued by the employer, or by starting a business that provides exceptional value to customers. Other ways you can create value include obtaining specialised certifications in your field, cross-training in different disciplines, and teaching and mentoring others. Each of these will not necessarily pay off in the short term, but over time these behaviour will certainly attract great opportunities to you.
1. Money Is A Tool, Not A Goal
Think of money as the vehicle that will take you to your financial destination. It can be tough to consistently save and sacrifice simply to have more money in the bank. But, when you formulate clear goals for your life, it will be easier to see how your savings can propel you toward those goals.
What could you do with a couple more zeros in your bank account? You could be better prepared for an emergency or job loss. You could take that vacation you have been dreaming about. You could help a person in need without a second thought.
2. Experiences Trump Things
As you accumulate savings, increase your income, and decrease debt, you will find yourself with more and more disposable income to use any way you please. While it is okay to purchase a few “toys” every now and then, remember that experiences will ultimately bring you more pleasure than things.
Use money to create memories and strengthen relationships with friends and loved ones. This will lead to a more satisfying financial future than simply gathering more possessions. Travel to a new country. Learn a different skill. Pick up a new instrument.
3. Think Long Term And Big Picture
What you do with your money today will have a huge impact on your life 5, 10, or even 50 years from now. What kind of life do you want to provide for your family? Do you think you will be interested in pursuing an advanced degree in the future? Is being debt-free important to you? How do you want to support yourself in your retirement years?
Sometimes, we get so bogged down with the day-to-day financial transactions that it is hard to think about the financial future. Still, it is important to periodically check to make sure you are heading toward your long-term goals in addition to keeping the bills paid right now.
What you do with your money today will have a huge impact on your life 5, 10, or even 50 years from now. What kind of life do you want to provide for your family? Do you think you will be interested in pursuing an advanced degree in the future? Is being debt-free important to you? How do you want to support yourself in your retirement years?
Sometimes, we get so bogged down with the day-to-day financial transactions that it is hard to think about the financial future. Still, it is important to periodically check to make sure you are heading toward your long-term goals in addition to keeping the bills paid right now.
4. Investing Is For Everyone
Today, technology has made it possible for anyone to become an investor and put their money to work. Even if you are a beginner, there are plenty of resources available online to teach you the basics of investing. The key to successful investing is starting early. The earlier you begin, the more compounding interest will work in your favor. As you create your financial plan, be sure to consider how you can make money on your investments in addition to your salary.
5. Money Must Be Actively Managed
Although there are many automated tools available to help us save, invest, and pay bills, you still want to take a hands-on approach to managing your money. You cannot “set it and forget it.” Check all your accounts regularly to make sure everything is working as planned. Did the utility bill go up a little this month? Are your automatic bill payments still being processed properly? Is there room in the budget to add a little more money to the savings account?
6. Money Ultimately Comes From Value Creation
Throughout your financial life, make sure you equate money and income with value creation. In order to earn more money, you need to constantly be searching for more ways to create value in the world. You can do this by taking on new responsibilities at work, finding a job that is more valued by the employer, or by starting a business that provides exceptional value to customers. Other ways you can create value include obtaining specialised certifications in your field, cross-training in different disciplines, and teaching and mentoring others. Each of these will not necessarily pay off in the short term, but over time these behaviour will certainly attract great opportunities to you.
Quote for the day
“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” - Napoleon Hill
Friday, 17 June 2016
Quote for the day
"A good portfolio is more than a long list of good stocks and bonds. It is a balanced whole, providing the investor with protections and opportunities with respect to a wide range of contingencies." - Harry Markowitz
Thursday, 16 June 2016
Quote for the day
"People are, by and large, quite poor at judging correct absolute values but are astute about determining relative values. Psychologists call this coherent arbitrariness, which suggests that individuals are coherent when they compare prices on a relative basis but arbitrary when those prices are considered versus fundamental value." - Michael Mauboussin
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Quote for the day
"In the stock market (as in much of life), the beginning of wisdom is admitting your ignorance. One of the many things you cannot know about stocks is exactly when they will up or go down. Over the long term, stocks generally rise at a nice pace. History shows they double in value every seven years or so. But in the short term, stocks are just plain wild. Over periods of days, weeks and months, no one has any idea what they will do. Still, nearly all investors think they are smart enough to divine such short-term movements. This hubris frequently gets them into trouble." - James K. Glassman
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
Monday, 13 June 2016
Quote for the day
"You have to understand what market history looks like. What market history tells you is that the very, very best investments are made when things look the worst." - William J. Bernstein
Sunday, 12 June 2016
6 Skills of Self-Made Millionaires That You Should Be Using, Too
By Adam Toren
Heed the advice of those who have reaped success. Here are six skills used by self-made millionaires that you should be using and building upon each day.
1. Be able to identify fruitful opportunities.
Carlos Slim Helu, Mexican business magnate and philanthropist, said, “When there is a crisis, that’s when some are interested in getting out, and that’s when we are interested in getting in.”
Learn to identify open doors when they appear, then consider the risks and weigh them against potential benefits. An opportunity can be a great one regardless of whether no one or everyone is rushing to grab it -- if no one is, that’s your cue to move forward; if everyone is, that’s your chance to prove you’re better than the rest.
2. Focus on actions over words.
“Actions speak louder than words,” supposedly, and the late Andrew Carnegie agreed. As his career grew, he said, “As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.”
Understand that a shining business plan or investment presentation means little when you don’t demonstrate the ability to carry out your ideas well. Customers and clients want to see flawless application of your company’s core values and mission statement. Keep this formula in mind when seeking out employees, as well. A perfect resume doesn’t necessarily constitute a perfect employee, if that person can’t properly act on his qualifications and intentions.
5. Get the job done.
This one sounds simple, but you’re likely procrastinating without even knowing it. Those who spend an immense amount of time marketing a business before there’s even a business to advertise are putting off actually building a brand. The same goes for those who spend time attempting to perform Web or graphic design themselves, obsessively organize finances and legal paperwork, and so on.
Even as an entrepreneur, you can’t wear every hat, and it’s often smart to assign tasks that aren’t immediately related to building your business to someone else. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a small team of employees or some remote freelancers if it means you’ll be able to turn your company into everything you dreamed.
“Getting the job done has been the basis for the success my company has achieved,” said Michael Bloomberg, entrepreneur, investor and former mayor of New York City.
6. Only hire rock stars.
You can’t exemplify greatness if the people who make up your company aren’t great, too. My brother Matthew and I have always made a point of carefully selecting those we hire on to our teams, even if it takes a little extra time. We like people with a heavy determination to GSD (Get Stuff Done).
As we have such grand expectations for our employees, we always make sure to treat them as more than just that. Matthew and I strive to take care of them as we would with family. Matthew and I also allow our employees the flexibility to work from anywhere and provide bonuses from time to time to thank them for their trustworthiness and flexible capability. The extra appreciation certainly goes a long way in enhancing work ethic and promoting remote teamwork.
Heed the advice of those who have reaped success. Here are six skills used by self-made millionaires that you should be using and building upon each day.
1. Be able to identify fruitful opportunities.
Carlos Slim Helu, Mexican business magnate and philanthropist, said, “When there is a crisis, that’s when some are interested in getting out, and that’s when we are interested in getting in.”
Learn to identify open doors when they appear, then consider the risks and weigh them against potential benefits. An opportunity can be a great one regardless of whether no one or everyone is rushing to grab it -- if no one is, that’s your cue to move forward; if everyone is, that’s your chance to prove you’re better than the rest.
2. Focus on actions over words.
“Actions speak louder than words,” supposedly, and the late Andrew Carnegie agreed. As his career grew, he said, “As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.”
Understand that a shining business plan or investment presentation means little when you don’t demonstrate the ability to carry out your ideas well. Customers and clients want to see flawless application of your company’s core values and mission statement. Keep this formula in mind when seeking out employees, as well. A perfect resume doesn’t necessarily constitute a perfect employee, if that person can’t properly act on his qualifications and intentions.
3. Maintain a clear vision of success.
“Vision is perhaps our greatest strength... it has kept us alive to the power and continuity of thought through the centuries, it makes us peer into the future and lends shape to the unknown.”
Hong Kong business magnate Li Ka-Shing, the richest person in all of Asia, believes in vision as a motivational tool for success. What does success look like to you? If your answer is just “a lot of money,” this may not be the article for you.
Many people envision success as finally seeing their product on store shelves, making up for initial overhead costs, gaining a certain following or changing the community in which they live. In order to stay on track toward fulfilling your goals, it’s important to maintain a clear vision of what that goal is -- and what things will look like once it’s achieved.
4. Never stop learning.
Entrepreneurs who don’t acknowledge the need to constantly learn new things are denying themselves and their businesses the chance to grow. Even once you achieve some degree of success, understand that those around you (even those who are less successful) know something you don’t.
Listen to what others have to say about their experiences. Learn from their achievements and their mistakes. If you don’t want to base your development on other people, try taking a step back and exploring the areas of entrepreneurship you can still improve upon. Elon Musk, founder of PayPal, SpaceX and Tesla Motors, says “that’s the single best piece of advice -- constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.”
“Vision is perhaps our greatest strength... it has kept us alive to the power and continuity of thought through the centuries, it makes us peer into the future and lends shape to the unknown.”
Hong Kong business magnate Li Ka-Shing, the richest person in all of Asia, believes in vision as a motivational tool for success. What does success look like to you? If your answer is just “a lot of money,” this may not be the article for you.
Many people envision success as finally seeing their product on store shelves, making up for initial overhead costs, gaining a certain following or changing the community in which they live. In order to stay on track toward fulfilling your goals, it’s important to maintain a clear vision of what that goal is -- and what things will look like once it’s achieved.
4. Never stop learning.
Entrepreneurs who don’t acknowledge the need to constantly learn new things are denying themselves and their businesses the chance to grow. Even once you achieve some degree of success, understand that those around you (even those who are less successful) know something you don’t.
Listen to what others have to say about their experiences. Learn from their achievements and their mistakes. If you don’t want to base your development on other people, try taking a step back and exploring the areas of entrepreneurship you can still improve upon. Elon Musk, founder of PayPal, SpaceX and Tesla Motors, says “that’s the single best piece of advice -- constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.”
5. Get the job done.
This one sounds simple, but you’re likely procrastinating without even knowing it. Those who spend an immense amount of time marketing a business before there’s even a business to advertise are putting off actually building a brand. The same goes for those who spend time attempting to perform Web or graphic design themselves, obsessively organize finances and legal paperwork, and so on.
Even as an entrepreneur, you can’t wear every hat, and it’s often smart to assign tasks that aren’t immediately related to building your business to someone else. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a small team of employees or some remote freelancers if it means you’ll be able to turn your company into everything you dreamed.
“Getting the job done has been the basis for the success my company has achieved,” said Michael Bloomberg, entrepreneur, investor and former mayor of New York City.
6. Only hire rock stars.
You can’t exemplify greatness if the people who make up your company aren’t great, too. My brother Matthew and I have always made a point of carefully selecting those we hire on to our teams, even if it takes a little extra time. We like people with a heavy determination to GSD (Get Stuff Done).
As we have such grand expectations for our employees, we always make sure to treat them as more than just that. Matthew and I strive to take care of them as we would with family. Matthew and I also allow our employees the flexibility to work from anywhere and provide bonuses from time to time to thank them for their trustworthiness and flexible capability. The extra appreciation certainly goes a long way in enhancing work ethic and promoting remote teamwork.
Quote for the day
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” – Robert F. Kennedy
Saturday, 11 June 2016
18 amazing facts you probably didn't know about Microsoft
Like it or not, Microsoft is everywhere.
From its origins as a super-hot startup in the 1970s to taking over the world in the 1990s to its current reinvention under CEO Satya Nadella, Microsoft has a long and storied history right alongside the PC itself.
But how much do you really know about Microsoft?
Here are 18 things you probably never knew about the biggest name in the PC business.
01. If you bought one share of Microsoft stock for $21 at its March 13, 1986, IPO, it would be worth $14,990 today. That's a whopping 71,283% increase over 30 years.
02. In fact, in 1987, at age 31, Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates became the youngest billionaire ever at the time. In 1995, he'd become the world's richest man with a net worth of $12.9 billion.
03. Analysts estimate that Microsoft's explosive growth has made for at least two billionaires other than Gates, and as many as 12,000 millionaires. Like former CEO Steve Ballmer, who bought the LA Clippers for $2 billion in 2014.
04. In 1988, Gates bought his 66,000-square-foot "Xanadu 2.0" estate in Medina, Washington, for $2 million. It's said to be worth $123 million today.

05. Microsoft cofounders Bill Gates and Paul Allen designed the company's first logo in less than a day. The funky "O" was called the "blibbet."

06. Famed producer and musician Brian Eno wrote the famous Windows startup sound, which debuted in Windows 95.
07. In fact, Windows 95 had a close relationship with music: The Rolling Stones' "Start Me Up" was the operating system's official theme song, and the super-deluxe CD version came with the music video for Weezer's "Buddy Holly."

08. Microsoft's first killer app was Microsoft Excel, which unseated the reigning spreadsheet champions Apple VisiCalc and Lotus 1-2-3. Without Excel, nothing else would have been possible.

09. Microsoft employees are expected to bring M&Ms to the office to share on their work anniversaries — the tradition is one pound for every year they've been with the company.

10. Microsoft holds 48,313 patents, including this one for its funky futuristic "HoloLens" headset.

11. In the 2000s, Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer often appeared in silly motivational videos for Microsoft employees, like this Austin Powers parody.

12 Microsoft and Apple actually worked together for years on software for the first Macintosh computer — until Microsoft announced its competing Windows, which sparked a rivalry between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs that lasted for decades.

13. In 1994, Timex and Microsoft designed the Datalink 150 watch together. It was the first smartwatch ever, beating Apple by 12 years. It also wasn't that great.

14. In 1997, Microsoft saved Apple from almost certain bankruptcy by making a $150 million investment. Steve Jobs announced it on stage at his first appearance as Apple CEO, to boos from the audience.

15. Microsoft had early prototypes of lots of technologies, including real-time translation, tablet computers, and internet-connected TV gadgets. In fact, Microsoft coined the term "tablet." Most of those prototypes didn't make it to market, and the ones that did flopped.

16. Microsoft released the Xbox games console in 2001. "Xbox" is short for "DirectX Box" — DirectX is the crucial software on Microsoft Windows that makes intense game graphics possible.

17. In 1995, Microsoft released Bob, a custom version of Windows that was aimed at making it easier for new users to get around their computer by making it look like a "house" with "rooms." It was just weird and got killed swiftly.

18. In 2010, Microsoft claimed that employees drink 23 million free beverages from the company cafeteria every year — mostly milk and orange juice.
From its origins as a super-hot startup in the 1970s to taking over the world in the 1990s to its current reinvention under CEO Satya Nadella, Microsoft has a long and storied history right alongside the PC itself.
But how much do you really know about Microsoft?
Here are 18 things you probably never knew about the biggest name in the PC business.
01. If you bought one share of Microsoft stock for $21 at its March 13, 1986, IPO, it would be worth $14,990 today. That's a whopping 71,283% increase over 30 years.
02. In fact, in 1987, at age 31, Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates became the youngest billionaire ever at the time. In 1995, he'd become the world's richest man with a net worth of $12.9 billion.
03. Analysts estimate that Microsoft's explosive growth has made for at least two billionaires other than Gates, and as many as 12,000 millionaires. Like former CEO Steve Ballmer, who bought the LA Clippers for $2 billion in 2014.
04. In 1988, Gates bought his 66,000-square-foot "Xanadu 2.0" estate in Medina, Washington, for $2 million. It's said to be worth $123 million today.
05. Microsoft cofounders Bill Gates and Paul Allen designed the company's first logo in less than a day. The funky "O" was called the "blibbet."
06. Famed producer and musician Brian Eno wrote the famous Windows startup sound, which debuted in Windows 95.
07. In fact, Windows 95 had a close relationship with music: The Rolling Stones' "Start Me Up" was the operating system's official theme song, and the super-deluxe CD version came with the music video for Weezer's "Buddy Holly."
08. Microsoft's first killer app was Microsoft Excel, which unseated the reigning spreadsheet champions Apple VisiCalc and Lotus 1-2-3. Without Excel, nothing else would have been possible.
09. Microsoft employees are expected to bring M&Ms to the office to share on their work anniversaries — the tradition is one pound for every year they've been with the company.
10. Microsoft holds 48,313 patents, including this one for its funky futuristic "HoloLens" headset.
11. In the 2000s, Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer often appeared in silly motivational videos for Microsoft employees, like this Austin Powers parody.
12 Microsoft and Apple actually worked together for years on software for the first Macintosh computer — until Microsoft announced its competing Windows, which sparked a rivalry between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs that lasted for decades.
13. In 1994, Timex and Microsoft designed the Datalink 150 watch together. It was the first smartwatch ever, beating Apple by 12 years. It also wasn't that great.
14. In 1997, Microsoft saved Apple from almost certain bankruptcy by making a $150 million investment. Steve Jobs announced it on stage at his first appearance as Apple CEO, to boos from the audience.
15. Microsoft had early prototypes of lots of technologies, including real-time translation, tablet computers, and internet-connected TV gadgets. In fact, Microsoft coined the term "tablet." Most of those prototypes didn't make it to market, and the ones that did flopped.
16. Microsoft released the Xbox games console in 2001. "Xbox" is short for "DirectX Box" — DirectX is the crucial software on Microsoft Windows that makes intense game graphics possible.
17. In 1995, Microsoft released Bob, a custom version of Windows that was aimed at making it easier for new users to get around their computer by making it look like a "house" with "rooms." It was just weird and got killed swiftly.
18. In 2010, Microsoft claimed that employees drink 23 million free beverages from the company cafeteria every year — mostly milk and orange juice.
How To Set The Right Goal: 7 Goal Setting Mistakes To Avoid
By Jenny Marchal
Life is all about moving forward with our goals and achieving more in our lives. Wanting to better ourselves brings aspirations, dreams and takes us down paths to accomplishment.
Discovering what we want to do in life can be an exciting prospect and we naturally become eager to start setting our goals and planning on how we can achieve them. But there are some fundamental mistakes that many people make when setting goals and, if we’re not aware of these, they can bring a lot of challenges, frustrations and disappointments.
Here are 7 goal setting mistakes to be aware of:
1. Too Narrow In Our Thinking
For some of us, when setting goals, we focus a lot on what we want rather than why we want it. Thinking in this way limits our imagination and keeps us from realising what we really want. For example, if you set your sights on a particular job for purely the purpose of power, influence over others or the ability to effect changes then you are losing sight of the position itself and what it can bring to you personally. Focusing on the growth aspect of your goals will allow more flexibility in the adjustment of them. In other words, you are putting less emphasis on a specific, narrowed aspect of the job and cultivating the positive reasons why the job will be beneficial to you and your growth.
2. Pursuing Extrinsic Instead Of Intrinsic Goals
This is linked to our narrowed thoughts. One of the biggest goal setting mistakes we make is going after goals that are ultimately governed by external influences rather than from within. Sometimes a goal can be about validation rather than our true happiness and this usually points to our need to feed deep-rooted issues rather than for the good of ourselves.
Any goal that is focused on social status, the aim of getting rich or recognition will take away your true purpose and enjoyment of the end goal. Make sure your goal is intrinsically motivated and solely for the satisfaction of your own personal development.
3. Believing Our Goal Will Bring Us Happiness
I know what you’re thinking – of course my goal will make me happy! The problem with goals, as discussed before, can be our reasons behind them. Sometimes we go after goals believing that we’ll achieve happiness once we accomplish them and while this can be true, it really depends on whether or not you’re pinning all your happiness on your goal.
It’s a big myth that thinking our goal will be what brings us ultimate happiness. While this can be true, it is usually short lived if we’re not fundamentally happy in the first place. We need to achieve happiness within and not pin it all on our goals. In other words, make sure your goal will make you happier not to achieve happiness in itself.
4. Setting Too Many Goals
Understanding that we have limitations is important and the danger with too many goals is that it can lead to quantity rather than quality. Focusing on one goal or a selection of quality goals is much more manageable and meaningful than going after too many. It’s important to understand that quality goals are usually ones that develop ourselves and move us forward in a positive way while quantity goals are more focused on quick, meaningless achievements that don’t necessarily fulfil our needs and have little impact.
6. Setting Goals Too Low
When we have limited beliefs surrounding our goals, we can have a tendency to set our goals too low. This is usually because we underestimate our abilities or resources either because of past experience or limited information. If you think of a goal and don’t truly believe you can achieve it, then the tendency is to lower your standards. This is tempting but won’t get you what you truly want. Make sure that you realise all your resources and work on your self-esteem to recognise your true potential.
7. Unrealistic Expectations
One of the main goal setting mistakes we make is creating unrealistic expectations. This doesn’t means biting off more than we can chew in terms of our abilities but the way in which we set our goals. For example, not giving yourself enough time to achieve your goal can lead to a sense of failure and can make you give up altogether. Be kind to yourself, eliminate unneeded pressure and give yourself realistic time limits – account for any challenges along the way. Just because a goal takes a year doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing. Try not to fall into the trap of impatience when it comes to your goals as it only leads to goals that ultimately can’t be achieved.
Life is all about moving forward with our goals and achieving more in our lives. Wanting to better ourselves brings aspirations, dreams and takes us down paths to accomplishment.
Discovering what we want to do in life can be an exciting prospect and we naturally become eager to start setting our goals and planning on how we can achieve them. But there are some fundamental mistakes that many people make when setting goals and, if we’re not aware of these, they can bring a lot of challenges, frustrations and disappointments.
Here are 7 goal setting mistakes to be aware of:
1. Too Narrow In Our Thinking
For some of us, when setting goals, we focus a lot on what we want rather than why we want it. Thinking in this way limits our imagination and keeps us from realising what we really want. For example, if you set your sights on a particular job for purely the purpose of power, influence over others or the ability to effect changes then you are losing sight of the position itself and what it can bring to you personally. Focusing on the growth aspect of your goals will allow more flexibility in the adjustment of them. In other words, you are putting less emphasis on a specific, narrowed aspect of the job and cultivating the positive reasons why the job will be beneficial to you and your growth.
2. Pursuing Extrinsic Instead Of Intrinsic Goals
This is linked to our narrowed thoughts. One of the biggest goal setting mistakes we make is going after goals that are ultimately governed by external influences rather than from within. Sometimes a goal can be about validation rather than our true happiness and this usually points to our need to feed deep-rooted issues rather than for the good of ourselves.
Any goal that is focused on social status, the aim of getting rich or recognition will take away your true purpose and enjoyment of the end goal. Make sure your goal is intrinsically motivated and solely for the satisfaction of your own personal development.
3. Believing Our Goal Will Bring Us Happiness
I know what you’re thinking – of course my goal will make me happy! The problem with goals, as discussed before, can be our reasons behind them. Sometimes we go after goals believing that we’ll achieve happiness once we accomplish them and while this can be true, it really depends on whether or not you’re pinning all your happiness on your goal.
It’s a big myth that thinking our goal will be what brings us ultimate happiness. While this can be true, it is usually short lived if we’re not fundamentally happy in the first place. We need to achieve happiness within and not pin it all on our goals. In other words, make sure your goal will make you happier not to achieve happiness in itself.
4. Setting Too Many Goals
Understanding that we have limitations is important and the danger with too many goals is that it can lead to quantity rather than quality. Focusing on one goal or a selection of quality goals is much more manageable and meaningful than going after too many. It’s important to understand that quality goals are usually ones that develop ourselves and move us forward in a positive way while quantity goals are more focused on quick, meaningless achievements that don’t necessarily fulfil our needs and have little impact.
5. Setting Goals Without Strategies And The Correct Mindset
Setting goals can help us get what we want but to achieve the goals we need to have a good strategy in place as well as a good mindset. A positive and successful mindset is the crux of any good goal-setting strategy. After all, our actions rely heavily on our perspective and ways of looking at the world.
A good strategy will account for any pitfalls or potential challenges that come your way. These can easily trip you up and cause you to give up altogether so it’s important to plan thoroughly and create small and achievable steps.
Setting goals can help us get what we want but to achieve the goals we need to have a good strategy in place as well as a good mindset. A positive and successful mindset is the crux of any good goal-setting strategy. After all, our actions rely heavily on our perspective and ways of looking at the world.
A good strategy will account for any pitfalls or potential challenges that come your way. These can easily trip you up and cause you to give up altogether so it’s important to plan thoroughly and create small and achievable steps.
6. Setting Goals Too Low
When we have limited beliefs surrounding our goals, we can have a tendency to set our goals too low. This is usually because we underestimate our abilities or resources either because of past experience or limited information. If you think of a goal and don’t truly believe you can achieve it, then the tendency is to lower your standards. This is tempting but won’t get you what you truly want. Make sure that you realise all your resources and work on your self-esteem to recognise your true potential.
7. Unrealistic Expectations
One of the main goal setting mistakes we make is creating unrealistic expectations. This doesn’t means biting off more than we can chew in terms of our abilities but the way in which we set our goals. For example, not giving yourself enough time to achieve your goal can lead to a sense of failure and can make you give up altogether. Be kind to yourself, eliminate unneeded pressure and give yourself realistic time limits – account for any challenges along the way. Just because a goal takes a year doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing. Try not to fall into the trap of impatience when it comes to your goals as it only leads to goals that ultimately can’t be achieved.
Quote for the day
“Market history shows that when there’s economic blue sky, future returns are low, and when the economy is on the skids, future returns are high.” - William J. Bernstein,
Friday, 10 June 2016
Quote for the day
“Being a great trader is a process. It's a race with no finish line. The markets are not static. No single style or approach can provide superior results over long periods of time. To continue to outperform, the great traders continue to learn and adapt.” - Jack Schwager
Thursday, 9 June 2016
Quote for the day
“I would put it this way: I do not play according to a given set of rules; I look for changes in the rules of the game.” - George Soros
Wednesday, 8 June 2016
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