Sunday, 30 June 2019

Quote for the day

“All through time, people have basically acted and reacted the same way in the market as a result of greed, fear, ignorance, and hope. That is why the numerical formations and patterns recur on a constant basis. Over and over, with slight variations. Because markets are driven by humans and human nature never changes.” - Jesse Lauriston Livermore

Saturday, 29 June 2019

Quote for the day

"Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get." - Ray Kroe 

Friday, 28 June 2019

Colombo Stock Exchange Trade Summary 28-Jun-2019

Quote for the day

“Shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Colombo Stock Exchange Trade Summary 27-Jun-2019

Quote for the day

“Luck is a very thin wire between survival and disaster, and not many people can keep their balance on it.” – Hunter S. Thompson

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Colombo Stock Exchange Trade Summary 25-Jun-2019

Quote for the day

"When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too." - Paulo Coelho

Monday, 24 June 2019

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Is Your Money Personality Making You Rich or Poor?

We all have different attitudes towards money. Some people have attitudes that help to build wealth, and so are able to treat their money in a way that makes it grow.

Other people, however, have very poor attitudes towards money. This may be a result of the way their parents viewed money, their friends attitudes towards money, or just because of simple carelessness or neglect.

But whatever the cause, the effect is still the same. People who have a bad attitude towards money invariably act in ways that result in money flowing away from them rather than towards them. So instead of experiencing riches and wealth, they are left experiencing poverty and hardship instead.

For this reason, it’s very important that you take the time to think about how you think about money. Because from your thoughts come actions, and from those actions, come wealth or poverty.

The type of attitude you have towards money
 can affect how much of it you are likely to make
 or keep throughout your life. 

If you can develop the right attitude towards money, or simply become aware of a poor attitude, you should find it a lot easier to successfully build your wealth rather than having to see it constantly crumble around you. 

What's your money personality?

Below you will find listed six money personalities. These are the most common types of attitudes that people have towards money and how having such an attitude affects them financially.

Try to determine which personality/personalities best apply to you, then ask yourself; are you happy with your money personality? Is it working in your favor? What could you do to improve your current and future financial situation?

I Don’t Care About Money.

People in this group will often say that they don’t care about money. They just want to earn enough to get by and are not overly concerned with how much they earn or how much they have in their bank account.

As long as they have enough money to do what they want to do, they are happy and so never really push themselves to achieve more.

Financial implications 

For those of you who don’t care about money, this attitude is likely to result in you managing your money poorly.

For example, you may buy something because you want it, even though you can’t really afford it. You also tend to live paycheck to paycheck, and so debt, especially credit card debt, is a very common occurrence for people in this category.
People who don’t care about money spend
 what they don’t have. As a result, they often
 fall into the debt trap. 

However, it’s important to note that this type of mindset doesn’t necessarily mean a person will be poor. As depending on the type of lifestyle they live, they may actually earn a very respectable wage.

But because they don’t care about money, whatever they earn is quickly spent on material goods. Which is why they are always looking forward to receiving their next paycheck.

You probably have a lot of material possessions, but very few savings. If you continue on this path, you could therefore be placing yourself into a very dangerous financial situation when you retire.

Try to set aside some money each month in a savings account, even if this means having to make a few sacrifices. In the long run you will benefit, as you will always have the money you need to keep on enjoying your life.

Money is Evil

In this group are the people who regard money as being either “bad” or “evil”, and so they think that the world would be a much better place if money didn’t exist

In other words, they view rich or wealthy people in a negative way. As a result, their roles models are likely to be people who don’t have much money or who are struggling financially.

The “money is evil” group of people tend to have enough money to get by from day-to-day, but usually don’t have very much saved up in the bank.
Financial implications 

People who think that money is evil are likely to earn a low wage and spend their money as soon as they get it. Almost like they are allergic to money.
This type of person tends to make up the lower class of society, and may even be receiving financial aid from the government or whoever can give it to them, such as friends or family members.

People who think that money is evil
 or bad spend what they have very quickly. 

When it comes to personal finance, this is the worst attitude that you can have because it will repel money away from you rather than towards you.


If you have a belief that money is bad or evil, you would benefit from examining your beliefs about money. Why do you think that money is bad? Who could have influenced those beliefs?
In most cases, negative beliefs about money come from parents. So try to think about how your parents thought about money, and if there are any similarities to your own beliefs. Are your beliefs really your own? Are they really true? Are they serving your best interests?

Money is Everything

This group of people see money as the most important thing in life, and so they will often work very hard to earn as much of it as they can. If they can’t earn it honestly, they may try to get money by stealing it, marrying into it or killing for it.

Cash is king.

Since money is so important to this type of person, they will usually have a lot of it. But often, this will come at the expensive of their personal life, their relationships with others or their health.

So just because they may have a lot of money, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they will, or are, able to enjoy it.

Financial implications
People who fall into the money is everything category usually earn a lot, spend a lot and may also have a reasonable amount saved in the bank.

Naturally, these people like to buy expensive designer labels or well-known brands when it comes to clothes, cars and other personal possessions. Consequently, they view money as a way to express themselves and enhance the image that others have of them.

The desire for high-priced goods can offset the 
high income earned by this group. 

This explains why the money is everything person usually has such a high expenditure each month, and also why they are so motivated to make as much money as they can.

People in this category tend to make up the upper and upper-middle classes of society.


Spending money is something that you probably enjoy, and so this is likely to act as a powerful motivator for you to make more. However, whilst this can work in your favor, it could just as easily end up working against you.

Your high expenditure will make it difficult for you to save money, which could then put your future financial plans in jeopardy. So try to cut down on your monthly outgoings, and then use that money to provide you with greater return later on.

Finally, if the way that you currently make money is negatively affecting other areas of your life, such as health, love or friendships, you may want to examine those areas as you might just find that there’s more to life than money.

Money is Money 

The fourth group of people are those who recognize the value and importance of money, but do not let it negatively affect their life in the way that it can do for people with a 
“money is everything” mindset. 

Money is just a tool. 

As a result, they are able to manage their money wisely and will try to save and make as much of it as they can. But they will only do so in a way that doesn’t conflict with the values they hold, or with the type of life that they want to live.

So if you have this type of personality, you are likely to place greater emphasis on forming relationships with people and achieving a quality of life that you’re happy with, rather than making money your primary focus.

Financial implications

If you fall into this category, you may or may not earn a lot of money. But you will know how to manage it wisely, have a reasonable amount saved up for the future and will avoid spending more than you can afford.

People in this group manage their money wisely, but their
 main concern is with their quality of life. 

Overall, a person in this category tends to be financially comfortable and will usually make up the middle class of society.


Your beliefs and values are your biggest limitation when it comes to making more money, as sometimes you may not be willing to do to get ahead in this very competitive world we live in.

If you desire to make more money, think about what that money could do for you and then use that motivational energy to help you get it.
The Scrooge

The Scrooge is what some people would call a tight ass,as they hold onto their money very tightly and try to minimize their expenses as much as possible.

The world is not enough! 

Like the “money is everything” type of person, they see money as being extremely important. But they also see it as being hard to obtain. As being very precious. So it’s not uncommon for Scrooges to constantly worry or think about their finances.
This type of person may or may not have a lot of money, but the money they do have they will manage well.

Financial implications

The Scrooge is characterized by their ability to budget their income, and by their purchase of low-cost or second-hand items. They see expensive goods as a waste of money, and so prefer to save more than they spend.

However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the Scrooge will be wealthy or earn a large salary. As many Scrooges consist of low-income individuals who feel that they need to make every cent count.
Every cent counts for the Scrooge.

Unfortunately, this can create a scarcity mentality whereby the Scrooge is primarily concerned with saving money and surviving, rather than with making more money in order to live a better life.

But for those who do earn a large wage, they are likely to amass a sizeable fortune throughout the course of their working life.


The good thing about this personality is your ability to save money, but this can also be your greatest weakness.

Even though saving money can result in you having a lot of it, your reluctance to spend the money you earn can also result in you not fully enjoying life or missing out on life changing experiences.

So you might want to set aside a certain amount of money to spend on yourself each month. Use this money to treat yourself, as there is no point in saving money if you are never able to enjoy it.

The Saint 

The saint sees money as a gift that they can share with other people. As a result, they will often give a set percentage of their income to charity each month.

I am here to help! 

Usually, people in this category are religious or follow some sort of spiritual teaching that encourages them to share their wealth with others.

Generally, the saint is quite good at managing their money and so will use what they have very efficiently.

Financial implications

Since the saint gives away a certain percentage of their income, they will manage what they have left over very carefully. This means that they will purchase essential items first, and from what’s left over, then buy luxury items if they can be afforded and are desired.

The saint also tends to be a reasonably good saver, as they are used to setting money aside to share with others. As a result, they probably also keep a budget so that they can monitor their income and expenses.

As the Saint is used to giving
 away a portion of their income,
 they also tend to be good at 
budgeting and managing their money. 

Debt is very uncommon for people with this type of personality, as the saint tends to save up for things they want rather than buying them on impulse.

In terms of wealth, the saint is usually found in the middle class of society, because such people feel that they can afford to give some of their wealth away.

You can, however, find some very wealthy saints, such as Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, whose vast wealth allows them to donate large sums to charities.</p>


If everyone viewed money in the way that you do, this world would undoubtably be a much better place. So for that, you should feel good about yourself.
However, if you are putting the needs of others ahead of your own, such as by giving money when you can’t really afford to, this could put your own finances in jeopardy and make it more difficult to achieve your financial goals. 

So if you can afford to give, give. But always take care of yourself and your family first, because this way you will be able to do more good for others in the long run.

Quote for the day

"You can't have a million dollar dream with a minimum wage work ethic." - Stephen Hogan

Saturday, 22 June 2019

5 Key factors that affect investment decisions and that every investor should know

By Pat McKeough

It’s Worth Knowing The Factors That Affect Investment Decisions So You Maximize Your Portfolio Returns

It’s generally a waste of time to obsess about the possibility of a short-term downward movement in the economy, stock market or both. These downward movements can occur for a wide variety of reasons, at any time, without warning. For every “real” short-term downturn, you can spot a dozen fake-outs—situations where the market or economy looked like it was going into a tailspin, but pulled out of the drop and began rising at the last minute.

On the other hand, it does pay to obsess about factors that affect investment decisions like portfolio diversification, investment quality, and the extent to which your portfolio suits your personal goals and temperament.

Portfolio diversification is a key factor affecting investment decisions:

Your portfolio strategy should begin with a fundamental piece of advice that we underline frequently: Spread your money out across most if not all of the five main economic sectors (Finance, Utilities, Manufacturing, Resources, and the Consumer sector). The proportions should depend on your objectives and the risk you can accept. The Finance and Utilities sectors generally involve below-average risk. Manufacturing and Resources tend to be riskier, and the Consumer sector is in the middle.

As well, balance aggressive and conservative investments in your portfolio, in line with your investment objectives, and the market outlook. Above all, avoid the urge to become more aggressive as prices rise and more conservative as prices fall.

Investment quality affects investing decisions:

The best blue chip stocks offer strong investment quality. When the market goes into a lengthy downturn, these stocks generally keep paying their dividends, and they are among the first to recover when conditions improve.

In keeping with the Successful Investor philosophy, we feel stocks that have been paying dividends for five years or more are some of the safest investments you can have. Dividends are a sign of quality and a company’s financial health. Canadian banks and utilities are among the income-paying stocks that we consider to be safer investments.

Personal needs and temperament affect investment decisions:

If there is one piece of personal wealth management advice you should immediately implement, it’s to have a disciplined plan for saving during your working years. This, above all things, can set you up for optimal investment gains.

Many of our wealth management clients live off their investments. From time to time, they need to sell some of their holdings to supplement their dividend income. But rather than trying to predict price changes or spot highs and lows, we ensure that decisions affecting the client’s portfolio are tailored to his or her circumstances and temperament.

Factors that affect investment decisions: Hidden assets

Hidden assets are also worth a closer look. As long-time readers know, we’ve had a great deal of success over the years in investments that come with hidden assets. These are assets that are worth substantially more than the value they carry on the company’s balance sheet, if they appear there at all. Buying stocks with hidden assets is a little like getting something for nothing, at least for patient investors.

Companies with hidden assets can gain like any stock when the market rises. But they also tend to hold on to their value in a market setback. In addition, they tend to bounce back nicely when conditions improve.

Factors that affect investment decisions: Worry

Of course investors worry; it’s not in human nature to avoid worrying altogether. But it pays to remember that most things we worry about never happen. As humans, we are bred to overreact, to dwell on or even brood over any hint of risk.

There are always investment-related worries to occupy our minds. Sometimes for investors, this means worrying about high-risk investments that they’ve made.

You get a much better return on time spent if you devote less of it to worrying about (and in fact avoiding) high-risk investments, and more of it on developing an investment strategy. Create a strategy that is built upon analyzing the quality and diversification of your investments (and cutting risk), and the structure and balance of your portfolio.

A lot goes into making investment decisions. What factor has played the biggest role in forming your decisions?


Quote for the day

“The only way that we can live is if we grow. The only way we can grow is if we change. The only way we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we are exposed is if we throw ourselves into the open.”  - C. Joybel

Friday, 21 June 2019

Colombo Stock Exchange Trade Summary 21-Jun-2019

Quote for the day

“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”  - Joshua J. Marine

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Colombo Stock Exchange Trade Summary 20-Jun-2019

Quote for the day

“Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.”  - Viktor Frankl

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Colombo Stock Exchange Trade Summary 19-Jun-2019

Quote for the day

“The tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.” – Benjamin Mays

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Colombo Stock Exchange Trade Summary 18-Jun-2019

Quote for the day

“Yesterday's faults become today's lessons. Today's dreams become tomorrow's reality.” - BJ Neblett

Monday, 17 June 2019

Sunday, 16 June 2019

Quotes for the day

"Persistence overshadows even talent as the most valuable resource shaping the quality of life." - Tony Robbins

Saturday, 15 June 2019

Quote for the day

"A goal is a dream with a deadline." - Napoleon Hill

Friday, 14 June 2019

Colombo Stock Exchange Trade Summary 14-Jun-2019

Quote for the day

"Skepticism and pessimism aren’t synonymous. Skepticism calls for pessimism when optimism is excessive. But it also calls for optimism when pessimism is excessive." - Howard Marks

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Colombo Stock Exchange Trade Summary 13-Jun-2019

Quote for the day

“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” – Farrah Gray

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Colombo Stock Exchange Trade Summary 12-Jun-2019

Quote for the day

"We GET results based on what we DO, and what we DO depends on how we SEE the world around us." - Stephen Covey

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Colombo Stock Exchange Trade Summary 11-Jun-2019

Quote for the day

“The way you see people is the way you treat them and the way you treat them is what they become.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Monday, 10 June 2019

Colombo Stock Exchange Trade Summary 10-Jun-2019

Quote for the day

“You create your own game in your mind based on your beliefs, intents, perception and rules.” - Mark Douglas

Sunday, 9 June 2019

10 Rules Of Success Andrew Carnegie Used To Become One Of The World's Richest Men

Andrew Carnegie arrived in the U.S. in 1848 with barely a dollar to his name. By 1901, he was the richest man in the world. 

At the height of his power, he was approached by a young journalist named Napoleon Hill who was interested in telling the stories of successful people. 

Carnegie saw a special drive in Hill and in 1908 decided that Hill would document all of the strategies that made him a legendary businessman and philanthropist. 

Together, they helped pioneer the self-help genre, and Hill's 1937 book "Think and Grow Rich" has gone on to become one of the top-selling books of all time. 

When Hill began his career writing about success, Carnegie gave him his "10 Rules of Success" that provided a foundation for much of Hill's work. Here's a synopsis of the rules, which appear in the forthcoming collection "The Science of Success": 

1. Define your purpose. 

Create a plan of action and start working toward it immediately. 

2. Create a "master-mind alliance."

Contact and work with people "who have what you haven't," Hill says. 

3. Go the extra mile. 

"Doing more than you have to do is the only thing that justifies raises or promotions, and puts people under an obligation to you," writes Hill. 

4. Practice "applied faith." 

Believe in yourself and your purpose so fully that you act with complete confidence. 

5. Have personal initiative. 

Do what you have to without being told.

6. Indulge your imagination. 

Dare to think beyond what's already been done. 

7. Exert enthusiasm. 

A positive attitude sets you up for success and wins the respect of others. 

8. Think accurately. 

In Hill's words, accurate thinking is "the ability to separate facts from fiction and to use those pertinent to your own concerns or problems." 

9. Concentrate your effort. 

Don't become distracted from the most important task you are currently facing. 

10. Profit from adversity. 

Remember that "there is an equivalent benefit for every setback," Hill writes.

Quote for the day

“Trading mastery is a state of complete acceptance of probability, not a state of fight it.” - Yvan Byeajee

Saturday, 8 June 2019

4 Secrets of Investment Success – Tips to Gain Wealth

By Michael Lewis

Human beings have always been fascinated with “secrets” through which power is attained, riches gained, and success assured. Our belief in secrets and its natural cousins, conspiracies and superstitions, often appears when we are under stress, dealing with matters seemingly outside our control. According to Science Magazine, humans in those situations have increased illusory pattern perception, creating nonexistent causal links and correlations in an unconscious effort to rationalize the outcome and affirm ourselves.

Wealth and material success is inordinately linked to a conspiracy mentality, with a belief that a small group of elites is actually pulling strings and deciding the course of history. Wealthy individuals, often to their chagrin, are besieged by requests to reveal their secrets so that others might follow in their footsteps and become one of the chosen few.
Americans Who Have Achieved Financial Success

America is a particularly fertile field for the study of investment success, considering the numbers of individuals who began with little, yet went on to build great fortunes. Often, such people are immigrants or first-generation Americans with little formal education, men and women who have achieved exceptional success in every generation and century since the country’s founding:

  • John Hancock, whose signature is widely recognized on the Declaration of Independence, was the son of a minister whose first job was in the trading firm of his uncle. At his death in 1793, his net worth equaled 1/714th of the United States gross national product, or the equivalent of $79 billion today.
  • Cornelius Vanderbilt quit school at age 11 and started a ferry service with his father between Staten Island and Manhattan, New York at age 16, receiving half of the company’s profit for his labor. At his death in 1877, his net worth, built from investments in steam ships and railroads, was the equivalent of $157 billion in 2013.
  • John D. Rockefeller was the son of a mostly absent traveling salesman with a reputation for shady schemes. Rockefeller’s first job was as an assistant bookkeeper at age 16, borrowing money to go into the produce business with a partner at age 20. He is reputed to be the richest American ever with a net worth of more than $663 billion in 2007 dollars.
In the last half-century, the names of Ross Perot, Sam Walton, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett have appeared at the top of the lists of wealthiest Americans, all of whom have been the subject of biographies chronicling their rise to the pinnacle of riches. A reading of those life histories provides no evidence of membership in secret societies, no teachers or advisers who may have passed along confidential knowledge about savings or investments, no super-human skills, and no extraordinary abilities or qualities beyond intelligence and a strong work ethic.

Secrets of the Super Rich

If there are no secrets to wealth-building, what do successful wealth-builders have in common? What personal attributes are equally valuable in industries as diverse as retailing, software development, and investing? Are these identifiable common traits, in fact, the secrets to their success?

Here are several traits shared by all wealthy people:

1. Action
Bill Gates reportedly said, “Television is not real life. In real life, people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.” The majority of people fail to achieve their financial goals because they waste their time and energy chasing rainbows, seeking shortcuts, and hoping for good fortune. While it is possible to win the lottery or inherit the estate of a long-lost, forgotten relative, it is extremely unlikely.

The consequences of inaction is continuation of the status quo. Wealth builders take action to change their circumstances by expanding their capabilities, gaining new experience, and pursuing new challenges.

2. Discipline
Spending and saving habits are developed early and persist throughout life. Developing the discipline to control your spending and consistently save is critical if you want to achieve financial independence one day.

H.L. Hunt, a Texas oilman reputed to be the wealthiest man in the world in the late 1950s, continued to drive himself in a six-year Plymouth to work, and carried his lunch in a brown paper bag until the day he died. Warren Buffett, perhaps the greatest stock investor of all-time and a consistent member of the world’s richest individuals, continues to live in the house he bought in 1958 for $31,500. If you seek investment success, you should maintain a living standard that trails the growth in your income – for example, deferring the purchase of a new car for five years, rather than every three years – and investing the savings.

The daily choices we make determine whether we have excess capital to save and invest. Most Americans choose to consume, rather than save, unable to distinguish between needs and wants. Wealth builders postpone consumption in order to maximize their funds available for investment, foregoing luxuries today to build a strong foundation for the future. As Dave Ramsey, noted stock market adviser and author, stated, “It’s learning to live on less than you make, so you can give money back and have money to invest. You can’t win until you do this.”

3. Knowledge
According to psychologist John Johnson, the game of poker is an excellent metaphor for human life. In both life and poker, we must deal with a number of factors we neither choose nor control. How we deal with those factors depends upon our knowledge of the rules of the game and past experiences, our own and those of others.

Investing requires a series of choices in an ever-changing milieu of consequences. Each choice has an element of risk that all or a portion of the investment will be lost, will return less than expected, or will return less than other investments that might have otherwise been chosen. Learning when to hold ’em or fold ’em is the skill every successful investor must learn, sometimes at significant cost.

George Soros, a Hungarian emigrant and founder of an international hedge fund with an estimated net worth of $22 billion, recognized that his success was due to his experience: “I’m only rich because I know when I’m wrong…I basically have survived by recognizing my mistakes.”

4. Persistence
The path of investment success is rarely smooth, but a series of peaks and valleys, the height and depths of which are unknown during the journey. It is likely to be a cycle of exhilarating highs and devastating lows, testing the patience and determination of even those most determined to fulfill their ambitions.

There are no sure things in the world of investing, and this volatility causes many to lose focus, discouraged by setbacks and failure. “Most people give up just when they’re about to achieve success,” according to Ross Perot. “They quit on the one-yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown.”

Some, the individuals we read about and seek to emulate, acknowledge failure with a renewed commitment to success. These investors examine the disasters and learn from the experience, recognizing that they are better prepared for the next obstacle. Peter Lynch, the portfolio manager of the Fidelity Magellan Fund who beat the S&P 500 Index benchmark 11 out of 13 years with an average annual return of 29%, said that you should understand there will be periods of stock market declines with portfolio losses, and be willing to accept those circumstances: “In this business, if you’re good, you’re right 6 out of
 10 times. You’re never going to be right 9 times out of 10.”

Final Word

Since there are no secrets to building wealth, the possibility of achieving financial independence is available to everyone willing to work and learn. Regardless of your age or income, you can take the first step toward financial security by spending less and investing the savings. And continue to do the same week after week, month after month, year after year.

What has been your experience in investing? Have you discovered any “secrets”?

Quote for the day

“A person can learn beneficial information from books, but they can only acquire wisdom from living a fully engaged life.” - Kilroy J. Oldster

Friday, 7 June 2019

Colombo Stock Exchange Trade Summary 07-Jun-2019

Quote for the day

“Until you value yourself, you won't value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it. ” – M. Scott Peck

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Quote for the day

“Reliability investing requires finding companies trading below their inherent worth--stocks with strong fundamentals including earnings, dividends, book value, and cash flow selling at bargain prices give their quality.” - Amah Lambert

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Colombo Stock Exchange Trade Summary 04-Jun-2019

Quote for the day

“Thumb-rule in Equity markets is that big boys chase either your shares or your money ... In former case, they will beat down the share so cheap that you will be forced to sell it ... In latter case, they will balloon the prices to an extent that you will be lured to buy!! Either way, heads they win, tails you lose!!!” - Sandeep Sahajpal

Monday, 3 June 2019

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Quote for the day

"Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change." - Jim Rohn

Saturday, 1 June 2019

7 Ways How Emotions Screw Up Your Trading Results & How to Fix It

By Paul Koger

The average trader that is just starting out thinks that the way towards success in day trading is by finding the right strategy. If only you would find a strategy that works, you’ll be out of the water, drinking the cool-aid in no time..Sound familiar?

I’m sorry, but that just isn’t the case. Yes, a good trading strategy and a proper broker are vital components, but the biggest attribute determining your success as a trader is your ability to have control over your emotions. Ask any professional trader and they’ll confirm my words.

In order to help to improve your odds of success in your day trading ventures, I’ve listed 7 main emotions that affect your decisions and ways to get them under control:

I hope you enjoy!

Quote for the day

"Unhappiness is best defined as the difference between our talents and our expectations." - Edward de Bono