Thursday, 14 November 2013

QTD and YTD Country Stock Market Returns

Below is a look at the quarter-to-date and year-to-date performance numbers (local currency) for the stock markets of 76 countries around the world.  So far this quarter, the average country on the list is up 2.53%, while the average country is up 12.84% year-to-date.  Of the 76 countries, 61 are in the green for the year, while the remaining 15 are down.
As shown, Argentina and Dubai have posted the biggest gains in 2013 at 86.39% and 72.61%, respectively.  Japan ranks fourth on the list with a gain of 40.34%, putting it first among G7 countries.  With a gain of 11.42% so far this quarter, Greece is now up 24.45% year-to-date, putting it just ahead of the US at 23.74%.  Germany ranks third among the G7 countries with a YTD gain of 19.23%, followed by France (17.1%), Italy (16.8%) and the UK (14%).  Canada has been the worst performing G7 country so far in 2013 with a gain of 7.37%.
While most "developed" and "emerging" markets have done well in 2013, the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China) have lagged.  Of the BRICs, only India's stock market is in the green for the year, and it's up just 4.4%.  Russia is down 5.88%, China is down 6.27%, and Brazil is down 15%.  Only Peru has done worse than Brazil in 2013 with a decline of 23%.

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