Sunday, 10 November 2013

What's Your Personality Type?

Knowing your personality type will help you get better control of your career and life as a whole. Your career strategy cannot be complete without including the importance of relationships.

Building relationships is an integral part of your professional life whether you are a job seeker, manager or entrepreneur. However, the kind of relationship and the depth of relationship you build depend upon your personality type.

Who am I?
To know your personality type, you need to ask “Who Am I”. This is the most fundamental question that has to be asked before you know others. You need to look inwards first rather than outward. Since study of personality is a difficult attempt, many people have coined many theories in this regard. “Personality” is an abstract term and you can have just a few guidelines and rest comes from your experience.

Within a individual’s major psychological subsystem, personality is the major factor that decides how we think and how we act. This is the natural instinct that we fall back on when other outside worldly forces are accounted for.

Personality Models
The most popular model to describe personality is BIG Five. This model gives an overview of everyday personalities and relates them to the work place. According to this theory, there are five major traits that describe a person’s personality. These major five traits are referred as OCEAN.

O - Openness to Experience
C - Conscientiousness
E - Extroversion/introversion
A - Agreeablenes
N - Neuroticism: Emotional Stability

1. Openness to Experience
People at the open end of this trait are highly interested in discovering and experiencing new things and are more flexible in the thinking. On the hand, people at the lower end of the line are more rigid and are of closed mind in approaching new experiences.

2. Conscientiousness
It is one trait that decides how responsible a person is in delivering his or her duties. They tend to be more diligent and dutiful towards their responsibilities for life and work.

However, people who are less in conscientious scale are less concerned about how things are done or details. They think of a bigger picture of the events.

3. Extroversion/Introversion
Being an extrovert or introvert is a personality character that reveals itself instantly. Extroverts are socially very active and do not hesitate mingling and interacting with others as they gain energy in their act of interacting with others.

On the other hand, introverts are reserved kind of people and draw energy from reflection and like to work alone or in small groups of people who they are comfortable with.

4. Agreeableness
This is the scale that measures friendliness versus hostility and it also shows interaction with others. People who are more agreeable are more trusting and modest while those who show lesser friendliness and high degree of disagreement are more suspicious and oppositional.

5. Neuroticism: Emotional Stability
Having Emotional stability is very important for developing a strong relationship. Those who are emotionally less stable or are highly neurotic tend to be less stable and tend to show more of negative emotions. On the other hand, people who are emotionally more stable have more pleasing personality and are less stressful.

Behavior and Intent
Experts say that while observing personality of a person, pay attention to their behavior and intent.

Behavior in a person is something that we observe in them consistently. These are the traits we observe when we first meet them or anytime thereafter too. We tend to judge their personality based on their behavior. However, a certain behavior is not driven by personality only. Thus, when judging personality, consider only consistent behaviors’ barring certain unusual behaviors’.

Most times, people at workplace misunderstand each other and often complain that a particular person is intentionally holding back or intentionally not responding. In fact, it is important to understand the difference between the personalities because people are different from each other and are not able to comprehend the natural behavior of a colleague.

While managing teams, it is important that you understand those individual differences. A successful team is comprised of people of diverse personalities. The success lies in the power of harnessing different personalities to achieve your organization’s goals.

Understanding your own personality and those around you can help you achieve success in your goals; professional as well as personal.

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