Friday, 7 March 2014

Company Fact Sheet: On'ally Holdings PLC - ONAL:N0000

About the company:

Established: 1982                                 Quoted Date: 1988-10-20            Sector: Land & Property

On'ally Holdings PLC is a Sri Lanka-based company which is primarily engaged in property development and real estate businesses. During the year ended March 31, 2012, the Company's rental income earned from commercial units rented to tenants and other operating income were recognized on an accrual basis

Chairman: Mr P.A.I.S. Perera (Non Executive Independent Director)

Managing Director: Mr O. Gulamhusein
Board of Directors:
Mr B.V. Selvanayagam 
Dr S.A. Gulamhusein
G.T. Fazleabas 
Mr L. Hulugalle 
Mr A.Y. Tyebkhan  (Independent Director)
Mr K.E.V.N. Fernando 
Mr W.L.D.P.V. Jayawardena 
Dr D.C. Gunesekera
S. Selvanayagam ( Alternate Director to Mr. B.V. Selvanayagam)
Mrs T. Sarveshwaran

52 Weeks Low: 36.20                                                                     52 Weeks High: 59.70

Average Trading Volume: 99

Company Financial at a glance:

1.  3,500,154 ordinary voting shares of the Company were listed on 15th September 2011, pursuant to a capitalization of reserves in the proportion of 1:4.

Total shares in Issue: 17,500,770

Top 20 Shareholders as at 31/12/2013

The percentage of Shares held by the Public as at 31st December 2013 was 6.128%.

The percentage of Foreign Holding as at 28th February 2014 was 0.287%

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