Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Company Fact Sheet: Three Acre Farms PLC - TAFL:N0000

About the company:

Established: 1963                                 Quoted Date: 1995-03-20           Sector: Beverage Food & Tobacco

Three Acre Farms PLC is a Sri Lanka-based company engaged in the breeding, hatching and sale of commercial day old chicks, both broiler (for chicken meat) and layer (for the production of table eggs), grandparent farm operations, import grandparent day old chicks and advanced technology breeding. The Company has two wholly-owned subsidiaries: Ceylon Pioneer Poultry Breeders Limited (CPPBL), which undertakes grand parent farm operations, and Millennium Multibreeder Farms (Private) Limited (MMF), which provides advanced technology farming. The Company holds franchise for LOHMANN INDIAN RIVER parent stock breed. The Company's business divisions include Breeder Operations and Commercial Farming. Breeder Operations focuses on selective breeding, hatching and sale of commercial Day Old Chicks, both Broiler (for chicken meat) and Layer (for production of table eggs). Commercial farming consists of broiler chicken farming operations for its parent company Ceylon Grain Elevators PLC.

Chairman / CEO: Mr Cheng Chih Kwong, Primus

General Manager: Mr Tan Beng Chuan - Executive Director
Board of Directors:
Mr Cheng Koh Chuen, Bernard - Non Executive Director 
Mr Sunil Leeniyagoda - Non Executive Director 
Dr Wickrema Sena Weerasooria - Independent Non Executive Director 
Mr Sunil Karunanayake - Independent Non Executive Director 

52 Weeks Low: 24.50                                                                     52 Weeks High: 48.90

Average Trading Volume: 22,890

Company Financial at a glance:

Total shares in Issue: 23,545,000

Top 20 Shareholders as at 31/12/2013

The percentage of Shares held by the Public as at 31st December 2013 was 27.79%.

The percentage of Foreign Holding as at 28th February 2014 was 25.81%

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