Friday, 27 June 2014

Company Fact Sheet: Ceylon Leather Products PLC - CLPL:N0000

About the company:

Established: 1990                                        Quoted Date: 2003-09-08              Sector: Footwear & Textiles

Ceylon Leather Products PLC is a Sri Lanka-based company engaged in the production of footwear and leather products. The principal activity of the Company is manufacture of leather, leather footwear and leather goods. The Company's subsidiary Ceylon Leather Products Distributors (Pvt) Limited is engaged in the retail selling of leather footwear and leather goods. The Company also involves in investment in other industries, including the manufacture of knitted fabrics and porcelain table ware. The Company's subsidiaries include Ceylon Leather Products Distributors (Private) Limited, South Asia Textile Industries Lanka (Private) Limited and Palla and Company (Private) Limited.

Chairman: Mr N.C. Peiris (Independent Non-Executive Director)

Managing Director / CEO: Mr S.S. Senaratne 

Board of Directors:
Mr M. Boyagoda  (Independent Non-Executive Director)
A.G. Weerasinghe  ((Non-Executive Director)
Mr P.D.J. Fernando
Mr E. Wikramanayake 
Mr K.T. Ehler 

52 Weeks Low: 55.00                                                                      52 Weeks High: 89.00

Average Trading Volume: 13,500

Company Financial at a glance:
1. Warrants of 2011 were expired in August 2011, and 9,233,774 warrants were converted by warrants holders to ordinary shares at an exercise price of Rs.102.00 per share. 
2. The Company has issued warrants along with rights issue during the financial year 2010/11 and outstanding position as at 31 March 2014 as follows:
25,000,000 Warrants: 02 Warrant for 01 Right, at an exercise price of Rs.118.- per share in year 2014.
25,000,000 Warrants: 02 Warrant for 01 Right, at an exercise price of Rs.142.- per share in year 2015.

History of Rights Issues:

Total shares in Issue: 34,233,774

Top 20 Shareholders as at 31/03/2014

The percentage of Shares held by the Public as at 31st March 2014 was 8.61%.

The percentage of Foreign Holding as at 31st  May 2014 was 0.225%

The percentage of Shares held by the Public as at 31st March 2014 was 26.35%.

The percentage of Foreign Holding as at 31st  May 2014 was 0.33%

The percentage of Shares held by the Public as at 31st March 2014 was 26.35%.

The percentage of Foreign Holding as at 31st  May 2014 was 0.97%

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