Tuesday, 25 November 2014

25-Nov-2014 CSE Trade Summary

Following Stocks Reached New High / Low on 25/11/2014

Crossings - 25/11/2014 & Top 10 Contributors to Change ASPI


Top 10 Gainer / Loser / Turnover / Volume for the day

Top 10 Foreign Activity for the Day


Anonymous said...

Kindly explain the following discrepancy-----

Foreign Sales are RS256.9 Mn as per CSE details.

Your detailed table gives only Rs 80+Mn sales details
That's about Rs 176 Mn Foreign sales not accounted for.

Srirangan Kathiravelu said...

We are posting only the top 10 daily purchase / sales. On 25/11/2014 I noticed foreign participation in so many counters. (unusual)